Hypselodoris bennetti is a species of colourful sea slug or dorid nudibranch, a marine gastropod mollusc in the family Chromodorididae.[2]
This nudibranch is found in Southeastern Australia from Queensland to Victoria.[3]
H. bennetti has a translucent white body which may have a blue, pink or purple hue, and a bright yellow mantle edge. There are red spots on its under body and dorsum running longitudinally along the centre and at the mantle edge. Some animals have yellow spots. The gills and rhinophores are white, outlined with pink or red.[4] This species can reach a total length of at least 50 mm and has been observed feeding on sponges from the genus Psammocinia.[3]
Hypselodoris bennetti is a species of colourful sea slug or dorid nudibranch, a marine gastropod mollusc in the family Chromodorididae.
Hypselodoris bennetti (Angas, 1864) è un mollusco nudibranchio della famiglia Chromodorididae.[1]
Si nutre di spugne del genere Psammocinia (Irciniidae).[2]
Hypselodoris bennetti (Angas, 1864) è un mollusco nudibranchio della famiglia Chromodorididae.
Hypselodoris bennetti is een zeenaaktslak die behoort tot de familie van de Chromodorididae. Deze slak leeft in het zuidwesten van de Grote Oceaan, voornamelijk in de buurt van de Australië.
De slak is wit gekleurd, met een gele rand en lichtrode vlekken. De kieuwen en de rinoforen zijn roze tot wit. Ze wordt, als ze volwassen is, maximaal 5 cm lang.