
Conservation biology ( anglais )

fourni par EOL authors
Prior to the mid 1980s the abundance, ecology and behaviour of this species was poorly understood. With the use of call playback (the use of calls to initiate animal responses) their distribution increased signficantly. Populations of Powerful Owl have been studied in relation to logging and geology in southern and northern New South Wales (Kavanagh et al 1995, Kavanagh and Bamkin 1996). The work of Kavanagh et al (1995) and Kavanagh and Kavanagh and Bamkin (1996) suggest that populations of Powerful Owl have a relatively homogeneous distribution across different soil types and that they are not disadvantaged by current selective logging operations at the landscape scale.

The species is also known to occur in urban bushland areas such as around Melbourne and Sydney with populations around Melbourne being studied for the past decade by researchers from the University of Melbourne (eg Cooke et al 2002).

The Powerful Owl is considered to be a rare species and is classifed as vulnerable under the New South Wales Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995.

Cooke, R, Wallis, R and Webster, A (2002) 'Urbanisation and the ecology Powerful Owls (Ninox strenua) in outer Melbourne, Victoria' in Ecology and Conservation of Owls (ed Newton et al), Melbourne, CSIRO Publishing, pp. 100-106.
Kavanagh, R, Debus, S, Tweedie, T and Webster, R (1995) Distribution of Nocturnal Forest Birds and Mammals in North-eastern New South Wales: Relationships with Environmental Variables and Management History, Wildlife Research 22, 359-377.

Kavanagh, R and Bambkin, K (1996) Distribution of nocturnal forest birds and mammals in relation to the logging mosaic in south-eastern New South Wales, Australia, Biological Conservation 71, 41-53

Distribution ( anglais )

fourni par EOL authors
The Powerful Owl is found throughout the eastern forests and woodlands of Eastern Australia from southern Victoria to southeast Queensland.

Ninox strenua ( asturien )

fourni par wikipedia AST


Ninox strenua[2] ye una especie d'ave estrixiforme de la familia Strigidae endémica del sureste y este d'Australia. Ye'l más grande de los búhos d'Australia. Alcuéntrase en rexones costeres, y la Gran Cordal Divisoriu raramente a más de 200 km de distancia dende la mariña.


Nínox robustu - Sydney, Nueva Gales del Sur, Australia.

El nínox robustu tien güeyos mariellos, les sos plumes son motudes con un patrón en V de color gris-marrón y pates mariellu maciu. Tienen garres bien poderoses y desenvueltes. Esti búho ye la especie más grande del grupu de los "búhos ferres". Esta especie mide de 45 cm a 65 cm de llargu y les sos nales abiertes tomen ente 112 a 135 cm. A diferencia de la mayoría de les especies de búho, el machu, que pesa unos 1.15 a 1.7 kg ye llevemente más grande que la fema que pesa 1.05 a 1.6 kg.[3] Dellos autores menten pesos d'hasta 2.2 kg.[4]


Monte Coot-tha, sureste de Queensland, Australia.

La so área de distribución toma dende Eungella nel sur de Queensland hasta les tierres altes de Victoria y per l'oeste hasta'l Monte Burr en South Australia. Alcuéntrase en munchos sitios n'Australia, principalmente zones costeres de Nueva Gales del sur y Victoria.


El so hábitat inclúi montes montascosos y costeros, ribayos, montes abiertos en llombes, carbaes, plantaciones, parques rurales y urbanos y xardinos.


Polo xeneral alcuéntrase en pareyes qu'habiten un territoriu d'amplies dimensiones, añera ente mayu a setiembre en buecos en tueros d'árboles a unos 8 a 30 m d'altor per sobre'l suelu. El so nial construyir con borrafes en descomposición y fueyes seques. Los sos güevos son ovales y de color blancu maciu. Pon d'unu a dos güevos y rares vegaes trés mientres cada temporada de reproducción.


Nínox australianu sobre una antena de TV, Chatswood West, Australia.

El nínox robustu ye un depredador nocherniegu de montes y bosquecillos. La so dieta componer en gran midida de marsupiales arbóreos tales como'l petauro xigante (Petauroides volans), pósums de cola anillada, pósums de cola prominente, coala, petauro del azucre y pósum pigméu acróbata, como tamién l'esperteyos de cabeza gris (Pteropus poliocephalus). El petauro xigante y el pósum común de cola anillada (Pseudocheirus peregrinus) ocupen un llugar especialmente prominente na dieta del ninox robustu en delles rexones.[5] Tamién s'alimenten d'aves nocherniegues tales como'l Tawny Frogmouth y aves diurnes tales como cacatúes y lorus, kookaburres, currawongs y melifágidos. Los inseutos completen la so dieta. La gran mayoría de les sos preses ye tomada de los árboles incluyíes especies improbables como los ualabíes rupestres que dacuando s'abeluguen nos árboles.


  1. BirdLife International (2012). «Ninox strenua» (inglés). Llista Roxa d'especies amenazaes de la UICN 2012.1. Consultáu'l 16 de xunetu de 2012.
  2. Bernis, F; De Juana, E; Del Hoyo, J; Fernández-Cruz, M; Ferrer, X; Sáez-Royuela, R; Sargatal, J (2000). «Nomes en castellán de les aves del mundu recomendaos pola Sociedá Española d'Ornitoloxía (Quinta parte: Strixiformes, Caprimulxiformes y Apodiformes)». Ardeola. Handbook of the Birds of the World (Madrid: SEO/BirdLife) 47 (1): pp. 123-130. ISSN 0570-7358. http://www.seo.org/wp-content/uploads/tmp/docs/vol_47_1_quinto.pdf. Consultáu'l .
  3. [1] (2011).
  4. Hollands (2008) Owls, Frogmouths and Nightjars of Australia, Bloomings Books, p318
  5. [2]

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Ninox strenua: Brief Summary ( asturien )

fourni par wikipedia AST
Ninox strenua


Ninox strenua ye una especie d'ave estrixiforme de la familia Strigidae endémica del sureste y este d'Australia. Ye'l más grande de los búhos d'Australia. Alcuéntrase en rexones costeres, y la Gran Cordal Divisoriu raramente a más de 200 km de distancia dende la mariña.

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Ninox strenua ( breton )

fourni par wikipedia BR
lang="br" dir="ltr">

Ninox strenua a zo ur spesad evned-preizh noz eus kerentiad ar Strigidae.

Brasañ spesad evned-preizh noz eo a c'haller kavout en Aostralia hag an hini nemetañ gouest da hopal.

Doareoù pennañ


Bevañ a ra diwar godelleged bihan (evel Petaurus breviceps, Petauroides volans, Pseudocheirus peregrinus) dreist-holl ha diwar amprevaned ha logod ivez. Degouezhout a ra dezhañ debriñ evned 'zo, evel brini, kaketoued pe biged.


Tiriad Ninox strenua e ruz.

Bevañ a ra al labous e reter Aostralia[1], eus Queensland da Victoria ha gevred Aostralia ar Su[2].


Notennoù ha daveennoù

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Ninox strenua: Brief Summary ( breton )

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Ninox strenua a zo ur spesad evned-preizh noz eus kerentiad ar Strigidae.

Brasañ spesad evned-preizh noz eo a c'haller kavout en Aostralia hag an hini nemetañ gouest da hopal.

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Nínox gros ( catalan ; valencien )

fourni par wikipedia CA

El nínox gros (Ninox strenua) és un ocell de la família dels estrígids (Strigidae) que habita boscos i matolls del sud-est d'Austràlia, des del sud-est de Queensland, cap al sud, a través de Nova Gal·les del Sud, fins al sud de Victòria.


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wikipedia CA

Nínox gros: Brief Summary ( catalan ; valencien )

fourni par wikipedia CA

El nínox gros (Ninox strenua) és un ocell de la família dels estrígids (Strigidae) que habita boscos i matolls del sud-est d'Austràlia, des del sud-est de Queensland, cap al sud, a través de Nova Gal·les del Sud, fins al sud de Victòria.

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wikipedia CA

Gwalchdylluan bwerus ( gallois )

fourni par wikipedia CY

Aderyn a rhywogaeth o adar yw Gwalchdylluan bwerus (sy'n enw benywaidd; enw lluosog: gwalchdylluan pwerus) a adnabyddir hefyd gyda'i enw gwyddonol Ninox strenua; yr enw Saesneg arno yw Powerful owl. Mae'n perthyn i deulu'r Tylluanod (Lladin: Strigidae) sydd yn urdd y Strigiformes.[1]

Talfyrir yr enw Lladin yn aml yn N. strenua, sef enw'r rhywogaeth.[2] Mae'r rhywogaeth hon i'w chanfod yn Awstralia.


Mae'r gwalchdylluan bwerus yn perthyn i deulu'r Tylluanod (Lladin: Strigidae). Dyma rai o aelodau eraill y teulu:

Rhestr Wicidata:

rhywogaeth enw tacson delwedd Cordylluan Glaucidium passerinum Cordylluan Bolifia Glaucidium bolivianum
Cordylluan Brasil Glaucidium brasilianum
Cactus Ferruginous Pygmy-owl.jpg
Cordylluan Ciwba Glaucidium siju
Cuban Pygmy-owl (Glaucidium siju).jpg
Cordylluan dorchog Glaucidium brodiei
Collared Owlet.jpg
Cordylluan fannog Glaucidium perlatum
Glaucidium perlatum (Etosha).jpg
Cordylluan frongoch Glaucidium tephronotum
Cordylluan Hardy Glaucidium hardyi
Amazonian Pygmy-owl (Glaucidium hardyi) in tree.jpg
Cordylluan resog Asia Glaucidium cuculoides
Glaucidium cuculoides - Mae Wong.jpg
Cordylluan y goedwig Glaucidium radiatum
Cordylluan y Gogledd Glaucidium gnoma
Mountain Pygmy Owl Glaucidium gnoma Arizona.jpg
Cordylluan yr Andes Glaucidium jardinii
Andean Pygmy-owl (Glaucidium jardinii) in tree.jpg
Diwedd y rhestr a gynhyrchwyd yn otomatig o Wicidata.

Gweler hefyd


  1. Gwefan Cymdeithas Edward Llwyd; adalwyd 30 Medi 2016.
  2. Gwefan Avibase; adalwyd 3 Hydref 2016.
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Awduron a golygyddion Wikipedia
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wikipedia CY

Gwalchdylluan bwerus: Brief Summary ( gallois )

fourni par wikipedia CY

Aderyn a rhywogaeth o adar yw Gwalchdylluan bwerus (sy'n enw benywaidd; enw lluosog: gwalchdylluan pwerus) a adnabyddir hefyd gyda'i enw gwyddonol Ninox strenua; yr enw Saesneg arno yw Powerful owl. Mae'n perthyn i deulu'r Tylluanod (Lladin: Strigidae) sydd yn urdd y Strigiformes.

Talfyrir yr enw Lladin yn aml yn N. strenua, sef enw'r rhywogaeth. Mae'r rhywogaeth hon i'w chanfod yn Awstralia.

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Riesenkauz ( allemand )

fourni par wikipedia DE
Riesenkauz mit Beutetier, Lane-Cove-Nationalpark, Sydney

Der Riesenkauz (Ninox strenua), auch als Großer Buschkauz bezeichnet,[1] gehört in der Familie der Eigentlichen Eulen zur Gattung der Buschkäuze. Riesenkäuze leben hauptsächlich entlang der Küste im Südosten Australiens. Sie ernähren sich von kleineren Vögeln, Säugetieren und Insekten. Trotz der geringen Anzahl an Brutpaaren wird der Riesenkauz von der IUCN als nicht gefährdet angesehen. Riesenkäuze benötigen sehr große Reviere, die sie energisch gegen Artgenossen verteidigen. In Australien ist diese Eulenart zunehmend auch in den Randbereichen von Städten zu beobachten. Ihre Rufe sind ganzjährig vernehmbar.[2]


Riesenkäuze erreichen eine Körperlänge zwischen 56 und 60 Zentimeter. Auf den Schwanz entfallen dabei 35 bis 27 Zentimeter. Der Schnabel hat eine Länge von 3,1 bis 3,3 Zentimeter. Das Gewicht beträgt zwischen 1,5 und 1,7 Kilogramm. Es besteht kein auffälliger Geschlechtsdimorphismus.[3] Männchen sind allerdings etwas größer als die Weibchen und auf der Körperoberseite gewöhnlich etwas dunkler gefärbt. Es wird außerdem für möglich gehalten, dass Riesenkäuze ein umso dunkleres Körpergefieder haben je älter sie sind.[3]

Die Körperoberseite des Riesenkauzes ist dunkelbraun mit einer isabelfarbenen bis cremefarbenen Querbänderung. Die Brust und die Flanken sind weiß mit rotbraunen breit v-förmigen Flecken. Der Kopf ist braun, bei den meisten Individuen ist das Gefieder rund um die Augen dunkler als das übrige Kopfgefieder.[3] Der Schwanz ist braun mit einer isabelfarbenen bis cremefarbenen Querbänderung. Die Läufe sind befiedert, die Zehen gelblich. Die Zehen haben eine unterschiedliche Länge. Die erste ist auffallend länger als die mittlere, die dritte Zehe ist die kürzeste. Der Schnabel ist grau.


Riesenkäuze leben als Einzelgänger, als Paar oder während der Brutzeit auch in Familiengruppen. Die Ehe hält bei ihnen normalerweise ein Leben lang. Sie sind nachtaktiv und schlafen tagsüber in großen, sicheren Bäumen. Es sind Standvögel, die als Paar ein Revier verteidigen. Die Reviergröße liegt bei etwa 1000 Hektar. Riesenkäuze wirken zwar wie gute und sichere Flieger, ihre Technik ist jedoch sehr langsam. Sie geben in der Brutzeit besonders auf ihr Nest acht. Wenn diese Zeit endet, dürfen auch andere Artgenossen in ihr Revier, doch es wird immer eine gewisse Distanz eingehalten. Riesenkäuze kommen nicht auf den Boden und finden ihre Beutetiere allein in den Baumkronen. Sie fressen überwiegend Possums. In einigen Regionen des Verbreitungsgebietes machen auch kleinere Vögel einen Teil der Nahrung aus.

Die Fortpflanzungszeit fällt in den Zeitraum von März bis September. Gebrütet wird normalerweise in großen Baumhöhlen. Es brütet allein das Weibchen. Das Männchen bringt allerdings Futter zum Nest, so dass Weibchen während der Fortpflanzungszeit nur selten auf die Jagd gehen.

Etymologie und Forschungsgeschichte

John Gould beschrieb diese Eule unter dem Namen Athene ? strenua. Das Typusexemplar zur Beschreibung stammte aus New South Wales.[4] Im Jahr 1837 führte Brian Houghton Hodgson die neue Gattung Ninox für Ninox nipalensis ein, welche heute als Synonym für eine Unterart des Falkenkauzes (Ninox scutulata lugubris) (Tickell, 1833) steht.[5] Der Riesenkauz wurde dieser Gattung erst später zugeschlagen. Sein Name setzt sich aus dem griechischen »Nisos, Νῖσος« für »Falke« und dem lateinischen »noctua« für »Eule, geweiht nach der römischen Göttin Minerva« zusammen. In der griechischen Mythologie verwandelte sich Nisos, der König von Megara, in einen Falken.[6] Das Artepitheton »strenua« stammt vom lateinischen »ruhelos, lebhaft« ab.[7]


Der Große Gleithörnchenbeutler, für den Riesenkauz ein wichtiges Beutetier, zeigt noch in einer Entfernung von einem Kilometer heftige Reaktionen auf die Rufe des Riesenkauzes. Die Gleithörnchenbeutler nähern sich gewöhnlich dem Standort, von dem aus gerufen wird. Ihr Verhalten wird dahingehend gedeutet, dass sie auf diese Eulenart mit deutlichem Hassen reagieren.[8]


  • Claus König, Friedhelm Weick, Jan-Hendrik Becking: Owls of the World. 2. Auflage. Christopher Helm, London 2008, ISBN 978-0-7136-6548-2 (online [abgerufen am 17. Dezember 2014]).
  • James A. Jobling: Helm Dictionary of Scientific Bird Names. Christopher Helm, London 2010, ISBN 978-1-4081-2501-4.
  • John Gould: A synopsis of the birds of Australia, and the adjacent Islands. 3, Tafel 12, Figur 2, & Text. Published the Author, London 1838 (online [abgerufen am 16. Dezember 2014]).
  • Brian Houghton Hodgson: Indication of a new Genus belonging to the Stringe Family, with Description of New Species and Type. In: Madras Journal of Literature and Science published under thev Auspieces of the Madras Literary Society and Auxilliary of the Royal Asiatic Society. Band 5, Nr. 15, 1837, S. 23–25 (online [abgerufen am 16. Dezember 2014]).
  • Ronald Strahan: Cuckoos, Nightbirds & Kingfishers of Australia. Angus & Robertson, Sydney 1994, ISBN 0-207-18522-0.


  1. Grzimeks Tierleben. Enzyklopädie des Tierreiches, Band 8, Kindler Verlag, Zürich 1969, S. 399.
  2. Strahan: Cuckoos, Nightbirds & Kingfishers of Australia. S. 70.
  3. a b c Strahan: Cuckoos, Nightbirds & Kingfishers of Australia. S. 74.
  4. John Gould, Tafel 12, Figur 2, & Text.
  5. Brian Houghton Hodgson, S. 23f.
  6. James A. Jobling, S. 272.
  7. James A. Jobling, S. 367.
  8. Strahan: Cuckoos, Nightbirds & Kingfishers of Australia. S. 72.
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Riesenkauz: Brief Summary ( allemand )

fourni par wikipedia DE
 src= Riesenkauz mit Beutetier, Lane-Cove-Nationalpark, Sydney

Der Riesenkauz (Ninox strenua), auch als Großer Buschkauz bezeichnet, gehört in der Familie der Eigentlichen Eulen zur Gattung der Buschkäuze. Riesenkäuze leben hauptsächlich entlang der Küste im Südosten Australiens. Sie ernähren sich von kleineren Vögeln, Säugetieren und Insekten. Trotz der geringen Anzahl an Brutpaaren wird der Riesenkauz von der IUCN als nicht gefährdet angesehen. Riesenkäuze benötigen sehr große Reviere, die sie energisch gegen Artgenossen verteidigen. In Australien ist diese Eulenart zunehmend auch in den Randbereichen von Städten zu beobachten. Ihre Rufe sind ganzjährig vernehmbar.

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Powerful owl ( anglais )

fourni par wikipedia EN

The powerful owl (Ninox strenua), a species of owl native to south-eastern and eastern Australia, is the largest owl on the continent. It is found in coastal areas and in the Great Dividing Range, rarely more than 200 km (120 mi) inland. The IUCNRed List of Threatened Species also refers to this species as the powerful boobook.[1] An apex predator in its narrow distribution, powerful owls are often opportunists, like most predators, but generally are dedicated to hunting arboreal mammals, in particular small to medium-sized marsupials. Such prey can comprise about three-quarters of their diet. Generally, this species lives in primary forests with tall, native trees, but can show some habitat flexibility when not nesting. The powerful owl is a typically territorial raptorial bird that maintains a large home range and has long intervals between egg-laying and hatching of clutches. Also, like many types of raptorial birds, they must survive a long stretch to independence in young owls after fledging. Unlike most raptorial birds, however, male powerful owls are larger and stronger than females, so the male takes the dominant position in the mating pair, which extends to food distribution.[3][4]


Powerful owl – Sydney, NSW, Australia

The powerful owl has a long tail and a small head, giving it an atypical silhouette for an owl and imparting a more hawk-like appearance than any other large owl. The protruding bill and distinct brow ridges enhance the hawk-like appearance of the species.[3] The facial disc is ill-defined. The upper parts are dark grey-brown, mottled, and barred with whitish. The underparts are white with bold, grey-brown, V-shaped barring. The tail has six narrow white bars contrasting with grey-brown. This species has large yellow eyes, with greyish feathering down to the base of the toes and feet of a dull yellow color. They are aptly named, with very powerful and heavy claws.[4] This owl is the largest species of the "hawk owl" group found in much of Asia and the Australasian region, all included in the genus Ninox. It can be considered, along with its sister species the rufous owl (N. rufa), as Australia's analogue to the genus Bubo.[4]

This species measures 45 to 65 cm (18 to 26 in) in length and spans 112 to 135 cm (44 to 53 in) across the wings. Unlike in a vast majority of owl species, the male is slightly larger than the female on average. Body mass in males has been reported at 0.99 to 2.22 kg (2.2 to 4.9 lb), with 13 males averaging 1.45 kg (3.2 lb), while females can weigh from 1.04 to 1.6 kg (2.3 to 3.5 lb), with an average in 9 females of 1.25 kg (2.8 lb).[5][6][7] Among all the owls in the world, the powerful owl is the ninth longest from bill-to-tail, the tenth heaviest and the eighth longest winged.[8] Its body mass is about the same on average as the great horned owl (Bubo virginianus), but it has a proportionately much longer tail and wings than that species. The wing chord length further illustrates slight sexual dimorphism in favor of the male, with the male measuring 397 to 434 mm (15.6 to 17.1 in) and the female measuring 381 to 410 mm (15.0 to 16.1 in). The tail can be 280 mm (11 in) or more in length, the fifth longest of any owl with only the great grey (Strix nebulosa) and ural owls (Strix uralensis) having proportionately longer tails. As a relatively geographically restricted species, there are no subspecies and no known geographic variation in the powerful owl.[9] In comparison to the barking owl (Ninox connivens), it is much larger and lacks that species' white-spotted smoky-brown coloration on the upperparts and dark grey to rusty streaks on a whitish background on the underside. The other larger and relatively powerful owl found in Australia, the rufous owl, is not found in the same range in the wild so poses no identification problem.[4]


The male powerful owl's song is an impressive low, rather mournful-sounding and far-carrying double-hoot, whoo-hooo, each note lasting a few seconds at least, broken up by a brief silence and the second note being usually higher pitched than the first. The female has a similar call, but has a higher-pitched voice. Duets are frequently heard at the onset of breeding. Unpaired males frequently call much more regularly than paired ones.[4]

Distribution and habitat

Mount Coot-tha, SE Queensland, Australia

Their range is from Eungella and the Dawson River in Queensland south to the central highlands of Victoria and west to Mount Burr in South Australia, with the range terminating around Portland, Victoria. The habitat of the powerful owl is tall, humid forests ranging through to some drier woodlands in northern Victoria and the western slopes of New South Wales and Queensland. They can be found in wooded mountain gullies, forested ravines, wetter, heavily timbered subcoastal ranges, coastal forests and woodland, and coastal scrub. They prefer wetter, more timbered areas such as sclerophyll forests. Although usually associated with subcoastal forest, they can be found on inland mountain slopes occasionally. This is especially the case with young owls after dispersal before they can establish their own breeding territories. Recent mapping work has shown that streams between ridges covered with Eucalyptus forest are often prime habitat for this species.[3] They also occasionally range into plantations, mainly of pine or native tree species, and urban and rural parks and gardens.[4]


Powerful owl on a suburban TV aerial, Chatswood West, New South Wales

The powerful owl lives permanently in breeding pairs once in adulthood. They have been observed roosting singly,[10][11] in pairs, and in family groups of three or four. They frequently roost during the day on branches in tall, open trees, often while still holding the prey caught the prior night. Several perches are used, and may be occupied intermittently for years at a time. The powerful owl typically flies in a slow and deliberate way on its large wings.[4]


Powerful owl with its prey.

The powerful owl is the top nocturnal predator of the forests and woodlands in its range. About 75% of the diet of the powerful owl is made up of arboreal mammals. Its diet consists largely of arboreal marsupials such as the southern greater glider (Petauroides volans), ringtail possums (Pseudocheiridae), brushtail possums (Trichosurus spp.), koala (Phascolarctos cinereus), sugar glider (Petaurus breviceps), and feathertail gliders (Acrobates pygmaeus).[12][13][14] These prey species vary extensively in body size, from the feathertail possum, which has an adult weight merely of 10 to 15 g (0.35 to 0.53 oz) to the koala, which is considerably larger in southern Australia, typically weighing 8,500 to 12,000 g (18.7 to 26.5 lb). However, the powerful owl, while it has killed even adult koalas, only seldom takes the full-sized adults of the koala and even in some other mid-to-large prey species, such as the 1,700 to 4,100 g (3.7 to 9.0 lb) brushtail possums or the ringtail possums, of about half that weight, small and young individuals are typically (but not always) represented as the individuals caught. Only 15% of the ringtail possums caught in one food study were full-grown adults. The greater glider and the common ringtail possum (Pseudocheirus peregrinus), both weighing from 700 to 1,700 g (1.5 to 3.7 lb) in maturity, and the smaller sugar glider, weighing 80 to 170 g (2.8 to 6.0 oz), are the most prominent prey species in the powerful owl's diet in most regions.[12][13][15][16] The significance of individual species in the diet is dictated by the local abundance of prey.[17] The average estimated prey weight per one study was approximately 176 g (6.2 oz).[18] However, another two studies stated the mean prey weight as 386.7 g (13.64 oz) and 323.2 g (11.40 oz). Not infrequently, prey weight averages between 50 and 100%, whereas in most other raptors, including large owls, there seems to be a "rule" that most prey weighs 20% or less of the raptors' own weight. The mean weight of prey for powerful owls can be up to 10 times greater relative to their body weight than the mean prey weight of similarly sized northern owls, such as great grey or great horned owls.[19]

Not infrequently taken are the black (Pteropus alecto) and grey-headed flying foxes (Pteropus poliocephalus), the largest of Australian bats, although smaller bats have also been killed.[16] Introduced mammals, namely rats (Rattus spp.), European hare (Lepus europaeus) and European rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus), especially the abundant young of the latter after their litters disperse, are also hunted. Opportunistic as are most predators and owls, given the chance the powerful owl will also prey on nocturnal birds such as the tawny frogmouth (Podargus strigoides). Roosting diurnal birds are also taken such as various cockatoos and parrots (around a dozen species thus far recorded), Australian brushturkey (Alectura lathami), dusky moorhen (Gallinula tenebrosa), white-faced herons (Egretta novaehollandiae), crested pigeon (Ocyphaps lophotes), wonga pigeon (Leucosarcia melanoleuca), kookaburras (Dacelo spp.), superb lyrebird (Menura novaehollandiae), olive-backed oriole (Oriolus sagittatus), Australian magpie (Gymnorhina tibicen), currawongs (Strepera spp.), honeyeaters (Meliphagidae), crows and ravens (Corvus spp.) and white-winged choughs (Corcorax melanorhamphos).[4][8][18][20][21][22] In one study, the most frequently killed bird prey species were pied currawong (Strepera graculina) and crimson rosella (Platycercus elegans) and avian prey taken as a whole was estimated to average 350 g (12 oz).[16] Rarely, other birds of prey have been killed and eaten, including large accipiters such as brown goshawks (Accipiter fasciatus) and grey goshawks (Accipiter novaehollandiae).[23] Insects (such as crickets and beetles) and crayfish may supplement the diet and are typically taken on the wing.[24] Rarely, lizards and snakes are also captured.[4][16] It is also known to scavenge on carrion from time to time.[25]

The vast majority of prey is taken from trees, often in or near the tree canopy, including unlikely items such as rock-wallabies (Petrogale spp.) that sometimes take refuge in trees. This species generally glides from perch to perch, watching for prey activity in surrounding trees until potential prey is detected. If the prey becomes aware of the owl too soon, a tail-chase may ensue, but many prey species (even diurnal ones such as large passerines) can successfully evade the large predator. Due to the size and power of its talons, death may be instantaneous even for large prey when the owl embeds its talons; however, some prey can still survive even after initial contact if they can escape before the owl makes its "killing grip".[26] Powerful owls frequently take apart prey and consume it piecemeal. At daytime perches, it occasionally wakes to consume food until leaving the roost in the evening. The three largest Ninox owls are the only owls known to exhibit the behaviour of mantling[27] over food while roosting during the day. One theory is that the male regularly holds onto the prey during the day, and thus can control distribution of food to the family in keeping with his dominant size; whereas in most owls, females are larger and more dominant, and thus the male could not display such behaviour as keeping food from his larger mate.[18] Caching of part-eaten prey remains has been recorded, although caching of prey is a far more common behaviour in barking owls.[3][4][8] In a study comparing their diets with those of co-existing greater sooty owls (Tyto tenebricosa) and Australian masked owls (Tyto novaehollandiae), these two smaller owls focused on smaller prey on average and ate more small terrestrial mammalian prey rather than the arboreal mammalian prey favoured most exclusively by the powerful owl. However, some overlap in the diet was recorded between all three species, and a certain level of competition was predicted, in which the powerful owl would presumably be dominant.[16]


The young of the powerful owl leave the nest a few weeks after hatching but frequently are cared for over several months after dispersing from the nest.

The powerful owl breeds in the Australian winter, with breeding occurring mainly in May and June and brooding at the nest into September. The breeding behaviour of powerful and rufous owls appears to be highly similar. The breeding territory of powerful owls is large. Even when food is abundant, territories are at least 800 to 1,000 ha (2,000 to 2,500 acres). When food is scarce, territories tend to be larger. Typically, nests of breeding pairs are found from 5 to 20 km (3.1 to 12.4 mi) apart. Males have been recorded fighting over breeding rights to females and territories.[28] The nest is most often a large hollow in a tree. Nests have been recorded at 8 to 30 m (26 to 98 ft) above the ground but are most often at least 10 to 15 m (33 to 49 ft) high. The nesting material includes decaying debris and leaf litter. Eggs are oval and dull white. The clutch is most often two, but occasionally includes only one egg, and rarely three are laid. The egg averages about 54 mm × 45 mm (2.1 in × 1.8 in).[29] The eggs are typically laid directly on the rotten wooden floor of the nesting cavity; owls do not build a nest. Egg-laying intervals are up to 4 days between the first and second egg, an unusually long interval for an owl. The female appears to do all incubation and the incubating stage is 36 to 38 days.[29] The male does all hunting and sometimes aggressively defends the nesting during the brooding stage. In other owls that show aggression towards humans during nesting, the female usually is the main aggressor, although in other owls the females are larger with stronger strikes, whereas in the powerful owl, the males are the larger and more powerful sex. Occasionally, females may abandon their nest if disturbed. In general, the slightly smaller rufous and notably smaller barking owl both display more frequent and more spiritedly aggressive nest defense than the powerful owl does. Young powerful owls are mostly off-white with a greyish-brown mask and grey on the wings and coverts, and are obviously distinct from the adult plumage.[8] The young fledge at 6 to 8 weeks. However, the young typically accompany and are fed by their parents for several months, even into the stage that they can fly well. The total dependence period usually lasts 5 to 9 months before independence, and sometimes into the next breeding season.[3][4] Although practically no predators of this species exist, except in very rare, anecdotal instances, wedge-tailed eagles (Aquila rapax), and powerful owls have been recorded killing each other in territorial and breeding skirmishes. Also, they are often victim to and occasionally even injured by heavy mobbing by larger passerines such as currawongs, magpies, and crows and ravens. In one case, a pair of Australian ravens (Corvus coronoides) attacked and killed a powerful owl, likely to defend themselves and their nest.[30]

Conservation status

Female and fledgling, Mount Coot-tha, Brisbane

Powerful owls are not listed as threatened on the Australian Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. However, their conservation status varies from state to state in Australia. For example:

These owls do not do as well in heavily developed areas or in monocultures even if the plantation is made up of a native tree. This is largely because its prey is dependent on native and diverse forests.[3][34]

In popular culture

The Big Powerful Owl is an 8 m (26 ft) sculpture of a powerful owl in the Canberra suburb of Belconnen.[35]


  1. ^ a b BirdLife International (2016). "Ninox strenua". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2016: e.T22689389A93229550. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-3.RLTS.T22689389A93229550.en. Retrieved 12 November 2021.
  2. ^ "Appendices | CITES". cites.org. Retrieved 14 January 2022.
  3. ^ a b c d e f Hume, R. (1991). Owls of the World. Running Press, Philadelphia, PA.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k König, Claus; Weick, Friedhelm (2008). Owls of the World (2nd ed.). London: Christopher Helm. ISBN 9781408108840.
  5. ^ "Owl pages: Ninox strenua". Retrieved 24 May 2020.
  6. ^ Hollands, David (2008) Owls, Frogmouths and Nightjars of Australia, Bloomings Books, p318
  7. ^ Dunning, J. B. Jr. (2008) CRC Handbook of Avian Body Masses CRC Press (2nd Edn) ISBN 978-1-4200-6444-5.
  8. ^ a b c d Mikkola, H. (2012) Owls of the World: A Photographic Guide Firefly Books ISBN 9781770851368
  9. ^ Weick, F. (2007). Owls (Strigiformes): Annotated and Illustrated Checklist. Springer.
  10. ^ Thistleton, John (3 December 2014). "Gang Gang: Powerful owl visits". The Canberra Times. Fairfax Media. Retrieved 9 January 2015.
  11. ^ Warden, Ian (7 January 2015). "Powerful attraction drawing birdwatchers and photographers to capture the moment". The Canberra Times. Retrieved 9 January 2015.
  12. ^ a b Seebeck, J. H. (1976). "The diet of the powerful owl Ninox strenua in western Victoria." Emu, 76(4): 167–170.
  13. ^ a b Cooke, R., Wallis, R., Hogan, F., White, J., & Webster, A. (2006). "The diet of powerful owls (Ninox strenua) and prey availability in a continuum of habitats from disturbed urban fringe to protected forest environments in south-eastern Australia." Wildlife Research, 33(3), 199–206.
  14. ^ König, Claus, Friedhelm Weick, and Jan-Hendrik Becking. Owls of the World. 2nd ed. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2009. Web. 23 May. 2023.
  15. ^ Cooke, R., and Wallis, R. (2004). "Conservation management and diets of powerful owls (Ninox strenua) in outer urban Melbourne, Australia." In Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Urban Wildlife Conservation, Shaw, W., Harris, L., and Vandruff, L. (Eds) pp. 110–113.
  16. ^ a b c d e Kavanagh, R. P. (2002). "Comparative diets of the powerful owl (Ninox strenua), sooty owl (Tyto tenebricosa) and masked owl (Tyto novaehollandiae) in southeastern Australia." Ecology and Conservation of Owls, pp. 175–191.
  17. ^ Kavanagh, R. P. (1988). "The impact of predation by the powerful owl, Ninox strenua, on a population of the greater glider, Petauroides volans." Australian Journal of Ecology, 13(4): 445–450.
  18. ^ a b c Olsen, J., Judge, D., Trost, S., Rose, A. B., Flowers, G., McAuliffe, J., ... & Maconachie, M. (2011). "Powerful owl Ninox strenua diet from two sites in the Australian Capital Territory." Australian Field Ornithology, 28(3): 120.
  19. ^ Olsen, Jerry. (2011) Australian High Country Owls. CSIRO Publishing
  20. ^ Pavey, C. R., Smyth, A. K., & Mathieson, M. T. (1994). The breeding season diet of the powerful owl Ninox strenua at Brisbane, Queensland. Emu, 94(4), 278–284.
  21. ^ Goth, A., & Maloney, M. (2012). "Powerful owl preying on an Australian brush-turkey in Sydney." Australian Field Ornithology, 29(2): 102.
  22. ^ https://www.peregrinefund.org/explore-raptors-species/owls/powerful-owl
  23. ^ Mourik, P & Richards, A.O (2019). Predation of a grey goshawk with a powerful owl as the likely predator." Australian Field Ornithology, 36: 5–10.
  24. ^ https://www.peregrinefund.org/explore-raptors-species/owls/powerful-owl
  25. ^ https://www.peregrinefund.org/explore-raptors-species/owls/powerful-owl
  26. ^ Mo, M., Hayler, P., Waterhouse, D. R., & Hayler, A. (2016). "Observations of hunting attacks by the powerful owl Ninox strenua and an examination of search and attack techniques." Australian Zoologist, 38(1): 52–58.
  27. ^ "Mantling". Retrieved 31 May 2020.
  28. ^ Mo, M., Hayler, P., & Hayler, A. (2015). "Male combat in the powerful owl Ninox strenua." Australian Field Ornithology, 32(4): 190.
  29. ^ a b Morcombe, Michael (2012) Field Guide to Australian Birds. Pascal Press, Glebe, NSW. Revised edition. p.381. ISBN 978174021417-9
  30. ^ McNabb, E. G., Kavanagh, R. P., & Craig, S. A. (2007). "Further observations on the breeding biology of the powerful owl Ninox strenua in south-eastern Australia. Corella 31(1): 6–9.
  31. ^ Department of Sustainability and Environment, Victoria Archived 18 July 2005 at the Wayback Machine
  32. ^ Department of Sustainability and Environment, Victoria Archived 11 September 2006 at the Wayback Machine
  33. ^ Victorian Department of Sustainability and Environment (2013). Advisory List of Threatened Vertebrate Fauna in Victoria – 2013 (PDF). East Melbourne, Victoria: Department of Sustainability and Environment. p. 14. ISBN 978-1-74287-504-0.
  34. ^ McNabb, E., & McNabb, J. (2011). "Predispersal range, behaviour and use of exotic roost-trees by a subadult powerful owl Ninox strenua." Australian Field Ornithology, 28(2): 57.
  35. ^ "Owl". artsACT. ACT Government. Retrieved 7 April 2023.
  • Pizzey, Graham, and Knight, Frank (2000). A Field Guide to the Birds of Australia. Angus & Robertson, 3rd edn ISBN 0-207-19714-8

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Powerful owl: Brief Summary ( anglais )

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The powerful owl (Ninox strenua), a species of owl native to south-eastern and eastern Australia, is the largest owl on the continent. It is found in coastal areas and in the Great Dividing Range, rarely more than 200 km (120 mi) inland. The IUCNRed List of Threatened Species also refers to this species as the powerful boobook. An apex predator in its narrow distribution, powerful owls are often opportunists, like most predators, but generally are dedicated to hunting arboreal mammals, in particular small to medium-sized marsupials. Such prey can comprise about three-quarters of their diet. Generally, this species lives in primary forests with tall, native trees, but can show some habitat flexibility when not nesting. The powerful owl is a typically territorial raptorial bird that maintains a large home range and has long intervals between egg-laying and hatching of clutches. Also, like many types of raptorial birds, they must survive a long stretch to independence in young owls after fledging. Unlike most raptorial birds, however, male powerful owls are larger and stronger than females, so the male takes the dominant position in the mating pair, which extends to food distribution.

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Ninox strenua ( espagnol ; castillan )

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El nínox robusto (Ninox strenua)[2]​ es una especie de ave estrigiforme de la familia Strigidae endémica del sureste y este de Australia. Es el más grande de los búhos de Australia. Se encuentra en regiones costeras, y la Gran Cordillera Divisoria raramente a más de 200 km de distancia desde la costa.


Nínox robusto - Sídney, Nueva Gales del Sur, Australia.

El nínox robusto posee ojos amarillos, sus plumas son moteadas con un patrón en V de color gris-marrón y patas amarillo pálido. Poseen garras muy poderosas y desarrolladas. Este búho es la especie más grande del grupo de los "búhos halcones". Esta especie mide de 45 cm a 65 cm de largo y sus alas abiertas abarcan entre 112 a 135 cm. A diferencia de la mayoría de las especies de búho, el macho, que pesa unos 1.15 a 1.7 kg es levemente más grande que la hembra que pesa 1.05 a 1.6 kg.[3]​ Algunos autores mencionan pesos de hasta 2.2 kg.[4]


Monte Coot-tha, sureste de Queensland, Australia.

Su área de distribución abarca desde Eungella en el sur de Queensland hasta las tierras altas de Victoria y por el oeste hasta el Monte Burr en South Australia. Se lo encuentra en muchos sitios en Australia, principalmente zonas costeras de Nueva Gales del sur y Victoria.


Su hábitat incluye bosques montañosos y costeros, barrancos, bosques abiertos en colinas, matorrales, plantaciones, parques rurales y urbanos y jardines.


Por lo general se los encuentra en parejas que habitan un territorio de amplias dimensiones, anidan entre mayo a septiembre en huecos en troncos de árboles a unos 8 a 30 m de altura por sobre el suelo. Su nido lo construyen con residuos en descomposición y hojas secas. Sus huevos son ovales y de color blanco pálido. Ponen de uno a dos huevos y raras veces tres durante cada temporada de reproducción.


Nínox australiano sobre una antena de TV, Chatswood West, Australia.

El nínox robusto es un depredador nocturno de bosques y bosquecillos. Su dieta se compone en gran medida de marsupiales arbóreos tales como el petauro gigante (Petauroides volans), pósums de cola anillada, pósums de cola prominente, koala, petauro del azúcar y pósum pigmeo acróbata, como también el murciélagos de cabeza gris (Pteropus poliocephalus). El petauro gigante y el pósum común de cola anillada (Pseudocheirus peregrinus) ocupan un lugar especialmente prominente en la dieta del ninox robusto en algunas regiones.[5]​ También se alimentan de aves nocturnas tales como el Tawny Frogmouth y aves diurnas tales como cacatúas y loros, kookaburras, currawongs y melifágidos. Los insectos completan su dieta. La gran mayoría de sus presas es tomada de los árboles incluidas especies improbables como los ualabíes rupestres que a veces se refugian en los árboles.


  1. BirdLife International (2012). «Ninox strenua». Lista Roja de especies amenazadas de la UICN 2012.1 (en inglés). ISSN 2307-8235. Consultado el 16 de julio de 2012.
  2. Bernis, F; De Juana, E; Del Hoyo, J; Fernández-Cruz, M; Ferrer, X; Sáez-Royuela, R; Sargatal, J (2000). «Nombres en castellano de las aves del mundo recomendados por la Sociedad Española de Ornitología (Quinta parte: Strigiformes, Caprimulgiformes y Apodiformes)». Ardeola. Handbook of the Birds of the World (Madrid: SEO/BirdLife) 47 (1): 123-130. ISSN 0570-7358. Consultado el 6 de diciembre de 2013.
  3. [1] (2011).
  4. Hollands (2008) Owls, Frogmouths and Nightjars of Australia, Bloomings Books, p318
  5. [2]

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Ninox strenua: Brief Summary ( espagnol ; castillan )

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El nínox robusto (Ninox strenua)​ es una especie de ave estrigiforme de la familia Strigidae endémica del sureste y este de Australia. Es el más grande de los búhos de Australia. Se encuentra en regiones costeras, y la Gran Cordillera Divisoria raramente a más de 200 km de distancia desde la costa.

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Ninox strenua ( basque )

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Ninox strenua Ninox generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Strigidae familian sailkatua dago.


  1. (Ingelesez)BirdLife International (2012) Species factsheet. www.birdlife.org webgunetitik jaitsia 2012/05/07an
  2. (Ingelesez) IOC Master List

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Ninox strenua: Brief Summary ( basque )

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Ninox strenua Ninox generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Strigidae familian sailkatua dago.

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Isohaukkapöllö ( finnois )

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Isohaukkapöllö (Ninox strenua) on australialainen pöllö.

Koko ja ulkonäkö

Isohaukkapöllö on Australian suurin pöllölaji. Se voi painaa puolitoista kiloa ja kasvaa puoli metriä pitkäksi. Siipienväliä saattaa kertyä 140 cm.[2] Sillä on suhteellisen pieni pää ja pyöreämuotoinen pyrstö. Höyhenpeite on selkäpuolelta tumman ruskeanharmaa. Pää on tummanharmaa, silmät suuret ja keltaiset. Jalat ovat lihaksikkaat, ja niiden höyhenetön osa on oranssi.[3]

Levinneisyys ja elinympäristö

Isohaukkapöllöjä elää Australian Itä- ja kaakkoisosassa. Se viihtyy sekä avoimemmassa metsämaastossa että sellaisessa, jossa on tiheää aluskasvillisuutta esimerkiksi vesistöjen varrella. Pesäpuuksi se tarvitsee vanhoja, tukevaoksaisia puita.[3]


Isohaukkapöllö on peto ja syö enimmäkseen suurikokoisia, puissa viihtyviä nisäkkäitä, kuten pussioravia ja koaloja, mutta nappaa myös pesiviä lintuja ja joskus maanisäkkäitä, kuten jäniksiä. Se saalistaa yleensä puissa.


  1. BirdLife International: Ninox strenua IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.2. 2012. International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, Iucnredlist.org. Viitattu 15.5.2014. (englanniksi)
  2. threatened species in NSW
  3. a b Birds in Backyards

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Isohaukkapöllö: Brief Summary ( finnois )

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Isohaukkapöllö (Ninox strenua) on australialainen pöllö.

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Ninoxe puissante

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Ninox strenua

La Ninoxe puissante (Ninox strenua) est la plus grande espèce de rapace nocturne d'Australie et la seule qui hulule.


Elle mesure 60 cm a une envergure de 1,40 m et pèse 1.5 kg. Le mâle est plus grand que la femelle. Le dos est gris-brun avec des plumes blanches tandis que le ventre est blanc avec des plumes gris-brun. Elle n'a pas de disque facial.

Distribution et habitat

Elle habite toutes les zones boisées du versant Est de la Cordillère australienne depuis Rockhampton et Mackay au Queensland jusqu'à la limite de l'Australie-Méridionale au Sud mais c'est en Nouvelle-Galles du Sud qu'elle est le plus répandue.


Elle se nourrit surtout de petits marsupiaux arboricoles : le grand planeur, le possum à queue en anneau ou le planeur de sucre, éventuellement de souris et d'insectes accessoirement d'oiseaux comme des cacatoès, des pies ou des corbeaux.

Mode de vie

C'est un animal nocturne qui passe ses journées caché dans les feuillages d'un arbre, seul, en couple ou en petit groupe, tenant la proie qu'il a tué dans la nuit accroché à une patte.


Elle niche dans de grandes cavités dans des troncs d'arbres. Les couples sont fidèles. La période de nidification va de la fin de l'automne au milieu de l'hiver. Elle pond deux œufs qu'elle couve 38 jours puis garde les petits pendant 30 jours. Pendant ce temps le mâle chasse pour nourrir toute la famille et surveille la région pour chasser les intrus.


  • BirdLife International (2004). Ninox strenua. 2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN 2006. Retrieved on 11 May 2006. Database entry includes a lengthy justification of why this species is of least concern
  • Field guide to the birds of Australia Graham Pizzey and Frank Knight, Angus & Robertson 1997, 3rd edition 2000. (ISBN 0-207-19714-8)

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Ninoxe puissante: Brief Summary

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Ninox strenua

La Ninoxe puissante (Ninox strenua) est la plus grande espèce de rapace nocturne d'Australie et la seule qui hulule.

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Grote valkuil ( néerlandais ; flamand )

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De grote valkuil (Ninox strenua) is een vogel uit de familie Strigidae (Echte uilen).

Verspreiding en leefgebied

Deze soort is endemisch in oostelijk Australië.

Externe link

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Grote valkuil: Brief Summary ( néerlandais ; flamand )

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De grote valkuil (Ninox strenua) is een vogel uit de familie Strigidae (Echte uilen).

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Ninox strenua ( portugais )

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Ninox strenua é uma espécie de ave estrigiforme pertencente à família Strigidae.[1]


  1. a b BirdLife International (2016). Ninox strenua (em inglês). IUCN 2016. Lista Vermelha de Espécies Ameaçadas da IUCN de 2016 Versão e.T22689389A93229550. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-3.RLTS.T22689389A93229550.en Página visitada em 28 de outubro de 2021.
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Ninox strenua: Brief Summary ( portugais )

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Ninox strenua é uma espécie de ave estrigiforme pertencente à família Strigidae.

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Större spökuggla ( suédois )

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Större spökuggla[2] (Ninox strenua) är en fågel i familjen ugglor inom ordningen ugglefåglar.[3] Den förekommer i östra Australien (sydöstra Queensland till Victoria och sydöstra South Australia).[3] IUCN kategoriserar arten som livskraftig.[1]


  1. ^ [a b] Birdlife International 2012 Ninox strenua Från: IUCN 2015. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2015.4 www.iucnredlist.org. Läst 2016-02-01.
  2. ^ Sveriges ornitologiska förening (2016) Officiella listan över svenska namn på världens fågelarter Arkiverad 18 oktober 2014 hämtat från the Wayback Machine., läst 2016-02-10
  3. ^ [a b] Clements, J. F., T. S. Schulenberg, M. J. Iliff, D. Roberson, T. A. Fredericks, B. L. Sullivan, and C. L. Wood (2015) The eBird/Clements checklist of birds of the world: Version 2015 http://www.birds.cornell.edu/clementschecklist/download, läst 2015-08-11

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Större spökuggla: Brief Summary ( suédois )

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Större spökuggla (Ninox strenua) är en fågel i familjen ugglor inom ordningen ugglefåglar. Den förekommer i östra Australien (sydöstra Queensland till Victoria och sydöstra South Australia). IUCN kategoriserar arten som livskraftig.

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Ninox strenua ( turc )

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Binominal adı Ninox strenua
Latham, 1802 Dağılımı
Dış bağlantılar Commons-logo.svg Wikimedia Commons'ta Ninox strenua ile ilgili çoklu ortam belgeleri bulunur. Wikispecies-logo.svg Wikispecies'te Ninox strenua ile ilgili detaylı taksonomi bilgileri bulunur.

Ninox strenua, Strigidae (baykuşgiller) familyasından, Avustralya'nın doğu ve güneydoğusuna endemik bir baykuş türüdür ve kıtadaki en büyük baykuştur.

Fiziksel özellikleri

Gözleri büyük ve sarı renkli, ayakları ise mat sarı renklidir. Tüylerinde gri ve kahverengi V şeklinde bir desen bulunur. Pençeleri güçlüdür. Boyları 45 ila 65 cm arasında kanat genişlikleri de 112 ila 135 cm arasında değişir. Diğer baykuş türlerinin aksine erkekleri dişilerden biraz daha büyüktür. Erkekler 1,15 ila 1,7 kg arasında ağırlığa sahip iken dişilerin ağırlığı 1,05 ila 1,6 kg arasında değişir.[1] Bazı yazarlara göre ağırlıkları 2,2 kg'a kadar da ulaşabilir.[2]


  1. ^ [1] (2011).
  2. ^ Hollands (2008) Owls, Frogmouths and Nightjars of Australia, Bloomings Books, p318
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Ninox strenua: Brief Summary ( turc )

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Ninox strenua, Strigidae (baykuşgiller) familyasından, Avustralya'nın doğu ve güneydoğusuna endemik bir baykuş türüdür ve kıtadaki en büyük baykuştur.

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Cú vọ lực sĩ ( vietnamien )

fourni par wikipedia VI

Cú vọ lực sĩ, tên khoa học Ninox strenua, là một loài chim trong họ Cú mèo.[2]. Chúng có nguồn gốc ở Đông và Đông Nam Australia, và là loài cú lớn nhất trên lục địa này.[3].

Mô tả

Cú vọ lực sĩ có hình dạng khá giống chim diều hâu. Chúng có cặp mắt lớn màu vàng, mỏ lớn. Không có túm lông kiểu tai đặc trưng của các loài cú mèo. Chân cú vọ màu vàng xỉn với bộ móng vuốt lớn và khỏe. Đuôi tương đối dài, hơi nhọn, đầu tương đối nhỏ. Lưng màu nâu xám với các vệt màu trắng, bụng màu trắng xen lẫn các vạch nâu, dưới cổ họng có nhiều đốm màu sẫm.[3]

Đây là loài cú lớn nhất trong nhóm "cú diều hâu" và cũng là loài cú lớn nhất ở Australia. Loài này có chiều dài 45–65 cm và sải cánh 112–135 cm. Chim trống nặng 1,15-1,7 kg, nhỉnh hơn chim mái, khoảng 1,05-1,6 kg. Chiều dài cánh: chim trống 398–427 mm, chim mái 381–410 mm, đuôi dài 28 cm.[3][4]

Lối sống

Cú vọ lực sĩ thường sống theo cặp. Chúng thường săn mồi vào ban đêm, và dành hầu hết thời gian ban ngày để ngủ. Môi trường sống của chúng là các khu vực cây cối, ẩm ướt bao gồm vùng rừng núi, rừng thưa và rừng ven biển, bìa rừng, vùng cây bụi, đồn điền, các khu vườn và công viên.[3]

Con mồi tự nhiên của loài cú này là các loài thú có túi sống trên cây như thú túi possum, sóc túi, gấu túi Koala, cũng như dơi quạ. Chúng cũng săn cả các loài chim như cú muỗi, vẹt, bồng chanh kookaburra, ác là và chim ăn ong. Ngoài ra trong chế độ ăn uống còn có cả côn trùng và thú túi wallabi (là một dạng kanguru nhỏ.[3]

Sinh sản

Mỗi cặp chim bố mẹ có một lãnh thổ rộng lớn, khoảng 600-800 ha. Chúng làm tổ từ tháng năm đến tháng chín ở trong thân cây rỗng với độ cao khoáng 8-30 mét so với mặt đất. Vật liệu làm tổ bao gồm các mảnh vụn phân hủy và lá rụng. Thường là đẻ hai trứng. Trứng hình bầu dục, màu trắng. Việc đẻ trứng diễn ra trong mùa đông.[3]

Con mái ấp trứng một mình trong khoảng 35-38 ngày, và trong thời gian này nó được con trống ở bên ngoài tổ nuôi dưỡng. Trong thời gian ấp trứng, con trống thường có thái độ hung dữ đối với những kẻ xâm nhập trong khu vực làm tổ, và thậm chí có thể tấn công cả con người. Con non mọc lông sau 7-8 tuần, và được nuôi dưỡng bởi cả chim bố lẫn mẹ trong một vài tháng, đôi khi cho đến khi mùa sinh sản sau.[3][4]

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ BirdLife International (2012). Ninox strenua. Sách Đỏ IUCN các loài bị đe dọa. Phiên bản 2013.2. Liên minh Bảo tồn Thiên nhiên Quốc tế. Truy cập ngày 26 tháng 11 năm 2013.
  2. ^ Clements, J. F., T. S. Schulenberg, M. J. Iliff, B.L. Sullivan, C. L. Wood, and D. Roberson (2012). “The eBird/Clements checklist of birds of the world: Version 6.7.”. Truy cập ngày 19 tháng 12 năm 2012.
  3. ^ a ă â b c d đ Claus Konig, Friedhelm Weick, Jan-Hendrik Becking. “Owls of the world”. |url= trống hay bị thiếu (trợ giúp)
  4. ^ a ă http://www.owlpages.com/owls.php?genus=Ninox&species=strenua

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Cú vọ lực sĩ: Brief Summary ( vietnamien )

fourni par wikipedia VI

Cú vọ lực sĩ, tên khoa học Ninox strenua, là một loài chim trong họ Cú mèo.. Chúng có nguồn gốc ở Đông và Đông Nam Australia, và là loài cú lớn nhất trên lục địa này..

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