These beautiful birds breed on large, usually remote lochs containing small well-vegetated islands which they need for breeding. Unlike Red-throated Divers they tend to feed on their breeding lochs. Like all the loons they have a beautiful haunting call.This image was taken at an undisclosed location in Central Scotland from my car window using a beanbag, 500mm IS lens with stacked 1.4x & 2x converters.Framed by a friend.
These beautiful birds breed on large, usually remote lochs containing small well-vegetated islands which they need for breeding. Unlike Red-throated Divers they tend to feed on their breeding lochs. Like all the loons they have a beautiful haunting call.This image was taken at an undisclosed location in Central Scotland from my car window using a beanbag, 500mm IS lens with stacked 1.4x & 2x converters.Framed by a friend.