Idiocerus is a large genus of homopteran bugs belonging to the family Cicadellidae (the leafhoppers). The group is characterized by a very short and broadly rounded vertex (head); many species are very similar and difficult to identify. Most are found on specific host plants, particularly poplars and willows. For instance the common European species I. vitreus is found exclusively on certain poplars.
Species include:
Idiocerus is a large genus of homopteran bugs belonging to the family Cicadellidae (the leafhoppers). The group is characterized by a very short and broadly rounded vertex (head); many species are very similar and difficult to identify. Most are found on specific host plants, particularly poplars and willows. For instance the common European species I. vitreus is found exclusively on certain poplars.
Латинское название Idiocerus Lewis, 1834 NCBI 925783
Idiocerus — род цикадок из отряда Полужесткокрылых.
Цикадки длиной около 5-6 мм. На ивах. Голова спереди треугольная, широкая. Постклипеус почти круглый, широкий. Переднее крыло с 3 субапикальными ячейками, внешняя ячейка - длинная. Для СССР указывалось около 6 видов.[1]
Idiocerus — род цикадок из отряда Полужесткокрылых.