Aboral view of centrodorsal with cirri, radials with division series.
Close view of aboral centrodorsal with radials and division series.
Aboral view of small centrodorsal with curved cirri, radials with division series.
Curved pinnule with curved ossicles.
Detached pinnule with curved ossicles.
Side view of centrodorsal with cirri, radials with division series.
Side view of arms with pinnules.
Curved cirri.
Proximal pinnules.
Centrodorsal with cirri, radials with division series and brachial arms.
Closer view of centrodorsal with cirri, radials with division serie and proximal arms.
Oral disk with radiating division series, arms and pinnules.
Cirrus with scale.
Middle arms with pinnules.
Distal arm with numerous pinnules.
Probably Pa with curved teeth.
Siboga Exp., Large specimen in side view
Curved cirrus.
Small curved oral specimen with combs.
Oral pinnules with comb teeth.
Oral with radials, division series, brachial arms and proximal pinnules with curved teeth.