Nahariyya Zoo and Botanical Garden, Israel.
Nahariyya Zoo and Botanical Garden, Israel.
Nahariyya Zoo and Botanical Gardens, Israel
Nahariyya Zoo and Botanical Garden, Israel.
Nahariyya Zoo and Botanical Gardens, Israel
Nahariyya Zoo and Botanical Garden, Israel.
Nahariyya Zoo and Botanical Gardens, Israel
Nahariyya Zoo and Botanical Gardens, Israel
Nahariyya Zoo and Botanical Gardens, Israel
Nahariyya Zoo and Botanical Garden, Israel.
Dallas Aquarium, Fair Park, Dallas, Texas
New York, New York
New York, New York
Ol Pejeta Conservancy (Sweetwaters), Kenya, Afrika
A Short-billed Pigeons (Columba nigrirostris) call the typical "Who cooks for you?" and "churrs" at El Pizote, near Puerto Viejo de Talamanca (Costa Rica), 6/21/99. This is probably the most common and widespread pigeon in Costa Rica. Short-billed Pigeons are sometimes hard to tell from Pale-vented Pigeons - their size is similar and they both have dark bills, and when wet (which is often) they are both predominantly dark pigeons. Their calls are quite different, though. The Pale-vented says "Who are you?" instead of the Short-billed's "Who cooks for you?"
Bale Mountains National Park
National Mall, Washington, D.C.
Ol Pejeta Conservancy (Sweetwaters), Kenya, Afrika
Mount Elgon National Park
Ol Pejeta Conservancy (Sweetwaters), Kenya, Afrika
La Laguna
Tenerife, De Kanariske Øer, Spanien
Lake Langano - Bishangari Forest
Cerbère Pyrénées-Orientales France