Etheostoma occidentale és una espècie de peix pertanyent a la família dels pèrcids.
És un peix d'aigua dolça, bentopelàgic i de clima subtropical.[4]
Es troba a Nord-amèrica: els Estats Units.[4]
The West Rim darter (Etheostoma occidentale) is a species of freshwater ray-finned fish, a darter from the subfamily Etheostomatinae, part of the family Percidae, which also contains the perches, ruffes and pikeperches. It is endemic to the eastern United States, where it occurs in the Cumberland River from Whites Creek in Tennessee to the Little River in Kentucky. It inhabits current-swept rocky pools and adjacent riffles of creeks and small to medium rivers.[2]
The West Rim darter (Etheostoma occidentale) is a species of freshwater ray-finned fish, a darter from the subfamily Etheostomatinae, part of the family Percidae, which also contains the perches, ruffes and pikeperches. It is endemic to the eastern United States, where it occurs in the Cumberland River from Whites Creek in Tennessee to the Little River in Kentucky. It inhabits current-swept rocky pools and adjacent riffles of creeks and small to medium rivers.
Etheostoma occidentale Etheostoma generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Percidae familian sailkatzen da.
Etheostoma occidentale Etheostoma generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Percidae familian sailkatzen da.
Etheostoma occidentale is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van de echte baarzen (Percidae).[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 2007 door Powers & Mayden.
Bronnen, noten en/of referenties西方鏢鱸為輻鰭魚綱鱸形目鱸亞目河鱸科的其中一種,分布於美國的淡水流域,棲息在中底層水域。