Zwackhiomyces is a genus of lichenicolous fungi in the family Xanthopyreniaceae.[1] The genus was circumscribed by Martin Grube and Josef Hafellner in 1990, with Zwackhiomyces coepulonus assigned as the type species.[2]
The genus name of Zwackhiomyces is in honour of Philipp Franz Wilhelm von Zwackh-Holzhausen (1826–1903), who was a German botanist (Lichenology and Mycology). He was also a Military Officer as well as being a landowner near Heidelberg. He was financially independent and owned large Herbarium.[3]
As accepted by Species Fungorum;[4]
Zwackhiomyces is a genus of lichenicolous fungi in the family Xanthopyreniaceae. The genus was circumscribed by Martin Grube and Josef Hafellner in 1990, with Zwackhiomyces coepulonus assigned as the type species.
The genus name of Zwackhiomyces is in honour of Philipp Franz Wilhelm von Zwackh-Holzhausen (1826–1903), who was a German botanist (Lichenology and Mycology). He was also a Military Officer as well as being a landowner near Heidelberg. He was financially independent and owned large Herbarium.
Zwackhiomyces Grube & Hafellner (zwakiomyces) – rodzaj grzybów z rodziny Xanthopyreniaceae[1]. Niektóre gatunki to grzyby naporostowe[2].
Pozycja w klasyfikacji według Index Fungorum: Xanthopyreniaceae, Pyrenulales, Chaetothyriomycetidae, Eurotiomycetes, Pezizomycotina, Ascomycota, Fungi[1].
Nazwa polska według W. Fałtynowicza[2].
Nazwy naukowe na podstawie Index Fungorum[3]. Nazwy polskie według W. Fałtynowicza[2].
Zwackhiomyces Grube & Hafellner (zwakiomyces) – rodzaj grzybów z rodziny Xanthopyreniaceae. Niektóre gatunki to grzyby naporostowe.