All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
Species: Maytenus chasei N. Robson Date: 2005-02-15 Location: Castleburn Forest, Vumba Habitat: In forest
Forstbotanisk Have, Århus
Allindelille Fredskov, Denmark
Cagle, TN +/- 15 km, Sequatchie County, Tennessee, US
Radnor Lake State Natural Area, Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee, US
All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
Species: Maytenus chasei N. Robson Date: 2005-02-15 Location: Castleburn Forest, Vumba Habitat: In forest
Forstbotanisk Have, Århus
Radnor Lake State Natural Area, Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee, US
Species: Maytenus undata (Thunb.) Blakelock Date: 2007-10-21 Location: Gardiner Farm, nr Arcturus Habitat: Rocky woodland on summit ridge
Forstbotanisk Have, Århus
Percy Warner Park, Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee, US
Species: Maytenus undata (Thunb.) Blakelock Date: 2007-10-21 Location: Gardiner Farm, nr Arcturus Habitat: Rocky woodland on summit ridge.
Nørreskov ved Bjæverskov, Denmark
Percy Warner Park, Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee, US
Species: Maytenus undata (Thunb.) Blakelock Date: 2008-04-26 Location: Umwindsi River Habitat: A component of riverine forest in steep valley
Vaserne, Farum, Denmark
Hammershøj, Jylland, Danmark
Percy Warner Park, Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee, US