Figures 1–3.Photomicrographs of paratype male of Euglossa clausi Nemésio and Engel, sp. n. 1 Lateral habitus 2 Dorsal habitus (arrow points to rounded pronotal angle) 3 Facial aspect.
Figures 4–6.Tibial characters of Euglossa clausi Nemésio and Engel, sp. n. 4 Outer surface of mesotibia 5 Detail of mesotibial tufts 6 Outer surface of metatibia.
Figures 7–11.Male terminalia of Euglossa clausi Nemésio and Engel, sp. n. 7 Seventh metasomal sternum 8 Eighth sternum (note that relative proportions of the anterior section to the posterior section may be distorted owing to position of sclerite when photographed) 9 Genital capsule, dorsal view 10 Genital capsule, lateral view 11 Genital capsule, ventral view.