Mixodectidae hija familja ta' mammiferi plaċentati estinti, eżattament mammiferi relatati fil-qrib mal-kolugi (il-mammiferi plaċentati li jipplanaw tal-kontinent tal-Asja mifruxin fin-naħa tax-Xlokk u fuq bosta gżejjer).
Din il-familja qiegħdha kklassifikata fil-klassi Mammalia, fis-sottoklassi Theria, fl-infraklassi Eutheria (il-plaċentati), fis-superordni Euarchontoglires u fl-ordni Dermoptera ma' tliet familji oħra (għalkemm sa ftit żmien ilu ma' dawn kien hemm il-familja Paramomyidae ukoll, li llum il-ġurnata hija kkunsidrata bħala familja tal-ordni Plesiadapiformes), li huma Cynocephalidae, Plagiomenidae u Thylacaeluridae.
Il-familja Mixodectidae hija familja żgħira (għalkemm mhux l-iżgħar) u tiġbor fiha żewġ ġeneri (sa ftit żmien ilu kien inkluż il-ġeneru Remiculus bl-ispeċi Remiculus deutschi ukoll sakemm dan ġie riklassifikat f'familja oħra): Dracontolestes bi speċi waħda estinta u Mixodectes b'żewġ speċi estinti.
Il-membri ta' din il-familja tal-Palejoċen kienu mifruxa fil-kontinent tal-Amerika ta' Fuq ma' bosta stati tal-Istati Uniti, bħal New Mexico, Texas, Utah u Wyoming.
Mixodectidae hija familja ta' mammiferi plaċentati estinti, eżattament mammiferi relatati fil-qrib mal-kolugi (il-mammiferi plaċentati li jipplanaw tal-kontinent tal-Asja mifruxin fin-naħa tax-Xlokk u fuq bosta gżejjer).
Din il-familja qiegħdha kklassifikata fil-klassi Mammalia, fis-sottoklassi Theria, fl-infraklassi Eutheria (il-plaċentati), fis-superordni Euarchontoglires u fl-ordni Dermoptera ma' tliet familji oħra (għalkemm sa ftit żmien ilu ma' dawn kien hemm il-familja Paramomyidae ukoll, li llum il-ġurnata hija kkunsidrata bħala familja tal-ordni Plesiadapiformes), li huma Cynocephalidae, Plagiomenidae u Thylacaeluridae.
Il-familja Mixodectidae hija familja żgħira (għalkemm mhux l-iżgħar) u tiġbor fiha żewġ ġeneri (sa ftit żmien ilu kien inkluż il-ġeneru Remiculus bl-ispeċi Remiculus deutschi ukoll sakemm dan ġie riklassifikat f'familja oħra): Dracontolestes bi speċi waħda estinta u Mixodectes b'żewġ speċi estinti.
Il-membri ta' din il-familja tal-Palejoċen kienu mifruxa fil-kontinent tal-Amerika ta' Fuq ma' bosta stati tal-Istati Uniti, bħal New Mexico, Texas, Utah u Wyoming.
Mixodectidae (from Greek μιξο, mixo, "mixed", and δεκτες, dektes "biter") is an extinct family of insectivorous placental mammals in the order Dermoptera. The mixodectids originated in the late Cretaceous and survived into the Paleocene in Europe and North America.[2]
While there is less anatomical evidence for this group than for other archaic placental families (such as apatemyids, pantolestids, leptictids, and palaeoryctids), preserved dental and cranial anatomies give an idea of mixodectid dietary requirements. Their rodent-like dental pattern was similar to that of the multituberculates, with a pair of large, strong, and forward-directed incisors and a row of multi-cusped and low-crowned premolars and molars — a specialized dental set-up probably used for crushing and opening hard seeds and nuts.[2]
Torrejonian (Middle Paleocene) Mixodectidae had a dental set-up similar to the oldest plagiomenids and are therefore supposedly an ancestral or sister group of the latter. For many years Elipdophorus, the oldest plagiomenid, was classified as Mixodectidae but was finally regarded as more closely related to plagiomenids in the 1970s based on derived dental resemblances. Though the relation between Mixodectidae and other early placental mammals from the "insectivore-primate transition" remain unclear, clearly a number of the archaic mixodectid dental features seem to foreshadow the more derived conditions of plagiomenids. Furthermore, the postcranial skeleton of Mixodectes shows arboreal specialization similar to those of plesiadapids and dermopterans, supporting their inclusion within Euarchonta. [3]
Mixodectidae (from Greek μιξο, mixo, "mixed", and δεκτες, dektes "biter") is an extinct family of insectivorous placental mammals in the order Dermoptera. The mixodectids originated in the late Cretaceous and survived into the Paleocene in Europe and North America.
De Mixodectidae is een familie van uitgestorven zoogdieren uit de orde Dermoptera (Huidvliegers).
De familie Mixodectidae omvat drie soorten, Dracontolestes aphantus, Mixodectes pungens en Remiculus deutschi. Alle soorten leefden in Noord-Amerika tijdens het Paleoceen. Fossielen zijn gevonden in de Amerikaanse staten New Mexico, Texas, Utah en Wyoming.
De Mixodectidae is een familie van uitgestorven zoogdieren uit de orde Dermoptera (Huidvliegers).
De familie Mixodectidae omvat drie soorten, Dracontolestes aphantus, Mixodectes pungens en Remiculus deutschi. Alle soorten leefden in Noord-Amerika tijdens het Paleoceen. Fossielen zijn gevonden in de Amerikaanse staten New Mexico, Texas, Utah en Wyoming.