
Adelomyrmex microps Fernández

Diagnostic Description ( anglais )

fourni par Plazi (legacy text)

Adelomyrmex microps Fernández , 2003:602 (w) in Fernández & MacKay, 2003

Worker diagnosis. Mandibles with 6 teeth, the three apical-most larger. Anterior margin of clypeal plate strongly concave. Eyes reduced to about 2 ommatidia. Hypostomal tooth small. Promesonotum evenly convex and higher than propodeum. Metanotal groove wide, shallow. Propodeal spines long, much longer than wide. Petiole rounded above. Postpetiole with narrow concavity posteriorly. First tergum anteriorly concave in dorsal view. Head with dense rugo-foveolate sculpture. Most of promesonotum smooth and shining, with longitudinal striae on periphery. Sides of mesosoma with irregular striae. Pilosity dorsal on body long, dense. Body reddish-brown.

Queen and male: Unknown.

Comments. This species can be separated by the small eyes, which are reduced to a pair of ommatidia, the metanotal suture is wide and shallow, and the propodeal spines are long.

It is only known from the type locality in Costa Rica ( Estación La Selva, Heredia, Fernández & MacKay, 2003).

not applicable
citation bibliographique
Fernández, F., 2003, Revision of the myrmicine ants of the Adelomyrmex genus-group (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)., Zootaxa, pp. 1-52, vol. 361
Fernández, F.
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site partenaire
Plazi (legacy text)