What is it like to be eyeball to eyeball with a fish the size of a Volkswagen? Learn about the process of tagging tuna and how those tags are revealing surprises that might help save tuna from their own popularity in sushi restaurants. Photo credit: Opencage, Japan Download podcast scriptDownload the Google Earth Tour script Google Earth Tour Video Credits: read moreDuration: 5:08Published: Wed, 24 Aug 2011 15:52:27 +0000
Description: A manefish swimming in the water column near subsea equipment in the Gulf of Mexico. Item Type: Video Title: Manefish Copyright: SERPENT Species: Paracaristius Behaviour: Swimming in the water column near subsea structure. Site: Atlantic -- Gulf of Mexico -- Green Canyon 866 Site Description: Midwater Depth (m): 829.7 Latitude: 27 deg 01' 16" N Longitude: 90 deg 27' 20" W Countries: Mexico -- Gulf of Mexico Habitat: Pelagic Rig: Ocean Confidence Project Partners: Oceaneering, BP, Transocean ROV: Oceaneering Magnum Deposited By: Mr R Curry Deposited On: 08 January 2009
Item Type: Video Title: Gemfish Species: Rexea sp Behaviour: Swimming near equipment Site: Indian -- Indian Ocean -- Enfield Site Description: Midwater Depth (m): 580 Latitude: 18 deg 30' 00" S Longitude: 115 deg 30' 00" E Countries: Australia -- Western Australia Habitat: Tropical Water Column Rig: Jack Bates Enfield Project Partners: Transocean, Woodside, Subsea 7 ROV: Clansman 2 Deposited By: Rob Curry Deposited On: 13 March 2007