Comprehensive Description
fourni par Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Malmgreniella sanpedroensis
Harmothoe lunulata.—Hartman, 1961:49 [part]; 1966:402 [part]. [Not Delle Chiaje, 1830.]
MATERIAL EXAMINED.—EASTERN PACIFIC OCEAN: California: San Pedro Basin, 6.2 mi south of Pt. Ferman Light, 33°36′N, 118°18′W, 393 m, clay and mud, Velero IV sta 2306, 25 Apr 1953, holotype (AHF 1305).
DESCRIPTION.—Holotype, female with eggs, with posterior end incomplete, 14+ mm long, 5 mm wide including setae, and 33+ segments. Body without color. Elytra 15 pairs, on usual segments, oval and subreniform, delicate, with “veins”; large group of microtubercles on anterior part of elytra, absent on first pair, and smaller group on more posterior elytra; light brownish pigmentation in form of spots over area of attachment to elytrophores and C-shape masses on medial and posterior areas; exposed parts of elytra with scattered rusty red spots, giving speckled appearance (Figure 46B–E).
Bilobed prostomium with anterior lobes truncate, without distinct peaks; eyes moderate in size, anterior pair anteroventral, anterior to greatest width of prostomium, larger than posterodorsal pair; ceratophore of median antenna bulbous, in anterior notch, with papillate style about length of prostomium; ceratophores of lateral antennae inserted terminoventrally, with short, subulate, papillate styles; palps stout, tapered; tentaculophores lateral to prostomium, left one with up to 10 setae on inner side, 2 on slightly deformed right side (perhaps regenerating); tentacular cirri similar to median antenna, dorsal one slightly longer than ventral one; rusty red pigment spots on styles of lateral antennae and tentacular cirri (Figure 46A). Segment 2 with first pair of large elytrophores, biramous parapodia, and long ventral buccal cirri similar to tentacular cirri (Figure 46A,F); notosetae similar to those following; neurosetae more slender than those following, lower ones with rather long bare bulbous tips.
Biramous parapodia with notopodium short, rounded, with projecting acicular lobe on lower side; longer neuropodium with subconical presetal acicular lobe with subtriangular supraacicular process and shorter rounded postsetal lobe (Figure 46F–H). Notosetae numerous, forming radiating bundle, of several lengths, much stouter than neurosetae, clear, with faint, close-set spinose rows along one border, and short tapered bare tips (Figure 46I). Neurosetae numerous, forming fan-shape bundle; upper ones with longer spinose region, tapering to sharply pointed bare tips; middle ones with shorter spinose region and bifid tips; lower few with entire tips (Figure 46J). Cirrophore of dorsal cirri cylindrical, with bulbous glandular area on posterior side; style with short clavate papillae, rusty red pigment spots, and filamentous tip extending to tip of neuropodia; dorsal tubercles nodular; ventral cirri short, subulate, papillate (Figure 46G).
ETYMOLOGY.—The species is named for the collecting site, the San Pedro Basin.
DISTRIBUTION.—Eastern Pacific Ocean, southern California, San Pedro Basin, in 393 meters.
- citation bibliographique
- Pettibone, Marian H. 1993. "Scaled polychaetes (Polynoidae) associated with ophiuroids and other invertebrates and review of species referred to Malmgrenia McIntosh and replaced by Malmgreniella Hartman, with descriptions of new taxa." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-92.