
Lifespan, longevity, and ageing

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Maximum longevity: 20.5 years (captivity) Observations: One captive specimen was 20.5 years of age when it died (Richard Weigl 2005).
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Joao Pedro de Magalhaes
de Magalhaes, J. P.
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AnAge articles

Benefits ( anglais )

fourni par Animal Diversity Web

Red-chested mustached tamarins do not often interact with humans in the wild, though they are occasionally hunted or taken as pets (Wolfheim 1983). In captivity, they have proven quite useful in scientific study. Monkeys of the genus Saguinus, including red-chested mustached tamarins, are susceptible to the strain of Hepatitis A that affects humans. A portion of what we have learned regarding the pathology of Hepatitis A has stemmed from the study of the disease in these animals (Karayiannis 1986).

Positive Impacts: pet trade ; food ; research and education

droit d’auteur
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citation bibliographique
Kristofik, N. 2011. "Saguinus labiatus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Saguinus_labiatus.html
Nina Kristofik, Yale University
Eric Sargis, Yale University
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
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Animal Diversity Web

Associations ( anglais )

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Predation of red-chested mustached tamarins is rarely observed in the wild. Crested eagles have been observed consuming infants of other speices of tamarins (Vasquez and Heymann 2001). Potential predators are identified based on the alarm calls they elicit. Animals known to elicit alarm calls from red-chested mustached tamarins include: spectacled owls, great horned owls, tayras, ocelots, margays, jaguarundi, jaguars, snakes of the families Boidae, Colubridae, and Viperidae, as well as Capuchin monkeys (Suarez 2007).

Red-chested mustached tamarins decrease their susceptibility to predation by forming groups, occasionally with members of different species. Multi-species groups usually include a group of another species of tamarin. Group formation increases overall vigilance while decreasing the amount of time each individual must spend watching for predators (Hardie and Buchanan-Smith 1997). If a predator is spotted, red-chested mustached tamarins produce an alarm call to warn the others in their group (Suarez 2007).

The sleeping behavior of red-chested mustached tamarins also likely reduces susceptibility to predation. Red-chested mustached tamarins choose sleeping sites high off the ground (12 to 20 m) where there are triple or quadruple forks in trees, abandoned termite mounds, or holes in trees so that they are not easily visible (Buchanan-Smith 1991). In addition, these tamarins adopt a sleeping position in which their head is tucked into their chest and their tail is wrapped around their body. This position hides the white markings on their face, making them more difficult to spot (Buchanan-Smith 1991).

Known Predators:

  • crested eagles Morphnus guianensis
  • spectacled owls Pulsatrix perspicillata
  • great horned owls Bubo virginianus
  • tayras Eira barbara
  • ocelots Leopardus pardalis
  • margays Leopardus wiedii
  • jaguarundi Herpailurus yaguarondi
  • jaguars Panthera onca
  • some boas and pythons (snakes) Boidae
  • some colubrids (snakes) Colubridae
  • some vipers (snakes) Viperidae
  • Capuchin monkeys Cebus
droit d’auteur
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citation bibliographique
Kristofik, N. 2011. "Saguinus labiatus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Saguinus_labiatus.html
Nina Kristofik, Yale University
Eric Sargis, Yale University
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
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Animal Diversity Web

Morphology ( anglais )

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Red-chested mustached tamarins are also known as red-bellied tamarins and white-lipped tamarins because of their appearance. They are mostly dark brown or black in color, and have distinguishing red markings on their stomachs and chests (Hershkovitz 1977). They also have a patch of white fur surrounding their nose and mouth, giving the appearance of a mustache (Hershkovitz 1977). Red-chested mustached tamarins are relatively small, ranging from 23 to 29 cm in body length and 350 to 575 g in mass. Females are generally slightly larger than males (Suarez 2007). Members of this species have claw-like nails on all digits except the hallux, and their hind limbs are slightly longer than their forelimbs (Garber and Leigh 2001). The dental formula for this species is (Suarez 2007).

Range mass: 450 to 575 g.

Range length: 23 to 29 cm.

Sexual Dimorphism: sexes alike; female larger

Other Physical Features: endothermic ; bilateral symmetry

droit d’auteur
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citation bibliographique
Kristofik, N. 2011. "Saguinus labiatus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Saguinus_labiatus.html
Nina Kristofik, Yale University
Eric Sargis, Yale University
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
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site partenaire
Animal Diversity Web

Life Expectancy ( anglais )

fourni par Animal Diversity Web

The lifespan of red-chested mustached tamarins is generally unknown. Other members of the genus Saguinus live into their early teens (Johnson 2008). In the wild, red-chested mustached tamarins estimated to be over the age of 8 based on tooth-wear are considered “old” (Suarez 2007).

droit d’auteur
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citation bibliographique
Kristofik, N. 2011. "Saguinus labiatus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Saguinus_labiatus.html
Nina Kristofik, Yale University
Eric Sargis, Yale University
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
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Animal Diversity Web

Habitat ( anglais )

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Red-chested mustached tamarins inhabit Amazonian rainforests. They are arboreal and spend most of their time in primary and secondary forests (Porter 2004, Mittermeier and Wallace 2008). They are generally found at elevations between 90 and 289 m.

Range elevation: 90 to 289 m.

Habitat Regions: tropical ; terrestrial

Terrestrial Biomes: rainforest

droit d’auteur
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citation bibliographique
Kristofik, N. 2011. "Saguinus labiatus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Saguinus_labiatus.html
Nina Kristofik, Yale University
Eric Sargis, Yale University
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
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Animal Diversity Web

Distribution ( anglais )

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Red-chested mustached tamarins, Saguinus labiatus, are found in South America and are found in particularly high densities (up to 45 individuals per sq km) in northwestern Bolivia (Suarez 2007). Red-chested mustached tamarins also inhabit the middle Amazonian region of Brazil as well as southeastern Peru (Wolfheim 1983).

Biogeographic Regions: neotropical (Native )

droit d’auteur
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citation bibliographique
Kristofik, N. 2011. "Saguinus labiatus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Saguinus_labiatus.html
Nina Kristofik, Yale University
Eric Sargis, Yale University
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
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Animal Diversity Web

Trophic Strategy ( anglais )

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Although red-chested mustached tamarins are omnivorous, the majority of their diet (about 60%) consists of fruit (Porter 2001). They eat a variety of fruits including Cecropia sciadophylla, Pseudolmedia rigida, and amazon grapes, Pourouma cecropiaefolia. However, they primarily eat fruits of the family Moraceae (Buchanan-Smith 1991).

During the dry season (June to August), when fruit is scarce, red-chested mustached tamarins often consume nectar, particularly from Symphonia globuliferae and Ochroma pyrmidale (Porter 2001). Members of this species also eat insects, primarily from the family Orthoptera (crickets, grasshoppers), as well as plant exudates (Porter 2001). Red-chested mustached tamarins do not have large, procumbent incisors, so their consumption of most exudates is likely opportunistic. Exudates of Parkia pendula, however, exude resin from a bean-shaped fruit, and predators do not require teeth that can damage the tough plant to obtain its nutrients (Buchanan-Smith 1991).

Animal Foods: insects

Plant Foods: fruit; nectar; sap or other plant fluids

Primary Diet: herbivore (Frugivore )

droit d’auteur
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citation bibliographique
Kristofik, N. 2011. "Saguinus labiatus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Saguinus_labiatus.html
Nina Kristofik, Yale University
Eric Sargis, Yale University
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
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Animal Diversity Web

Associations ( anglais )

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As frugivores, red-chested mustached tamarins likely disperse seeds of fruit trees from which they eat. Seeds are swallowed (Ferarri 1993) and may be excreted later to disperse seeds, as has been seen in other species of Saguinus (Oliviera and Ferrari 2000). Red-chested mustached tamarins also act as prey for a variety of Amazonian predators.

In Peru, red-chested mustached tamarins act as hosts to the parasties Athesmia heterolecithoides, Filaroides barretoi, Primasubulura jacchi, and Prosthenorchis elegans (Michaud 2003).

Ecosystem Impact: disperses seeds

Commensal/Parasitic Species:

  • Athesmia heterolecithoides
  • Filaroides barretoi
  • Primasubulura jacchi
  • Prosthenorchis elegans
droit d’auteur
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citation bibliographique
Kristofik, N. 2011. "Saguinus labiatus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Saguinus_labiatus.html
Nina Kristofik, Yale University
Eric Sargis, Yale University
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
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site partenaire
Animal Diversity Web

Benefits ( anglais )

fourni par Animal Diversity Web

Red-chested mustached tamarins do not often interact with humans, though it is possible that, when in captivity, these animals could transmit parasites to humans (Michaud 2003).

Negative Impacts: injures humans (carries human disease)

droit d’auteur
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citation bibliographique
Kristofik, N. 2011. "Saguinus labiatus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Saguinus_labiatus.html
Nina Kristofik, Yale University
Eric Sargis, Yale University
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
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site partenaire
Animal Diversity Web

Conservation Status ( anglais )

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Populations of red-chested mustached tamarins are stable, and they are not considered threatened. However, it is possible that deforestation in Bolivia could reduce habitat (Mittermeier and Wallace 2008). This species is not often hunted, though red-chested mustached tamarins are occasionally be taken as pets (Mittermeier and Wallace 2008).

CITES: appendix ii

IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: least concern

droit d’auteur
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citation bibliographique
Kristofik, N. 2011. "Saguinus labiatus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Saguinus_labiatus.html
Nina Kristofik, Yale University
Eric Sargis, Yale University
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
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site partenaire
Animal Diversity Web

Behavior ( anglais )

fourni par Animal Diversity Web

Red-chested mustached tamarins primarily communicate through scent marking and vocal calls. They have scent glands in both the circumgenital and gularsternal regions of their bodies (Suarez 2007). The size and use of these glands as well as the frequency of scent marking vary with sex. Female red-chested mustached tamarins tend to have larger angiogenital and suprapubic scent glands, and males scentvmark using sternal glands more often than females (Suarez 2007). Females scent mark more frequently than males in almost any circumstance (Smith and Gordon 2002).

Females use scent marking more often when fertile. This scent marking is thought to attract breeding males or communicate receptiveness to breeding (Suarez 2007), because males, particularly breeding males, are much more interested in checking female scent markings than females are in checking male scent markings (Gordon and Smith 2002). Additionally, breeding males are more likely to witness (due to proximity), sniff, and over-mark a female scent mark than other males (Suarez 2007).

Breeding males use scent marking more often than other males in the group. Scent marking by males occurs most often during intergroup encounters and thus may be a communication of territoriality (Suarez 2007). This ritual of male scent marking requires two males (usually the breeding male and the second-ranking male in the group), and begins with the males facing one another. One male (usually the breeding male) climbs over the other male and scent marks the bottom male’s head and back using angiogenital scent glands. As this occurs, the bottom male scent marks the branch beneath him with his sternal and then his suprapubic scent glands (Suarez 2007). Once the top male has passed over the bottom male, he scent marks the branch behind the bottom male. Both conclude the ritual with an angiogenital scent mark (Suarez 2007). Because this ritual generally occurs during intergroup encounters, it may be a display of male solidarity to extragroup individuals (Suarez 2007).

Because they are small, red-chested mustached tamarins are constantly alert and perform visual scans of their environment quite often to ensure they are safe from potential predators. Length of these visual scans varies with group size (Hardie and Buchanan-Smith 2002). If a potential predator is seen, a tamarin issues a loud alarm call, which differs based on the type of predator (Suarez 2007).

Red-chested mustached tamarins have also been observed producing “long calls,” which seem to be calls to neighboring groups of tamarins. These calls are often produced when red-chested mustached tamarins emerge from their sleeping sites in the morning and often result in intergroup encounters (Suarez 2007).

Communication Channels: acoustic ; chemical

Other Communication Modes: scent marks

Perception Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical

droit d’auteur
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citation bibliographique
Kristofik, N. 2011. "Saguinus labiatus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Saguinus_labiatus.html
Nina Kristofik, Yale University
Eric Sargis, Yale University
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
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site partenaire
Animal Diversity Web

Sans titre ( anglais )

fourni par Animal Diversity Web

A very recent study based on mitochondrial ribosomal RNA has revealed that red-chested mustached tamarins, Saguinus labiatus, and mustached tamarins, S. mystax, are sister taxa and only diverged from one another approximately 1.15 million years ago (Matauschek, Roos, and Heymann 2011).

droit d’auteur
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citation bibliographique
Kristofik, N. 2011. "Saguinus labiatus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Saguinus_labiatus.html
Nina Kristofik, Yale University
Eric Sargis, Yale University
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
visiter la source
site partenaire
Animal Diversity Web

Reproduction ( anglais )

fourni par Animal Diversity Web

Because breeding females may mate with more than one male, red-chested mustached tamarins are generally considered polyandrous. There is also evidence of male competition, as breeding males defend their mates by physically inserting themselves between a breeding female and non-breeding males within the group that approach (Suarez 2007).

Recent studies, however, propose a serially monogamous breeding system. Minimal aggression observed among males within a group has supported this idea (Suarez 2007). Additionally, genetic studies of wild groups indicate that one breeding male and one breeding female are responsible for all infants and/or juveniles in a group (Suarez 2007).

Other adults in a group of red-chested mustached tamarins are considered "helper" adults, and are typically related to one of the breeders (Suarez 2007). During intergroup encounters, helper group members assess the breeding situation of neighboring groups. If a helper, or a pair of helpers such as a set of twins, senses instability in a neighboring group, it may use an intergroup encounter as an opportunity to move to a different group, in which they can attempt to become a breeder (Suarez 2007).

Breeding males also defend breeding females during intergroup interactions. Females are generally chased away by their mates from sites where intergroup interactions occur. In fact, most aggression of breeding male red-chested mustached tamarins is targeted at a breeding female as he attempts to keep her away from these sites (Suarez 2007).

Mating System: monogamous ; polyandrous

In the wild, red-chested mustached tamarins generally mate in the spring (March to June), and breeding peeks in April. After a gestation period of about 160 days, most infants are born in the fall (late August to early December) (Suarez 2007). In captivity, however, members of this speices can mate during any season (Coates and Poole 1983). Red-chested mustached tamarins can breed as much as twice a year.

Each birth typically produces fraternal twins, each weighing approximately 40g, though occasionally only a single infant is born (Nakamichi and Yamada 2009, Coates and Poole 1983). Infants begin nursing immediately, and obtain all of their nutrients from their mother’s milk until they are 5 weeks old, when they may begin to eat solid food (Coates and Poole 1983). By 16 weeks of age, infants are usually completely weaned (Suarez 2007). Red-chested mustached tamarins become independent around 1 to 2 years of age and sexually mature around 2 to 4 years of age (Suarez 2007).

Breeding females chemically inhibit the first ovulation of their daughters, as females not related to the primary breeding female are rarely tolerated. These daughters may reach sexual maturity later than males of the same age (Smith and Gordon 2002).

Breeding interval: Breeding female red-chested mustached tamarins can breed up to twice yearly.

Breeding season: In the wild, red-chested mustached tamarins tend to mate during the spring (March to June), particularly in April. In captivity, however, they mate during any season.

Range number of offspring: 1 to 2.

Average number of offspring: 2.

Range gestation period: 150 to 170 days.

Average weaning age: 16 weeks.

Range time to independence: 1 to 2 years.

Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female): 2 to 4 years.

Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male): 2 to 4 years.

Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; fertilization ; viviparous

Because red-chested mustached tamarins tend to live in groups, investment in offspring is shared. For 2 months after infants are born, a mother provides nourishment to her young in the form of milk (Coates and Poole 1983). Other group members protect infants by carrying them. This is generally performed by the breeding male and female as well as the helper male. Helper males are usually related to the degree of sibling or half-sibling to one of the breeding individuals and thus gain inclusive fitness by participating in infant care (Suarez 2007).

Degree of investment from each individual varies from group to group. In some cases, the breeding male is responsible for most of the carrying (Pryce 1988), while in others, the breeding male and helper male equally contribute but carry much less often than the breeding female (Suarez 2007). Other group members large enough to provide infant care often do so, but not to the extent of breeding adults or the most closely-related helper male (Suarez 2007).

Once weaning occurs, infants begin to eat solid food. Because infants are too small to forage for their own food, they rely on older members of the group to share. In the wild, adult males appear to be responsible for most food sharing, though the father does not necessarily share most (Suarez 2007). Infants reach independence around 1 to 2 years of age (Suarez 2007).

Parental Investment: altricial ; male parental care ; female parental care ; pre-hatching/birth (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female); pre-weaning/fledging (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Male, Female); pre-independence (Provisioning: Male, Protecting: Male, Female)

droit d’auteur
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citation bibliographique
Kristofik, N. 2011. "Saguinus labiatus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Saguinus_labiatus.html
Nina Kristofik, Yale University
Eric Sargis, Yale University
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
visiter la source
site partenaire
Animal Diversity Web

Saguinus labiatus ( breton )

fourni par wikipedia BR

Saguinus labiatus a zo ur spesad primated e-touez kerentiad ar Cebidae.

Doareoù pennañ



Tiriad Saguinus labiatus e gwer.

Kavet e vez a-hed an Amazon e Bolivia, kornôg Brazil ha reter Perou.

Liamm diavaez

Muioc'h a restroù diwar-benn

a vo kavet e Wikimedia Commons.

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia BR

Saguinus labiatus: Brief Summary ( breton )

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Saguinus labiatus a zo ur spesad primated e-touez kerentiad ar Cebidae.

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia BR

Tití de llavis blancs ( catalan ; valencien )

fourni par wikipedia CA

El tití de llavis blancs (Saguinus labiatus) és una espècie de mico de la família dels cal·litríquids que viu al Brasil i Bolívia.



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wikipedia CA

Tití de llavis blancs: Brief Summary ( catalan ; valencien )

fourni par wikipedia CA

El tití de llavis blancs (Saguinus labiatus) és una espècie de mico de la família dels cal·litríquids que viu al Brasil i Bolívia.

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Autors i editors de Wikipedia
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wikipedia CA

Rotbauchtamarin ( allemand )

fourni par wikipedia DE

Der Rotbauchtamarin (Saguinus labiatus) ist eine Primatenart aus der Familie der Krallenaffen.


Rotbauchtamarine erreichen eine Kopfrumpflänge von 23 bis 30 Zentimetern und eine Schwanzlänge von 34 bis 41 Zentimetern. Ihr Durchschnittsgewicht beträgt 490 Gramm. Ihr Fell ist am Rücken schwarz gefärbt, namensgebendes Merkmal ist der rötlich oder orange gefärbte Bauch. Wie bei allen Krallenaffen befinden sich an den Fingern und Zehen (mit Ausnahme der Großzehe) Krallen statt Nägeln. Der Kopf ist ebenfalls schwarz, rund um die Lippen und die Nase befinden sich auffällige weiße Haare.

Verbreitung und Lebensraum

Saguinus labiatus
Das Verbreitungsgebiet des Rotbauchtamarins

Rotbauchtamarine leben im westlichen Amazonasbecken in Südamerika. Ihr Verbreitungsgebiet erstreckt sich im westlichen Brasilien zwischen den Flüssen Rio Madeira und Rio Purus und ragt bis nach Bolivien und Peru hinein. Die Unterart S. l. thomasi hat ein von den übrigen Populationen getrenntes Verbreitungsgebiet zwischen dem Rio Japurá und dem Rio Solimões. Lebensraum dieser Art sind tropische Regenwälder.


Diese Primaten sind tagaktive Baumbewohner, die sich auf allen vieren oder springend durch das Geäst fortbewegen. Sie leben in Gruppen von 2 bis 10 (durchschnittlich 6) Tieren, Gruppen bestehen aus einem oder mehreren Weibchen, einem oder mehreren Männchen und dem zugehörigen Nachwuchs. Gruppen bewohnen feste Territorien von 23 bis 41 Hektar, die sie gegenüber Artgenossen verteidigen. Sie sind Allesfresser, die sich vorrangig von Früchten, Insekten und Nektar ernähren.

Es pflanzt sich immer nur das dominante Weibchen der Gruppe fort, das sich mit allen Männchen paart (Polyandrie). Wie bei den meisten Krallenaffen kommen vorwiegend Zwillinge zur Welt und die ganze Gruppe kümmert sich um die Jungtiere.


In Teilen ihres Verbreitungsgebietes sind sie durch Waldrodungen gefährdet, insgesamt ist die Art aber laut IUCN „nicht gefährdet“ (least concern).


Es werden drei Unterarten unterschieden: die Nominatform Saguinus labiatus labiatus, S. l. rufiventer und die räumlich von den beiden anderen Unterarten getrennte Form S. l. thomasi, die nur von wenigen Exemplaren bekannt ist. Ob sich S. l. labiatus und S. l. rufiventer tatsächlich unterscheiden, ist umstritten.



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wikipedia DE

Rotbauchtamarin: Brief Summary ( allemand )

fourni par wikipedia DE

Der Rotbauchtamarin (Saguinus labiatus) ist eine Primatenart aus der Familie der Krallenaffen.

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wikipedia DE

White-lipped tamarin ( anglais )

fourni par wikipedia EN

The white-lipped tamarin (Saguinus labiatus), also known as the red-bellied tamarin, is a tamarin which lives in the Amazon area of Brazil and Bolivia.

The red belly of these New World monkeys is its most remarkable outward characteristic. Otherwise it is black with a thin white mustache on its face and a black-brown back.

They live in social groups of related animals. The mother usually gives birth to one or two young at a time. The father carries the babies most, but siblings (brothers and sisters) will also share the carrying of youngsters, and so learn how to be good carers.

There are three subspecies:[1]

  • Saguinus labiatus labiatus
  • Saguinus labiatus rufiventer
  • Thomas' moustached tamarin, Saguinus labiatus thomasi


Wikispecies has information related to White-lipped Tamarin.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Saguinus labiatus.
  1. ^ a b Groves, C. P. (2005). Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M. (eds.). Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed.). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. p. 134. ISBN 0-801-88221-4. OCLC 62265494.
  2. ^ Rylands AB, Mittermeier RA (2009). "The Diversity of the New World Primates (Platyrrhini)". In Garber PA, Estrada A, Bicca-Marques JC, Heymann EW, Strier KB (eds.). South American Primates: Comparative Perspectives in the Study of Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation. Springer. pp. 23–54. ISBN 978-0-387-78704-6.
  3. ^ Calouro, A.M.; Röhe, F.; Messias, M.R.; Wallace, R.B.; Spironello, W.R.; Mollinedo, J.M.; Heymann, E.W.; Rylands, A.B. (2021). "Saguinus labiatus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2021: e.T41524A192552331. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2021-1.RLTS.T41524A192552331.en. Retrieved 19 November 2021.
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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN

White-lipped tamarin: Brief Summary ( anglais )

fourni par wikipedia EN

The white-lipped tamarin (Saguinus labiatus), also known as the red-bellied tamarin, is a tamarin which lives in the Amazon area of Brazil and Bolivia.

The red belly of these New World monkeys is its most remarkable outward characteristic. Otherwise it is black with a thin white mustache on its face and a black-brown back.

They live in social groups of related animals. The mother usually gives birth to one or two young at a time. The father carries the babies most, but siblings (brothers and sisters) will also share the carrying of youngsters, and so learn how to be good carers.

There are three subspecies:

Saguinus labiatus labiatus Saguinus labiatus rufiventer Thomas' moustached tamarin, Saguinus labiatus thomasi
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Saguinus labiatus ( espagnol ; castillan )

fourni par wikipedia ES

El tamarino labiado (Saguinus labiatus) es un primate platirrino perteneciente a la familia Callitrichidae.

Endémico de las Américas. Su distribución comprende el este del Perú, el norte de Bolivia y el oeste de Brasil.

A estos animales se les encuentra en selvas tropicales, en vegetación primaria y secundaria. Se alimentan de frutas, flores, néctar y de presas pequeñas, como sapos, lagartos e insectos.

Conviven en grupos familiares de entre cuatro a 15 individuos.


  1. Heymann et al (2003). «Saguinus labiatus». Lista Roja de especies amenazadas de la UICN 2006 (en inglés). ISSN 2307-8235. Consultado el 12 de mayo de 2006. Database entry includes a brief justification of why this species is of least concern
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Saguinus labiatus: Brief Summary ( espagnol ; castillan )

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El tamarino labiado (Saguinus labiatus) es un primate platirrino perteneciente a la familia Callitrichidae.

Endémico de las Américas. Su distribución comprende el este del Perú, el norte de Bolivia y el oeste de Brasil.

A estos animales se les encuentra en selvas tropicales, en vegetación primaria y secundaria. Se alimentan de frutas, flores, néctar y de presas pequeñas, como sapos, lagartos e insectos.

Conviven en grupos familiares de entre cuatro a 15 individuos.

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Saguinus labiatus ( basque )

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Saguinus labiatus Saguinus generoko animalia da. Primateen barruko Callitrichinae azpifamilia eta Cebidae familian sailkatuta dago


  1. (Ingelesez)Mammals - full taxonomy and Red List status Ugaztun guztien egoera 2008an
  2. É. Geoffroy (1812) 1 Rec. Observ. Zool. 361. or..

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Saguinus labiatus: Brief Summary ( basque )

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Saguinus labiatus Saguinus generoko animalia da. Primateen barruko Callitrichinae azpifamilia eta Cebidae familian sailkatuta dago

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Tamarin labié

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Saguinus labiatus

Saguinus labiatus

Le Tamarin labié [1] (Saguinus labiatus) est une espèce de primate de la famille des Callitrichidae vivant en Amérique du Sud.


Le Tamarin labié a le manteau et la nuque d'apparence sombre. L'arrière-corps est suffusé de gris argenté et le dessous est d’un rouge brillant. La queue est complètement noire sauf au-dessous de la base roux ou orangé. Les lèvres et le nez sont couverts de poils blancs qui se détachent sur la face noire. Une raie pâle parcourt également le bas de l’oreille.


Cette espèce se rencontre dans le Centre-Nord-Ouest et dans le Nord-Ouest du Brésil, on la retrouve également dans l'extrême Sud-Est du Pérou et dans l'extrême nord de la Bolivie.


Le tamarin labié comprend trois sous-espèces :

  • Tamarin labié de Thomas (S. l. thomasi) : Réparti dans le Nord-Ouest du Brésil dans un triangle entre l’Amazone au Sud et le Rio Japurá au Nord.
  • Tamarin labié à ventre roux (S. l. rufiventer) : Entre le Rio Purús à l’Ouest et le Rio Madeira à l’Est, au Nord jusqu’à l’Amazone et au Sud jusqu’au-delà du Rio Ipixuna.
  • Tamarin labié de Geoffroy (S. l. labiatus) : Entre le Rio Purús à l’Ouest et le Rio Madeira à l’Est, au Nord jusqu’au Sud du Rio Ipixuna, au Sud jusqu’à l’extrême Nord de la Bolivie (au-delà du haut Rio Abunã) et au Sud-Ouest jusqu’à l’extrême Sud-Est du Pérou (région du Río Tahuamanú).


Cette espèce vit dans les forêts pluviales primaires et secondaires, dans les forêts semi-décidues, les forêts marécageuses et également les forêts inondables.

Comportements divers

En captivité, il joue fréquemment (pourchassement sur les troncs et les branches, parties de catch au sol) mais l’activité ludique des jeunes tamarins dans la nature s’avère limitée par la nécessité de longs déplacements quotidiens et l’apprentissage des nombreuses pratiques sociales indispensables à leur survie tel que la capture des insectes.


Il parcourt chaque jour environ 1,5 km et se déplace principalement dans les strates basse et moyenne comprises entre 3 m et 32 m. Il reste cependant quasiment toujours au-dessus de 10 m du sol.


Le tamarin labié est frugivore, insectivore et exsudativore. Il privilégie les fruits mûrs sucrés et pulpeux (surtout entre mars et mai). Il consomme de petits insectes qu’il déniche sur les feuilles et les ramilles. Ce primate furtif chasse par surprise.


Le pic des naissances se situe entre octobre et décembre. Les jumeaux viennent au monde après 140 à 150 jours de gestation et sont élevés par l’ensemble du groupe.

Notes et références

  1. (en) Murray Wrobel, Elsevier's Dictionary of Mammals : in Latin, English, German, French and Italian, Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2007, 857 p. (ISBN 978-0-444-51877-4, lire en ligne), entrée N°6180.
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Tamarin labié: Brief Summary

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Saguinus labiatus

Saguinus labiatus

Le Tamarin labié (Saguinus labiatus) est une espèce de primate de la famille des Callitrichidae vivant en Amérique du Sud.

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Saguinus labiatus ( italien )

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Saguinus labiatus

Il tamarino dal ventre rosso o tamarino labiato (Saguinus labiatus E. Géoffroy, 1812) è un primate platirrino della famiglia dei Cebidi.


Con tre sottospecie (Saguinus labiatus labiatus, Saguinus labiatus rufiventer e Saguinus labiatus thomasi) questo animale abita le aree di foresta pluviale primaria e secondaria periodicamente inondata del bacino amazzonico, perlopiù nella zona di confine fra Perù e Brasile.



Misura fino a 70 cm di lunghezza, di cui più della metà spettano alla coda (più lunga del corpo di almeno 10 cm), per un peso di circa mezzo chilo.


Il pelo è nero sulla testa e la parte ventrale del corpo: il petto, il ventre e la parte interna delle zampe sono invece color rosso-ruggine (da cui il nome comune), mentre attorno alla bocca il pelo è bianco (caratteristica dalla quale deriva invece il nome scientifico della specie). Il pelo può essere bianco anche attorno alle orecchie, così come sparsi peli bianchi possono essere presenti sul quarto posteriore. La coda e le zampe posteriori presentano sfumature grigiastre.
Le mani sono prive di pollici opponibili: il pollice, tuttavia, si differenzia ugualmente dalle altre dita perché dotato di unghia larga ed appiattita, anziché di unghie appuntide a guisa di artiglio.


Si tratta di animali diurni ed arboricoli, che vivono in gruppi. Molto caute e guardinghe, queste scimmiette hanno sviluppato una serie di accorgimenti per ridurre al minimo il tasso di perdite a causa della predazione: scelgono con cura i propri rifugi per la notte, che devono consistere in cavità con più fori d'uscita, inoltre tendono a cambiare spesso rifugio ed a ritirarsi per dormire prima del tramonto, in modo tale da non farsi intercettare da eventuali predatori notturni nei paraggi. Inoltre, lasciano sempre delle sentinelle mentre si cibano o si muovono, le quali avvertono il gruppo dell'imminenza di una minaccia tramite una varietà di vocalizzazioni diverse, a seconda della fonte di pericolo.


Si nutrono ai livelli più bassi della volta forestale, senza tuttavia scendere quasi mai a terra: mangiano frutta matura, nettare ed insetti, che catturano avvicinandosi di soppiatto e finendoli con un balzo fulmineo ed un morso alla testa.


La stagione riproduttiva va da ottobre a dicembre: la femmina dominante (che è anche l'unica a potersi riprodurre), al termine di una gestazione di circa cinque mesi, dà alla luce due gemelli, che vengono accuditi dall'intero gruppo.
I cuccioli vengono svezzati attorno al terzo mese d'età e raggiungono la maturità sessuale attorno all'anno e mezzo di vita.


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Saguinus labiatus: Brief Summary ( italien )

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Saguinus labiatus

Il tamarino dal ventre rosso o tamarino labiato (Saguinus labiatus E. Géoffroy, 1812) è un primate platirrino della famiglia dei Cebidi.

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Raudonpilvis tamarinas ( lituanien )

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Binomas Saguinus labiatus

Raudonpilvis tamarinas (lot. Saguinus labiatus, angl. White-lipped Tamarin, Red-bellied Tamarin, vok. Rotbauchtamarin) – kabiauodegių beždžionių (Cebidae) primatas. Išsiskiria baltais tankiais plaukais, kurie auga aplink lūpas. Svoris apie 490 g. Minta vabzdžiais, prinokusiais vaisiais, nektaru. Šeimą sudaro 2-4 gyvūnai. Gimdo 2 jauniklius, jais rūpinasi abu tėvai. Gyvena vakarų Brazilijoje, šiaurės Bolivijoje ir rytinėje Peru dalyje. Vikiteka

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Raudonpilvis tamarinas: Brief Summary ( lituanien )

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Raudonpilvis tamarinas (lot. Saguinus labiatus, angl. White-lipped Tamarin, Red-bellied Tamarin, vok. Rotbauchtamarin) – kabiauodegių beždžionių (Cebidae) primatas. Išsiskiria baltais tankiais plaukais, kurie auga aplink lūpas. Svoris apie 490 g. Minta vabzdžiais, prinokusiais vaisiais, nektaru. Šeimą sudaro 2-4 gyvūnai. Gimdo 2 jauniklius, jais rūpinasi abu tėvai. Gyvena vakarų Brazilijoje, šiaurės Bolivijoje ir rytinėje Peru dalyje. Vikiteka

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Roodbuiktamarin ( néerlandais ; flamand )

fourni par wikipedia NL

De roodbuiktamarin (Saguinus labiatus) is een zoogdier uit de familie van de klauwaapjes (Callitrichidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort werd voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd door É. Geoffroy in Humboldt in 1812.


De soort komt voor in Brazilië, Peru en Bolivia.

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Roodbuiktamarin: Brief Summary ( néerlandais ; flamand )

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De roodbuiktamarin (Saguinus labiatus) is een zoogdier uit de familie van de klauwaapjes (Callitrichidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort werd voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd door É. Geoffroy in Humboldt in 1812.

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Saguinus labiatus ( portugais )

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Saguinus labiatus

Saguinus labiatus é uma espécie de calitriquíneo que vive na Amazônia brasileira e boliviana.[4]


  1. Groves, C.P. (2005). Wilson, D.E.; Reeder, D.M. (eds.), ed. Mammal Species of the World 3 ed. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. 134 páginas. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494
  2. Rylands AB; Mittermeier RA (2009). «The Diversity of the New World Primates (Platyrrhini): An Annotated Taxonomy». In: Garber PA; Estrada A; Bicca-Marques JC; Heymann EW; Strier KB. South American Primates: Comparative Perspectives in the Study of Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation 3ª ed. Nova Iorque: Springer. pp. 23–54. ISBN 978-0-387-78704-6
  3. Mittermeier, R. A. & Wallace, R. B. (2008). Saguinus labiatus (em inglês). IUCN 2012. Lista Vermelha de Espécies Ameaçadas da IUCN de 2012 . Página visitada em 01 de janeiro de 2012..
  4. Rylands, A.B.; Coimbra-Filho, A.F.; Mittermeier, R. A. (1993). «Systematics, geographic distribution, and some notes on the conservation status of the Callitrichidae». In: Rylands, A.B. Marmosets and tamarins: systematics, behavior and ecology (PDF) 3ª ed. Oxford (UK): Oxford University Press. pp. 11–77. 0-19-85022-1
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Saguinus labiatus: Brief Summary ( portugais )

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Saguinus labiatus

Saguinus labiatus é uma espécie de calitriquíneo que vive na Amazônia brasileira e boliviana.

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Rödbukstamarin ( suédois )

fourni par wikipedia SV

Rödbukstamarin (Saguinus labiatus) är en primat i familjen kloapor (Callitrichidae).


Arten når en kroppslängd mellan 23 och 30 cm och därtill kommer en 34 till 41 cm lång svans. Individernas genomsnittliga vikt ligger vid 490 gram.[2] Pälsen har på ryggen en svart färg och är på buken rödaktig. Liksom hos andra kloapor finns vid alla fingrar och tår klor (med undantag av stortån) istället för naglar. Huvudet har likaså en svart färg med undantag av vita hår kring munnen och på nosen.[3]

Utbredning och habitat

Rödbukstamarin förekommer i västra Amazonområdet i Sydamerika. Utbredningsområdet ligger i västra Brasilien mellan floderna Rio Madeira och Rio Purus samt i angränsande regioner av Bolivia och Peru. Underarten S. l. thomasi är skild från övriga populationen och förekommer mellan floderna Río Japurá och Rio Solimões, som är en källflod till Amazonfloden.[1] Habitatet utgörs av regnskogar och träskmarker.[3]


Denna primat är aktiv på dagen och går på fyra extremiteter över grenar eller hoppar till nästa gren. Rödbukstamarin lever i grupper med 2 till 10 individer (genomsnitt 6) som bildas av en eller flera honor samt en eller flera hannar och deras ungar. Varje grupp har ett avgränsat revir av 23 till 41 hektar som försvaras mot främmande artfränder. Arten är allätare och livnär sig främst av frukter, insekter och nektar.[2][3]

I gruppen parar sig bara den dominanta honan med en eller flera hannar. Som hos de flesta kloapor föds tvillingar per kull och hela gruppen hjälper vid ungarnas uppfostring.[3]


Liksom andra djur som lever i regnskogen hotas rödbukstamarin av skogsavverkningar. IUCN betraktar populationen som stabil och listar arten som livskraftig (LC).[1]


Rödbukstamarin är en av 17 arter i släktet tamariner. Vanligen skiljs mellan tre underarter: Saguinus labiatus labiatus, S. l. rufiventer och S. l. thomasi som har ett eget utbredningsområde.[4] De två förstnämnda underarterna sammanfattas ibland till en enda underart.


Den här artikeln är helt eller delvis baserad på material från tyskspråkiga Wikipedia, 12 maj 2010.


  1. ^ [a b c] Saguinus labiatus på IUCN:s rödlista, auktor: Mittermeier, R.A. & Wallace, R.B. 2008, läst 9 januari 2011.
  2. ^ [a b] Red-bellied Tamarin på theprimata.com (engelska), läst 9 januari 2011
  3. ^ [a b c d] Chuang, J. 1999 Saguinus labiatus på Animal Diversity Web (engelska), besökt 9 januari 2011.
  4. ^ Wilson & Reeder (red.) Mammal Species of the World, 2005, Saguinus labiatus

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Rödbukstamarin: Brief Summary ( suédois )

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Rödbukstamarin (Saguinus labiatus) är en primat i familjen kloapor (Callitrichidae).

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Saguinus labiatus ( vietnamien )

fourni par wikipedia VI

Saguinus labiatus là một loài động vật có vú trong họ Cebidae, bộ Linh trưởng. Loài này được É. Geoffroy mô tả năm 1812.[2]

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ Mittermeier, R. A. & Wallace, R. B. (2008). Saguinus labiatus. 2008 Sách đỏ IUCN. Liên minh Bảo tồn Thiên nhiên Quốc tế 2008. Truy cập ngày 2 tháng 1 năm 2009.
  2. ^ a ă Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M. biên tập (2005). “Saguinus labiatus”. Mammal Species of the World . Baltimore: Nhà in Đại học Johns Hopkins, 2 tập (2.142 trang). ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.

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Saguinus labiatus: Brief Summary ( vietnamien )

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Saguinus labiatus là một loài động vật có vú trong họ Cebidae, bộ Linh trưởng. Loài này được É. Geoffroy mô tả năm 1812.

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Краснобрюхий тамарин ( russe )

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Царство: Животные
Подцарство: Эуметазои
Без ранга: Вторичноротые
Подтип: Позвоночные
Инфратип: Челюстноротые
Надкласс: Четвероногие
Подкласс: Звери
Инфракласс: Плацентарные
Надотряд: Euarchontoglires
Грандотряд: Euarchonta
Миротряд: Приматообразные
Отряд: Приматы
Инфраотряд: Обезьянообразные
Семейство: Игрунковые
Вид: Краснобрюхий тамарин
Международное научное название

Saguinus labiatus (E. Geoffroy in Humboldt, 1812)



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ITIS 572928NCBI 78454EOL 323903

Краснобрюхий тамарин[1] (лат. Saguinus labiatus) — вид игрунковых обезьян из рода тамаринов (Saguinus), обитающий в дождевых лесах Амазонии в Бразилии и Боливии.

Красные брюхо и грудь этих тамаринов отличают их от других представителей рода. В остальном шерсть чёрная, вокруг носа белая отметина

Образуют небольшие семейные группы. В помёте обычно один или два детёныша. В воспитании потомства участвуют все члены группы, включая самцов.

Различают три подвида:

  • Saguinus labiatus labiatus
  • Saguinus labiatus rufiventer
  • Saguinus labiatus thomasi


  1. Соколов В. Е. Пятиязычный словарь названий животных. Млекопитающие. Латинский, русский, английский, немецкий, французский. / под общей редакцией акад. В. Е. Соколова. — М.: Рус. яз., 1984. — С. 86. — 10 000 экз.
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Краснобрюхий тамарин: Brief Summary ( russe )

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Краснобрюхий тамарин (лат. Saguinus labiatus) — вид игрунковых обезьян из рода тамаринов (Saguinus), обитающий в дождевых лесах Амазонии в Бразилии и Боливии.

Красные брюхо и грудь этих тамаринов отличают их от других представителей рода. В остальном шерсть чёрная, вокруг носа белая отметина

Образуют небольшие семейные группы. В помёте обычно один или два детёныша. В воспитании потомства участвуют все члены группы, включая самцов.

Различают три подвида:

Saguinus labiatus labiatus Saguinus labiatus rufiventer Saguinus labiatus thomasi
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흰입술타마린 ( coréen )

fourni par wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

흰입술타마린(학명 : Saguinus labiatus)은 신세계원숭이에 속하는 타마린의 일종이다. 붉은배타마린으로도 불린다. 브라질볼리비아아마존 우림 지역에서 발견된다.

3종의 아종이 있다.[1]

  • Saguinus labiatus labiatus
  • Saguinus labiatus rufiventer
  • 토마스콧수염타마린 (Saguinus labiatus thomasi)


  1. Groves, C.P. (2005). Wilson, D.E.; Reeder, D.M., 편집. 《Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference》 (영어) 3판. 존스 홉킨스 대학교 출판사. 134쪽. ISBN 0-801-88221-4. OCLC 62265494.
  2. Rylands AB and Mittermeier RA (2009). 〈The Diversity of the New World Primates (Platyrrhini)〉. Garber PA, Estrada A, Bicca-Marques JC, Heymann EW, Strier KB. 《South American Primates: Comparative Perspectives in the Study of Bahavior, Ecology, and Conservation》. Springer. 23–54쪽. ISBN 978-0-387-78704-6.
  3. “Saguinus labiatus”. 《멸종 위기 종의 IUCN 적색 목록. 2008판》 (영어). 국제 자연 보전 연맹. 2008. 2009년 1월 2일에 확인함.
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흰입술타마린: Brief Summary ( coréen )

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흰입술타마린(학명 : Saguinus labiatus)은 신세계원숭이에 속하는 타마린의 일종이다. 붉은배타마린으로도 불린다. 브라질볼리비아아마존 우림 지역에서 발견된다.

3종의 아종이 있다.

Saguinus labiatus labiatus Saguinus labiatus rufiventer 토마스콧수염타마린 (Saguinus labiatus thomasi)
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