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Português do Brasil
noms dans le fil d’Ariane
Organismes Cellulaires
SAR (Stramenopiles, Alveolates, Rhizaria)
Strombidium kielum Maeda & Carey 1985
vue d’ensemble
Noms scientifiques
Noms préférés
Strombidium kielum Maeda & Carey 1985
Espèces reconnu par
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Référencer le taxon depuis EOL Microbes Patch
Strombidium kielum
Maeda & Carey 1985
Espèces reconnu par
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
, and
GBIF classification
Strombidium kielum Maeda & Carey 1985
Espèces reconnu par
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Noms communs
Il n’y a aucun nom commun associé avec ce taxon.
Hiérarchies supervisées pour Strombidium kielum Maeda & Carey 1985
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
SAR (Stramenopiles, Alveolates, Rhizaria)
Strombidium Claparède & Lachmann 1859
Strombidium kielum Maeda & Carey 1985
(cette page)
Strombidium acuminatum Leegaard 1915
Strombidium acutum Leegaard 1915
Strombidium antarcticum (Busch 1930) Kahl 1932
Strombidium apolatum
Strombidium arenicola Dragesco 1960
Strombidium armatum Bürger 1908
Strombidium atlantica Busch 1921
Strombidium basimorphum
Strombidium biarmatum
Strombidium bilobum Lynn & Gilron 1993
Strombidium buehringae Busch 1921
Strombidium calkinsi Kahl 1932
Strombidium capitatum
Strombidium caudispina
Strombidium chlorophilum
Strombidium claparedei Kent 1881
Strombidium clavellinae Buddenbrock 1922
Strombidium compressum (Leegaard 1915) Kahl 1932
Strombidium conicoides (Leegaard 1915) Kahl 1932
Strombidium conicum
Strombidium constrictum Meunier 1907
Strombidium cornucopiae (Wailes 1929) Kahl 1932
Strombidium cornutum Leegaard 1915
Strombidium coronatum (Leegaard 1915) Kahl 1932
Strombidium corsicum (Gourret & Roeser 1888) Kahl 1932
Strombidium costatum Tucolesco 1962
Strombidium crassulum
Strombidium cuneiforme
Strombidium cylindromorphum Perejaslawzewa 1885
Strombidium dalum Lynn, Montagnes & Small 1988
Strombidium delicatissimum Leegaard & anon.
Strombidium diversum Busch & anon.
Strombidium elongatum Leegaard 1915
Strombidium emergens (Leegaard 1915) Busch 1921
Strombidium epidemum Lynn, Montagnes & Small 1988
Strombidium eurystomum Lynn & Gilron 1993
Strombidium faurei
Strombidium filificum Kahl 1932
Strombidium foissneri Xu, Sun, Song & Warren 2008
Strombidium fourneleti Dragesco 1960
Strombidium glaciale Petz, Song & Wilbert 1995
Strombidium globosaneum Song & Packroff 1997
Strombidium grande
Strombidium guangdongense
Strombidium hausmanni
Strombidium inclinatum
Strombidium intermedium
Strombidium ioanum Lynn & Gilron 1993
Strombidium kahli
Strombidium kryale Petz 1994
Strombidium lagenula Fauré-Fremiet 1924
Strombidium latum Kahl 1932
Strombidium lingulum Montagnes & Humphrey 1998
Strombidium lynni Martin & Montagnes 1993
Strombidium macronucleatum Dragesco 1960
Strombidium maedai Lynn & Gilron 1993
Strombidium meganucleatum Dragesco & Dragesco-Kerneis 1986
Strombidium minor Kahl 1935
Strombidium minutum Wulff 1919
Strombidium nabranicum Alekperov, Buskey & Snegovaya 2006
Strombidium obliquum Kahl 1932
Strombidium oblongum Leegaard 1915
Strombidium oculatum
Strombidium opisthostomum Tucolesco 1962
Strombidium ovale Leegaard 1915
Strombidium paracalkinsi
Strombidium paracapitatum
Strombidium parastylifer Xu, Warren & Song 2009
Strombidium pollostomum Lynn & Gilron 1993
Strombidium prorogatum Busch 1930
Strombidium pseudostylifer
Strombidium purpureum
Strombidium rapulum (Yagiu 1933) Kahl 1934
Strombidium rassoulzadegani
Strombidium rehwaldi Petz & Foissner 1992
Strombidium reticulatum Leegaard 1915
Strombidium rhynchum Lynn, Montagnes & Small 1988
Strombidium siculum Montagnes & Taylor 1994
Strombidium sphaericum Lynn & Gilron 1993
Strombidium striatum Meunier 1907
Strombidium strobilum Lohmann 1908
Strombidium stylifer
Strombidium styliferum Levander 1894
Strombidium sulcatum
Strombidium suzukii Xu, Warren & Song 2009
Strombidium syowaense (Hada 1970) Maeda & Carey 1985
Strombidium taylori Martin & Montagnes 1993
Strombidium tintinnodes Entz 1884
Strombidium tintinnoides Entz 1884
Strombidium tressum Lynn, Montagnes & Small 1988
Strombidium triquetrum
Strombidium tropicum
Strombidium turbo Claparède & Lachmann 1859
Strombidium turcicum Hovasse 1932
Strombidium ventropinnum Martin & Montagnes 1993
Strombidium vestitum (Leegaard 1915) Kahl 1932
Strombidium virgatum Wulff 1919
Strombidium viride Stein
Strombidium wulffi Kahl 1932
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Strombidium kielum Maeda & Carey 1985
(cette page)
Strombidium acuminatum Leegaard 1915
Strombidium acuminatum Stein
Strombidium acutum (Leegaard 1915) anon.
Strombidium alveolare
Strombidium antarcticum (Busch 1930) Kahl 1932
Strombidium apolatum
Strombidium arenicola Dragesco 1960
Strombidium armatum Bürger 1908
Strombidium atlantica Busch 1921
Strombidium basimorphum
Strombidium bilobum
Strombidium buetschlii
Strombidium capitatum (Leegaard 1915) anon.
Strombidium chlorophilum Montagnes, Lynn, Stoecker & Small 1988
Strombidium claparedei Kent 1881
Strombidium claparedi
Strombidium clavellinae Buddenbrock 1922
Strombidium compressum Leegaard 1915
Strombidium conicoides (Leegaard 1915) Kahl 1932
Strombidium conicum Lohmann 1908
Strombidium constrictum Meunier 1907
Strombidium cornucopiae Wailes 1929
Strombidium cornutum Leegaard 1915
Strombidium coronatum (Leegaard 1915) Kahl 1932
Strombidium costatum
Strombidium crassulum (Leegaard 1915) Kahl 1932
Strombidium cyclindromorphun
Strombidium cylindromorphum Perejaslawzewa 1885
Strombidium dalum
Strombidium delicatissimum Leegaard & anon.
Strombidium diversum Busch & anon.
Strombidium elongatum Leegaard 1915
Strombidium epidemum
Strombidium eurystomum
Strombidium faurei Dragesco 1960
Strombidium filificum Kahl 1932
Strombidium foissneri
Strombidium fourneleti Dragesco 1960
Strombidium glaciale Petz, Song & Wilbert 1995
Strombidium globosaneum
Strombidium globosum
Strombidium gracillimum
Strombidium grande Levander 1894
Strombidium hadai
Strombidium inclinatum Montagnes, Taylor & Lynn 1990
Strombidium ioanum
Strombidium kryale
Strombidium kryalis Petz 1994
Strombidium lagenula Faure-Fremiet 1924
Strombidium latum Kahl 1932
Strombidium lingulum
Strombidium longiceps
Strombidium longipes
Strombidium lynni
Strombidium macronucleatum Dragesco 1960
Strombidium maedai
Strombidium marinum
Strombidium meganucleatum Dragesco & Dragesco-Kernéis 1986
Strombidium minor
Strombidium nabranicum Alekperov, Buskey & Snegovaya 2006
Strombidium nasutum
Strombidium obliquum Kahl 1932
Strombidium oblonga
Strombidium oblongum Kell.-Pen.
Strombidium obtusum
Strombidium oculatum Gruber 1884
Strombidium opisthostomum
Strombidium ovale Leegaard 1915
Strombidium paracalkinsi
Strombidium parastylifer
Strombidium planctonicum
Strombidium pollostomum
Strombidium polymorphum
Strombidium prorogatum Busch 1930
Strombidium purpureum Kahl 1932
Strombidium rapulum
Strombidium rassoulzadegani
Strombidium rehwaldi Petz & Foissner 1992
Strombidium reticulatum Leegaard 1915
Strombidium rhynchum
Strombidium shicatum
Strombidium siculum Montagnes & Taylor 1994
Strombidium striatum
Strombidium striatum Meunier 1907
Strombidium strobilum Lohmann 1908
Strombidium stylifer
Strombidium styliferum Levander 1894
Strombidium sulcatum Claparède & Lachmann
Strombidium syowaense
Strombidium taylori
Strombidium tintinnodes
Strombidium tintinnoides Entz 1884
Strombidium tipicum
Strombidium tressum
Strombidium turbo Claparède & Lachmann 1859
Strombidium ventropinnum
Strombidium vestitum Leegaard & anon.
Strombidium virgatum Wulff 1919
Strombidium viride Stein
Strombidium wulffi Kahl 1932
7 frères supplémentaires tronqués pour brièveté.
Voir le
fichier de ressource
pour une liste complète.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Strombidium kielum Maeda & Carey 1985
(cette page)
Strombidium acuminatum Leegaard 1915
Strombidium acutum Leegaard 1915
Strombidium antarcticum (Busch 1930) Kahl 1932
Strombidium apolatum
Strombidium arenicola Dragesco 1960
Strombidium armatum Bürger 1908
Strombidium atlantica Busch 1921
Strombidium basimorphum
Strombidium biarmatum
Strombidium bilobum Lynn & Gilron 1993
Strombidium buehringae Busch 1921
Strombidium calkinsi Kahl 1932
Strombidium capitatum
Strombidium caudispina
Strombidium chlorophilum
Strombidium claparedei Kent 1881
Strombidium clavellinae Buddenbrock 1922
Strombidium compressum (Leegaard 1915) Kahl 1932
Strombidium conicoides (Leegaard 1915) Kahl 1932
Strombidium conicum
Strombidium constrictum Meunier 1907
Strombidium cornucopiae (Wailes 1929) Kahl 1932
Strombidium cornutum Leegaard 1915
Strombidium coronatum (Leegaard 1915) Kahl 1932
Strombidium corsicum (Gourret & Roeser 1888) Kahl 1932
Strombidium costatum Tucolesco 1962
Strombidium crassulum
Strombidium cuneiforme
Strombidium cylindromorphum Perejaslawzewa 1885
Strombidium dalum Lynn, Montagnes & Small 1988
Strombidium delicatissimum Leegaard & anon.
Strombidium diversum Busch & anon.
Strombidium elongatum Leegaard 1915
Strombidium emergens (Leegaard 1915) Busch 1921
Strombidium epidemum Lynn, Montagnes & Small 1988
Strombidium eurystomum Lynn & Gilron 1993
Strombidium faurei
Strombidium filificum Kahl 1932
Strombidium foissneri Xu, Sun, Song & Warren 2008
Strombidium fourneleti Dragesco 1960
Strombidium glaciale Petz, Song & Wilbert 1995
Strombidium globosaneum Song & Packroff 1997
Strombidium grande
Strombidium guangdongense
Strombidium hausmanni
Strombidium inclinatum
Strombidium intermedium
Strombidium ioanum Lynn & Gilron 1993
Strombidium kahli
Strombidium kryale Petz 1994
Strombidium lagenula Fauré-Fremiet 1924
Strombidium latum Kahl 1932
Strombidium lingulum Montagnes & Humphrey 1998
Strombidium lynni Martin & Montagnes 1993
Strombidium macronucleatum Dragesco 1960
Strombidium maedai Lynn & Gilron 1993
Strombidium meganucleatum Dragesco & Dragesco-Kerneis 1986
Strombidium minor Kahl 1935
Strombidium minutum Wulff 1919
Strombidium nabranicum Alekperov, Buskey & Snegovaya 2006
Strombidium obliquum Kahl 1932
Strombidium oblongum Leegaard 1915
Strombidium oculatum
Strombidium opisthostomum Tucolesco 1962
Strombidium ovale Leegaard 1915
Strombidium paracalkinsi
Strombidium paracapitatum
Strombidium parastylifer Xu, Warren & Song 2009
Strombidium pollostomum Lynn & Gilron 1993
Strombidium prorogatum Busch 1930
Strombidium pseudostylifer
Strombidium purpureum
Strombidium rapulum (Yagiu 1933) Kahl 1934
Strombidium rassoulzadegani
Strombidium rehwaldi Petz & Foissner 1992
Strombidium reticulatum Leegaard 1915
Strombidium rhynchum Lynn, Montagnes & Small 1988
Strombidium siculum Montagnes & Taylor 1994
Strombidium sphaericum Lynn & Gilron 1993
Strombidium striatum Meunier 1907
Strombidium strobilum Lohmann 1908
Strombidium stylifer
Strombidium styliferum Levander 1894
Strombidium sulcatum
Strombidium suzukii Xu, Warren & Song 2009
Strombidium syowaense (Hada 1970) Maeda & Carey 1985
Strombidium taylori Martin & Montagnes 1993
Strombidium tintinnodes Entz 1884
Strombidium tintinnoides Entz 1884
Strombidium tressum Lynn, Montagnes & Small 1988
Strombidium triquetrum
Strombidium tropicum
Strombidium turbo Claparède & Lachmann 1859
Strombidium turcicum Hovasse 1932
Strombidium ventropinnum Martin & Montagnes 1993
Strombidium vestitum (Leegaard 1915) Kahl 1932
Strombidium virgatum Wulff 1919
Strombidium viride Stein
Strombidium wulffi Kahl 1932
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Cellular Organisms
SAR (Stramenopiles, Alveolates, Rhizaria)
Strombidium kielum Maeda & Carey 1985
(cette page)
Strombidium acuminatum Leegaard 1915
Strombidium acutum Leegaard 1915
Strombidium antarcticum (Busch 1930) Kahl 1932
Strombidium apolatum
Strombidium arenicola Dragesco 1960
Strombidium armatum Bürger 1908
Strombidium atlantica Busch 1921
Strombidium basimorphum
Strombidium biarmatum
Strombidium bilobum Lynn & Gilron 1993
Strombidium buehringae Busch 1921
Strombidium buetschlii
Strombidium calkinsi Kahl 1932
Strombidium capitatum
Strombidium caudata
Strombidium caudispina
Strombidium chlorophilum
Strombidium clavellinae Buddenbrock 1922
Strombidium compressum (Leegaard 1915) Kahl 1932
Strombidium conicum
Strombidium constrictum Meunier 1907
Strombidium cornucopiae (Wailes 1929) Kahl 1932
Strombidium corsicum (Gourret & Roeser 1888) Kahl 1932
Strombidium costatum Tucolesco 1962
Strombidium crassulum
Strombidium cuneiforme
Strombidium cyclindromorphun
Strombidium cylindromorphum Perejaslawzewa 1885
Strombidium dalum Lynn, Montagnes & Small 1988
Strombidium delicatissimum Leegaard & anon.
Strombidium elongatum Leegaard 1915
Strombidium emergens (Leegaard 1915) Busch 1921
Strombidium epidemum Lynn, Montagnes & Small 1988
Strombidium eurystomum Lynn & Gilron 1993
Strombidium faurei
Strombidium filificum Kahl 1932
Strombidium foissneri Xu, Sun, Song & Warren 2008
Strombidium fourneleti Dragesco 1960
Strombidium glaciale Petz, Song & Wilbert 1995
Strombidium globosaneum Song & Packroff 1997
Strombidium globosum
Strombidium gracillimum
Strombidium grande
Strombidium hadai
Strombidium hausmanni
Strombidium inclinatum
Strombidium intermedium
Strombidium ioanum Lynn & Gilron 1993
Strombidium kahli
Strombidium kryale Petz 1994
Strombidium kryalis Petz 1994
Strombidium lagenula Fauré-Fremiet 1924
Strombidium latum Kahl 1932
Strombidium lingulum Montagnes & Humphrey 1998
Strombidium longiceps
Strombidium longipes
Strombidium lynni Martin & Montagnes 1993
Strombidium macronucleatum Dragesco 1960
Strombidium maedai Lynn & Gilron 1993
Strombidium marinum
Strombidium meganucleatum Dragesco & Dragesco-Kerneis 1986
Strombidium minor Kahl 1935
Strombidium minutum Wulff 1919
Strombidium nabranicum Alekperov, Buskey & Snegovaya 2006
Strombidium obliquum Kahl 1932
Strombidium oblonga
Strombidium oblongum Leegaard 1915
Strombidium oculatum
Strombidium opisthostomum Tucolesco 1962
Strombidium ovale Leegaard 1915
Strombidium paracalkinsi
Strombidium paracapitatum
Strombidium parastylifer Xu, Warren & Song 2009
Strombidium planctonicum
Strombidium pollostomum Lynn & Gilron 1993
Strombidium polymorphum
Strombidium purpureum
Strombidium rapulum (Yagiu 1933) Kahl 1934
Strombidium rassoulzadegani
Strombidium rehwaldi Petz & Foissner 1992
Strombidium reticulatum Leegaard 1915
Strombidium rhynchum Lynn, Montagnes & Small 1988
Strombidium sphaericum Lynn & Gilron 1993
Strombidium stylifer
Strombidium styliferum Levander 1894
Strombidium sulcatum
Strombidium suzukii Xu, Warren & Song 2009
Strombidium syowaense (Hada 1970) Maeda & Carey 1985
Strombidium taylori Martin & Montagnes 1993
Strombidium tintinnodes Entz 1884
Strombidium tintinnoides Entz 1884
Strombidium tressum Lynn, Montagnes & Small 1988
Strombidium triquetrum
Strombidium turbo Claparède & Lachmann 1859
Strombidium turcicum Hovasse 1932
Strombidium ventropinnum Martin & Montagnes 1993
Strombidium vestitum (Leegaard 1915) Kahl 1932
Strombidium virgatum Wulff 1919
Strombidium viride Stein
Strombidium wulffi Kahl 1932
15 frères supplémentaires tronqués pour brièveté.
Voir le
fichier de ressource
pour une liste complète.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Strombidium kielum Maeda & Carey 1985
(cette page)
Strombidium acuminatum Leegaard 1915
Strombidium acutum Leegaard 1915
Strombidium antarcticum (Busch 1930) Kahl 1932
Strombidium apolatum
Strombidium arenicola Dragesco 1960
Strombidium armatum Bürger 1908
Strombidium atlantica Busch 1921
Strombidium basimorphum
Strombidium biarmatum
Strombidium bilobum Lynn & Gilron 1993
Strombidium buehringae Busch 1921
Strombidium calkinsi Kahl 1932
Strombidium capitatum
Strombidium caudispina
Strombidium chlorophilum
Strombidium claparedei Kent 1881
Strombidium clavellinae Buddenbrock 1922
Strombidium compressum (Leegaard 1915) Kahl 1932
Strombidium conicoides (Leegaard 1915) Kahl 1932
Strombidium conicum
Strombidium constrictum Meunier 1907
Strombidium cornucopiae (Wailes 1929) Kahl 1932
Strombidium cornutum Leegaard 1915
Strombidium coronatum (Leegaard 1915) Kahl 1932
Strombidium corsicum (Gourret & Roeser 1888) Kahl 1932
Strombidium costatum Tucolesco 1962
Strombidium crassulum
Strombidium cuneiforme
Strombidium cylindromorphum Perejaslawzewa 1885
Strombidium dalum Lynn, Montagnes & Small 1988
Strombidium delicatissimum Leegaard & anon.
Strombidium diversum Busch & anon.
Strombidium elongatum Leegaard 1915
Strombidium emergens (Leegaard 1915) Busch 1921
Strombidium epidemum Lynn, Montagnes & Small 1988
Strombidium eurystomum Lynn & Gilron 1993
Strombidium faurei
Strombidium filificum Kahl 1932
Strombidium foissneri Xu, Sun, Song & Warren 2008
Strombidium fourneleti Dragesco 1960
Strombidium glaciale Petz, Song & Wilbert 1995
Strombidium globosaneum Song & Packroff 1997
Strombidium grande
Strombidium guangdongense
Strombidium hausmanni
Strombidium inclinatum
Strombidium intermedium
Strombidium ioanum Lynn & Gilron 1993
Strombidium kahli
Strombidium kryale Petz 1994
Strombidium lagenula Fauré-Fremiet 1924
Strombidium latum Kahl 1932
Strombidium lingulum Montagnes & Humphrey 1998
Strombidium lynni Martin & Montagnes 1993
Strombidium macronucleatum Dragesco 1960
Strombidium maedai Lynn & Gilron 1993
Strombidium meganucleatum Dragesco & Dragesco-Kerneis 1986
Strombidium minor Kahl 1935
Strombidium minutum Wulff 1919
Strombidium nabranicum Alekperov, Buskey & Snegovaya 2006
Strombidium obliquum Kahl 1932
Strombidium oblongum Leegaard 1915
Strombidium oculatum
Strombidium opisthostomum Tucolesco 1962
Strombidium ovale Leegaard 1915
Strombidium paracalkinsi
Strombidium paracapitatum
Strombidium parastylifer Xu, Warren & Song 2009
Strombidium pollostomum Lynn & Gilron 1993
Strombidium prorogatum Busch 1930
Strombidium pseudostylifer
Strombidium purpureum
Strombidium rapulum (Yagiu 1933) Kahl 1934
Strombidium rassoulzadegani
Strombidium rehwaldi Petz & Foissner 1992
Strombidium reticulatum Leegaard 1915
Strombidium rhynchum Lynn, Montagnes & Small 1988
Strombidium siculum Montagnes & Taylor 1994
Strombidium sphaericum Lynn & Gilron 1993
Strombidium striatum Meunier 1907
Strombidium strobilum Lohmann 1908
Strombidium stylifer
Strombidium styliferum Levander 1894
Strombidium sulcatum
Strombidium suzukii Xu, Warren & Song 2009
Strombidium syowaense (Hada 1970) Maeda & Carey 1985
Strombidium taylori Martin & Montagnes 1993
Strombidium tintinnodes Entz 1884
Strombidium tintinnoides Entz 1884
Strombidium tressum Lynn, Montagnes & Small 1988
Strombidium triquetrum
Strombidium tropicum
Strombidium turbo Claparède & Lachmann 1859
Strombidium turcicum Hovasse 1932
Strombidium ventropinnum Martin & Montagnes 1993
Strombidium vestitum (Leegaard 1915) Kahl 1932
Strombidium virgatum Wulff 1919
Strombidium viride Stein
Strombidium wulffi Kahl 1932
GBIF classification
Strombidium Claparede & Lachmann 1859
Strombidium kielum Maeda & Carey 1985
(cette page)
Strombidium acuminatum Leegaard 1915
Strombidium alveolare Bullington 1940
Strombidium antarcticum (Busch 1930) Kahl 1932
Strombidium apolatum Wilbert & Song 2005
Strombidium arenicola Dragesco 1960
Strombidium armatum Bürger 1908
Strombidium basimorphum Martin & Montagnes 1993
Strombidium biarmatum Agatha
Strombidium bilobum Lynn & Gilron 1993
Strombidium buehringae Busch 1921
Strombidium buetschlii
Strombidium calkinsi Kahl 1932
Strombidium caudata
Strombidium chlorophilum Montagnes, Lynn, Stoecker & Small 1988
Strombidium claparedei Kent 1881
Strombidium clavellinae Buddenbrock 1922
Strombidium compressum Leegaard 1915
Strombidium conicoides (Leegaard 1915) Kahl 1932
Strombidium conicum Lohmann 1908
Strombidium constrictum Meunier 1907
Strombidium cornutum Leegaard 1915
Strombidium coronatum (Leegaard 1915) Kahl 1932
Strombidium costatum Tucolesco 1962
Strombidium crassulum (Leegaard 1915) Kahl 1932
Strombidium cyclindromorphun
Strombidium cylindromorphum Perejaslawzewa 1885
Strombidium dalum Lynn, Montagnes & Small 1988
Strombidium delicatissimum Leegaard
Strombidium diversum Busch
Strombidium elongatum Leegaard 1915
Strombidium emergens (Leegaard 1915) Kahl 1932
Strombidium epidemum Lynn, Montagnes & Small 1988
Strombidium eurystomum Lynn & Gilron 1993
Strombidium faurei Dragesco 1960
Strombidium filificum Kahl 1932
Strombidium foissneri Xu, Sun, Song & Warren 2008
Strombidium fourneleti Dragesco 1960
Strombidium glaciale Petz, Song & Wilbert 1995
Strombidium globosaneum Song & Packroff 1997
Strombidium globosum
Strombidium gracillimum
Strombidium grande Levander 1894
Strombidium hadai
Strombidium inclinatum Montagnes, Taylor & Lynn 1990
Strombidium ioanum Lynn & Gilron 1993
Strombidium kahli Bock 1952
Strombidium kryale Petz 1994
Strombidium lagenula Faure-Fremiet 1924
Strombidium latum Kahl 1932
Strombidium lingulum Montagnes & Humphrey 1998
Strombidium longiceps
Strombidium longipes
Strombidium lynni Martin & Montagnes 1993
Strombidium macronucleatum Dragesco 1960
Strombidium maedai Lynn & Gilron 1993
Strombidium marinum
Strombidium minor Kahl 1935
Strombidium minutum Wulff 1919
Strombidium nabranicum Alekperov, Buskey & Snegovaya 2006
Strombidium nasutum Smith 1897
Strombidium obliquum Kahl 1932
Strombidium oblonga Kell.-Pen.
Strombidium oblongum Leegaard 1915
Strombidium obtusum
Strombidium oculatum Gruber 1884
Strombidium opisthostomum Tucolesco 1962
Strombidium ovale Leegaard 1915
Strombidium paracalkinsi (Lei, Xu & Song 1999) Agatha 2004
Strombidium parastylifer Xu, Warren & Song 2009
Strombidium planctonicum
Strombidium pollostomum Lynn & Gilron 1993
Strombidium polymorphum
Strombidium prorogatum Busch 1930
Strombidium purpureum Kahl 1932
Strombidium rapulum (Yagiu 1933) Kahl 1934
Strombidium rassoulzadegani
Strombidium rehwaldi Petz & Foissner 1992
Strombidium reticulatum Leegaard 1915
Strombidium rhynchum Lynn, Montagnes & Small 1988
Strombidium shicatum
Strombidium siculum Montagnes & Taylor 1994
Strombidium striatum Meunier 1907
Strombidium strobilum Lohmann 1908
Strombidium stylifer Levander 1894
Strombidium styliferum Levander 1894
Strombidium sulcatum Claparède & Lachmann
Strombidium suzukii Xu, Warren & Song 2009
Strombidium syowaense (Hada 1970) Maeda & Carey 1985
Strombidium taylori Martin & Montagnes 1993
Strombidium tintinnodes Entz 1884
Strombidium tintinnoides Entz 1884
Strombidium tipicum
Strombidium tressum Lynn, Montagnes & Small 1988
Strombidium turbo Claparède & Lachmann 1859
Strombidium turcicum Hovasse 1932
Strombidium ventropinnum Martin & Montagnes 1993
Strombidium vestitum Leegaard
Strombidium virgatum Wulff 1919
Strombidium viride Stein
Strombidium wulffi Kahl 1932
6 frères supplémentaires tronqués pour brièveté.
Voir le
fichier de ressource
pour une liste complète.