Image de Centris byrsonimae Mahlmann & F. F. Oliveira 2012
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Centris byrsonimae Mahlmann & F. F. Oliveira 2012

Description ( anglais )

fourni par Zookeys
♀: Structure: Total body length 10.6; forewing length 7.1; head length 2.9, width 4.4; clypeus length 1.3, width 1.8; labrum length 0.7, width 1.2; scape length 0.6; F1 length 0.7; F2 length 0.2; F3 length 0.3; diameter of the anterior ocellus 0.3; ocellocular distance 0.4 (1.1x lateral ocellar diameter); upper interocular distance 2.1; lower interocular distance 2.0; metasomal width 4.2 (measured on T2). Clypeus convex with a smooth bottleneck in upper third from tentorial foveae; labrum semicircular. Maxillary palpus with four palpomeres (Fig. 4), 1st palpomere bulged and 0.5× shorter than subsequent two palpomeres, 4th palpomere much shorter than others (0.3× smaller than 2nd and 3rd). Mandibles with four normal teeth and one internal basal denticle separated from 3rd by a distance equivalent to 2× its length (Fig. 1). Posterior margin of procoxae with a broad process (Fig. 5), projected ventrally over mesepisternum and covered with long plumose pubescence. Basitibial plate with distinct secondary plate, primary plate concave and oval, secondary plate only slightly elevated but not projecting over primary plate; upper pygidial plate relatively long and narrow with its apex away from apex of lower plate by approximately 0.8× SL; inferior plate gently depressed from sides to middle and flat on apical third, ending in a point (Fig. 8). Coloration: Integument predominantly honey brown with metallic blue highlights almost imperceptible on metasoma (Fig. 7); head and mesosoma dark brown, mesoscutellum brownish. Yellow marks: clypeus, except two divergent wide dark brown stripes, located on upper half of clypeus and above separated from each other by distance equivalent to lateral ocellar diameter; labrum; basal 2/3 of mandibles; malar area; very short narrow triangle on supraclypeal area; paraocular stripe ventrally wider, widest at level of tentorial fovea, narrowing upward and gradually ending at median level of compound eyes; wide stripe on lateroposterior surface of scape; small yellow marks on base of tibiae, most developed on secondary basitibial plate on metatibia; on protibia yellow marks followed by long dorsolateral stripe. Tegulae translucent honey colored; wing membrane slightly yellowish, with little brownish streak in basal third of marginal cell, with very thin arched transverse vein on apical third of first submarginal cell; brown venation slightly yellowish at pterostigma and base of wings; primary basitibial plate honey translucent; metallic blue reflections almost imperceptible on T2–T5. Pubescence: In general pale and yellowish, with mostly whitish hairs as follows: lower surface of face and gena, ventral portion of mesepisterna, metepisterna, propodeum, base of metasoma and sterna; reddish bristles only on inner surface of tarsi, mostly visible on basitarsi; mesepisterna with plumose hairs restricted to upper half, dorsoventral surface covered by simple setae more widely spaced; lower 2/3 of ventral surface of procoxae covered by extremely thick, curved, yellow-whitish setae, decreasing in length toward posterior border, upper portion of procoxae covered by plumose hairs; outer surface of mesocoxae covered by simple bristles, upper margins with plumose hairs 0.5x smaller; probasitarsus with long line of bristles (2× SL) on outer dorsolateral surface, shortening toward apex and interspersed by a dense band of short plumose hairs, inner surface with few short bristles sparsely distributed; inner surface of probasitarsus, on distal half of posterior margin, with combs for collecting floral oils with three distinct and strongly spatulate setae, curved toward inner surface and wider at apex (Fig. 6); outer surface of mesobasitarsus with dense, short, plumose pubescence interspersed with simple bristles longer and sparser; metatibiae and metabasitarsus with thicker, milky white bristles; T2–T4 entirely covered by pale yellow, short and sparse setae, longer and denser on sides of terga and near posterior border, contrasting with hairiness of discal terga but not forming distinct band of yellowish bristles (Fig. 7); apical margin of T5 with long fringe of golden branched bristles (0.5× SL); S2–S5 with dense apical fringe, with hairs of central stripe slightly longer; fringe of S5 curved and with rachis relatively longer. Sculpturing: Dense but of moderate size: on vertex spacing 1/2 of puncture width, with cariniform spaces between punctures, slightly smoother on supraclypeal area; midline of clypeus with integument smooth and polished, interspersed by very few punctures; punctures most evident on the side slopes of clypeus and labrum. Punctures obscured by pilosity on mesosoma and metasoma, mostly fine and spaced on sides of propodeum, and finer and piligerous on terga. ♂: Structure: Total body length 10.8; forewing length 7.7; head length 2.7, width 4.1; clypeus length 1.2, width 1.7; labrum length 0.8, width 1.2; scape length 0.6; F1 length 0.7; F2 length 0.2; F3 length 0.3; diameter of the anterior ocellus 0.3; ocellocular distance 0.3 (1.3× lateral ocellar diameter); upper interocular distance 2.0; lower interocular distance 2.3; metasoma width 4.2 (measured on T2). Similar to female except as follows: mandibles with three normal teeth and one basal denticle on inner margin; basitibial and pygidial plates absent. S7 and S8 as in figure 22: S7 about as long as wide as measured at base, approximately 2/3 of S8 length and covered by setae on its lateral areas and apex; apical margin of S7 indented; median projection of S8 slightly uniformly tapering to apex; dorsal surface and apical 1/3 of S8 covered by long branched setae, apex covered by simple, shorter erect setae. Genitalia as in figures 19–21: dorsal surface of gonocoxite with small basal edge, internal surface covered by long, dense pilosity; gonocoxal projection covered by dense, long branched setae on inside surface forming distinct fringe of plumose hairs longer than gonocoxal projection itself; gonostylus covered by short setae. Coloration: Metallic blue–greenish reflections more visible than in female at T2–T5 (Fig. 12); clypeus without two divergent dark brown stripes on upper half (Fig. 9). Pubescence: Similar to female but mesepisterna fully covered by dense plumose hairs; ventral surface of pro- and mesocoxae covered by plumose hairs only, procoxae with plumose hairs markedly longer, denser and recurved; probasitarsus without long line of long bristles; inner surface of probasitarsus without combs for collecting floral oils; outer surface of mesobasitarsus without velvet, dense, short plumose pubescence; external surface of metabasitarsus covered by dark-brown setae; base of metapretarsal claws with pair of thin, simple setae almost as long as pretarsal claws; pilosity of T1 denser and longer than remaining terga; T2–T5 with band of yellowish setae more distinctive and wider than in female (Fig. 12); margin of T5 without long fringe of golden branched bristles. Sculpturing: Midline of clypeus with integument mostly smooth and polished, interspersed by very few punctures.
droit d’auteur
Thiago Mahlmann, Favízia Freitas de Oliveira
citation bibliographique
Mahlmann T, Oliveira F (2012) A new species of Centris ( Centris) (Fabricius) from northeastern Brazil, with taxonomic notes on C. ( C.) pulchra Moure, Oliveira & Viana (Hymenoptera, Apidae) ZooKeys 255: 49–65
Thiago Mahlmann
Favízia Freitas de Oliveira
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