Image de <i>Trichothurgus bolitophilus</i> Durante & Roig Alsina
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Trichothurgus bolitophilus Durante & Roig Alsina


fourni par Journal of Hymenoptera Research
Female holotype. Body length 13.6 mm (paratypes, 13.0-16.0 mm), length of forewing 9.2 mm, maximum width of head 5.9 mm, maximum length of head 4.5 mm. Coloration.Integument black except under surface of flagellum and tibial spurs dark bseriesn; front tibial spur and claws dark ferruginous (later black apically). Wings evenly weakly infuscate, with apex appearing darker, due to black papillae; veins and pterostigma blackish. Pubescence. Black, with yellowish hairs as follows: on vertex, between ocelli, dorsal portion of pronotum including pronotal lobe, scutum, scutellum, axilae and metanotum. Hairs on T1-T4 black at sides and dark brown medially, on T2-T5 forming black apical bands; T6 with dense covering of coarse, black hairs. Scopa black. Punctation.Integument generally coriaceous, except smooth and shiny on labrum, clypeus, mandible, supraclypeal area below protuberance, around lateral ocellus, malar area, and on center of scutum. Clypeus with punctation sparse and irregular on basal medial area; punctures becoming smaller and denser toward apical and lateral margins. Supraclypeal area with few, scattered punctures below protuberance. Rest of head with small and dense punctures, except around ocelli. Mandibles unpunctured except on outer interspace. Scutum on mid-posterior region with large punctures separated by 0.3-1 times their diameter; punctures becoming smaller and denser on rest of surface; anteriorly with dense, poorly defined punctures. Scutellum and axilla with punctures separated basally, and denser toward posterior margin. Metapostnotum microsculptured. T1 with sparse, shallow punctures apically, separated by twice their diameter; punctures on T2-T5 becoming denser toward apex of metasoma. Structure. Inner margins of eyes straight, subparallel, slightly divergent below (upper to lower interocular distance 0.97; paratypes 0.95-1.01); paraocular carina present. Lengths of scape, 1.20; pedicel, 0.24; flagellomeres 1 to 3, 0.42: 0.22: 0.22; flagellomere 10, 0.30; first flagellomere shorter than combined lengths of flagellomeres 2+3. Interantennal distance longer than distance from antennal insertion to median ocellus (1.10-0.50), shorter than antennocular distance (1.10-1.35), and subequall to antennoclypeal distance (1.10-1.00). Labrum 1.07 times as long as basal width (paratypes 1.03-1.35); base of labrum with median longitudinal keel (0.11 times length of labrum; variable in paratypes, 0.08-0.28, Fig. 23, k) short paramedian carina (Fig. 23, p) and strong lateral carina (Fig. 23, l); median keel continued apically by deep longitudinal furseries (Fig. 23, f) reaching preapical constriction (Fig. 23, c) (width of furseries 0.60 times median ocellar diameter; paratypes 0.74-0.88); median part of labrum broadened, with convex lateral margins (maximum width of median part 3.7 times median ocellar diameter; paratypes, 3.57-3.94); apex beyond constriction laterally pointed, and apically rounded to weakly pointed (some paratypes) (constriction as wide as median ocellar diameter; paratypes, 0.79-1.11). Clypeus flat, 0.73 times as long as basal width (paratypes 0.62-0.68); apical margin medially straight (Fig. 22). Supraclypeal area with facial protuberance prominent, convex in dorsal view, not carinate, laterally with conical projections (these projections are more developed in larger specimens) (Figs 21-22). Median ocellus located below supraorbital line; proportion of interocellar distance to ocellocular distance 0.64 (paratypes, 0.54-0.55); proportion of interocellar distance to ocelloccipital distance, 0.54 (paratypes, 0.46-0.50). Gena broader than eye in lateral view (1.17; paratypes, 1.25-2.66).
droit d’auteur
Laura C. Sarzetti, Jorge F. Genise, M. Victoria Sánchez
citation bibliographique
Sarzetti L, Genise J, Sánchez M (2012) Trichothurgus bolithophilus sp. n. (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae) a bee nesting in horse manure pads in Patagonia, Argentina Journal of Hymenoptera Research 29: 1–14
Laura C. Sarzetti
Jorge F. Genise
M. Victoria Sánchez


fourni par Journal of Hymenoptera Research
Argentina, provinces of Santa Cruz, Chubut and Mendoza.
droit d’auteur
Laura C. Sarzetti, Jorge F. Genise, M. Victoria Sánchez
citation bibliographique
Sarzetti L, Genise J, Sánchez M (2012) Trichothurgus bolithophilus sp. n. (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae) a bee nesting in horse manure pads in Patagonia, Argentina Journal of Hymenoptera Research 29: 1–14
Laura C. Sarzetti
Jorge F. Genise
M. Victoria Sánchez

Description ( anglais )

fourni par Journal of Hymenoptera Research (archived)
Female holotype. Body length 13.6 mm (paratypes, 13.0-16.0 mm), length of forewing 9.2 mm, maximum width of head 5.9 mm, maximum length of head 4.5 mm. Coloration.Integument black except under surface of flagellum and tibial spurs dark bseriesn; front tibial spur and claws dark ferruginous (later black apically). Wings evenly weakly infuscate, with apex appearing darker, due to black papillae; veins and pterostigma blackish. Pubescence. Black, with yellowish hairs as follows: on vertex, between ocelli, dorsal portion of pronotum including pronotal lobe, scutum, scutellum, axilae and metanotum. Hairs on T1-T4 black at sides and dark brown medially, on T2-T5 forming black apical bands; T6 with dense covering of coarse, black hairs. Scopa black. Punctation.Integument generally coriaceous, except smooth and shiny on labrum, clypeus, mandible, supraclypeal area below protuberance, around lateral ocellus, malar area, and on center of scutum. Clypeus with punctation sparse and irregular on basal medial area; punctures becoming smaller and denser toward apical and lateral margins. Supraclypeal area with few, scattered punctures below protuberance. Rest of head with small and dense punctures, except around ocelli. Mandibles unpunctured except on outer interspace. Scutum on mid-posterior region with large punctures separated by 0.3-1 times their diameter; punctures becoming smaller and denser on rest of surface; anteriorly with dense, poorly defined punctures. Scutellum and axilla with punctures separated basally, and denser toward posterior margin. Metapostnotum microsculptured. T1 with sparse, shallow punctures apically, separated by twice their diameter; punctures on T2-T5 becoming denser toward apex of metasoma. Structure. Inner margins of eyes straight, subparallel, slightly divergent below (upper to lower interocular distance 0.97; paratypes 0.95-1.01); paraocular carina present. Lengths of scape, 1.20; pedicel, 0.24; flagellomeres 1 to 3, 0.42: 0.22: 0.22; flagellomere 10, 0.30; first flagellomere shorter than combined lengths of flagellomeres 2+3. Interantennal distance longer than distance from antennal insertion to median ocellus (1.10-0.50), shorter than antennocular distance (1.10-1.35), and subequall to antennoclypeal distance (1.10-1.00). Labrum 1.07 times as long as basal width (paratypes 1.03-1.35); base of labrum with median longitudinal keel (0.11 times length of labrum; variable in paratypes, 0.08-0.28, Fig. 23, k) short paramedian carina (Fig. 23, p) and strong lateral carina (Fig. 23, l); median keel continued apically by deep longitudinal furseries (Fig. 23, f) reaching preapical constriction (Fig. 23, c) (width of furseries 0.60 times median ocellar diameter; paratypes 0.74-0.88); median part of labrum broadened, with convex lateral margins (maximum width of median part 3.7 times median ocellar diameter; paratypes, 3.57-3.94); apex beyond constriction laterally pointed, and apically rounded to weakly pointed (some paratypes) (constriction as wide as median ocellar diameter; paratypes, 0.79-1.11). Clypeus flat, 0.73 times as long as basal width (paratypes 0.62-0.68); apical margin medially straight (Fig. 22). Supraclypeal area with facial protuberance prominent, convex in dorsal view, not carinate, laterally with conical projections (these projections are more developed in larger specimens) (Figs 21-22). Median ocellus located below supraorbital line; proportion of interocellar distance to ocellocular distance 0.64 (paratypes, 0.54-0.55); proportion of interocellar distance to ocelloccipital distance, 0.54 (paratypes, 0.46-0.50). Gena broader than eye in lateral view (1.17; paratypes, 1.25-2.66).
droit d’auteur
Laura C. Sarzetti, Jorge F. Genise, M. Victoria Sánchez
citation bibliographique
Sarzetti L, Genise J, Sánchez M (2012) Trichothurgus bolithophilus sp. n. (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae) a bee nesting in horse manure pads in Patagonia, Argentina Journal of Hymenoptera Research 29: 1–14
Laura C. Sarzetti
Jorge F. Genise
M. Victoria Sánchez

Distribution ( anglais )

fourni par Journal of Hymenoptera Research (archived)
Argentina, provinces of Santa Cruz, Chubut and Mendoza.
droit d’auteur
Laura C. Sarzetti, Jorge F. Genise, M. Victoria Sánchez
citation bibliographique
Sarzetti L, Genise J, Sánchez M (2012) Trichothurgus bolithophilus sp. n. (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae) a bee nesting in horse manure pads in Patagonia, Argentina Journal of Hymenoptera Research 29: 1–14
Laura C. Sarzetti
Jorge F. Genise
M. Victoria Sánchez