1 of 4 slides This species breeds on islands in most tropical oceans. When not breeding it spends most of the time at sea, and is therefore rarely seen away from breeding colonies. It nests in large colonies, laying one chalky blue egg in a stick nest, which is incubated by both adults for 4446 days. The nest is usually placed in a tree or bush, but rarely it may nest on the ground.
2 of 4 slides This species breeds on islands in most tropical oceans. When not breeding it spends most of the time at sea, and is therefore rarely seen away from breeding colonies. It nests in large colonies, laying one chalky blue egg in a stick nest, which is incubated by both adults for 4446 days. The nest is usually placed in a tree or bush, but rarely it may nest on the ground.
3 of 4 slides This species breeds on islands in most tropical oceans. When not breeding it spends most of the time at sea, and is therefore rarely seen away from breeding colonies. It nests in large colonies, laying one chalky blue egg in a stick nest, which is incubated by both adults for 4446 days. The nest is usually placed in a tree or bush, but rarely it may nest on the ground.
4 of 4 slides This species breeds on islands in most tropical oceans. When not breeding it spends most of the time at sea, and is therefore rarely seen away from breeding colonies. It nests in large colonies, laying one chalky blue egg in a stick nest, which is incubated by both adults for 4446 days. The nest is usually placed in a tree or bush, but rarely it may nest on the ground.