
Description of Neospora ( anglais )

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Toxoplasmatine coccidia, tissue cysts spheroid, with thick wall 0.85-4.0 µm thick; host cell nucleus outside meront wall; definitive host unknown; type species: N. caninum Dubey, Carpenter, Speer, Topper & Uggla, 1988.
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Neospora ( anglais )

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Neospora is a single celled parasite of livestock and companion animals. It was not discovered until 1984 in Norway, where it was found in dogs. Neosporosis, the disease that affects cattle and companion animals, has a worldwide distribution. Neosporosis causes abortions in cattle and paralysis in companion animals. It is highly transmissible and some herds can have up to a 90% prevalence. Up to 33% of pregnancies can result in aborted fetuses on one dairy farm. In many countries this organism is the main cause of abortion in cattle.[1] Neosporosis is now considered as a major cause of abortion in cattle worldwide. Many reliable diagnostic tests are commercially available. Neospora caninum does not appear to be infectious to humans. In dogs, Neospora caninum can cause neurological signs, especially in congenitally infected puppies, where it can form cysts in the central nervous system.


The genome of Neospora caninum has been sequenced.[2] The results suggest a European origin for this parasite.

Effects of disease

Neospora caninum is a major pathogen of cattle and dogs that occasionally causes clinical infections in horses, goats, sheep, and deer as well. The domestic dog is the only known definitive host for N. caninum. In cattle, N. caninum is a major cause of bovine abortion in many countries and is one of the most efficiently transmitted parasites with up to 90% of some bovine herds infected. N. caninum causes abortion in both beef and dairy cattle. Another important factor is the gestational age and hence immunocompetence of the fetus at the time of infection.[3] Early in gestation, N. caninum infection of the placenta and subsequently the fetus usually proves fatal, whereas infection occurring in mid to late pregnancy may result in the birth of a congenitally infected but otherwise healthy calf. Recent studies have broadened the list of known intermediate hosts to include birds. N. caninum has recently been found to infect domestic chickens and house sparrows (Passer domesticus) which may become infected after ingesting parasite oocysts from the soil. [4] The presence of birds in cattle pastures has been correlated to higher infection rates in cattle.[5] Birds may be an important link in the transmission of N. caninum to other animals.


The life cycle is similar to Toxoplasma. An infected dog will pass the oocysts through its feces and infect food or water. A cow or other animal will then up take the parasite. The parasite will undergo asexual reproduction in the animal's muscle until it is eaten by a dog. There, sexual reproduction will occur and oocysts will be created and passed through the feces. Dogs are often the definitive host but can act as an intermediate host as well. Cows are usually the intermediate host. No horizontal cow-to-cow transmission have been shown, although salival interactions have been suggested. Vertical transmission can occur when an infected cow gives birth to an infected calf—the calf survives the infection and grows into an adult. Vertical route is the major route of transmission in cattle and is extremely efficient as the rate of transmission is usually between 80 and 100%. [6] A heifer calf that is born congenitally infected is capable of transmitting the infection to the next generation when she becomes pregnant, thus maintaining the infection in the herd. Transplacental transmission in cattle is considered the major route of transmission. The life cycle is typified by three infectious stages: tachyzoites, tissue cysts, and oocysts [7] Tachyzoites and tissue cysts are the stages found in the intermediate hosts, and they occur intracellularly.

Detection of disease

Detection: the presence of cerebral and cardiac lesions can be seen on aborted bovine fetuses originating from a single farm. The parasite is identified in the tissues of many bovine aborted fetuses but also of stillborn calves and, rarely, of clinically affected newborn calves. The diagnosis of the infection is assisted through histopathology and immunohistochemical examination of aborted fetuses and serologic testing of cattle for evidence of infection.[8] The abortion is the only clinical sign and can occur from the third month of pregnancy and onwards. Most of the abortions take place between the 5th and 6th months of pregnancy [9] The fetus is either resorbed, autolyzed, mummified, stillborn, born alive with clinical signs, or born clinically normal but chronically infected. At calving, infected calves may be clinically normal or may have neurologic signs, be underweight or unable to stand.

Prevention and control

Embryo transfer is recommended as a method of reproduction to reduce the chances of contracting the disease, as long as the disease status of the donor cow is checked. It is not recommended to rebreed heifers or cows that have this disease. Seropositive animals should be culled. To prevent horizontal transmission it is important to prevent the contamination of feed and water via the shedding of oocysts by dogs and possibly other canids like the fox. These animals should not have access to animal premises although this might be difficult to achieve. There are no drugs or vaccines available yet to prevent or control the disease.


  1. ^ Haddad J; Dohoo I; VanLeewen J. 2005. "A review of Neospora caninum in dairy and beef cattle, a Canadian perspective". Can Vet Journal. 46:230-243.
  2. ^ Khan A, Fujita AW, Randle N, Regidor-Cerrillo J, Shaik JS, Shen K, Oler AJ4, Quinones M4, Latham SM5, Akanmori BD, Cleaveland S, Innes EA, Ryan U, Šlapeta J, Schares G, Ortega-Mora LM, Dubey JP, Wastling JM, Grigg ME (2019) Global selective sweep of a highly inbred genome of the cattle parasite Neospora caninum. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA
  3. ^ Innes E, Wright S, Bartley P (2005) The host-parasite relationship in bovine neosporosis. Vet Immunopathology. 108:29-36
  4. ^ Darwich, L;Cabezón O, Echeverria I, Pabón M, Marco I, Molina-López R, Alarcia-Alejos O, López-Gatius F, Lavín S, Almería S (2012) Presence of Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum DNA in the brain of wild birds. Veterinary Parasitology 183: 377–381
  5. ^ Mineo T, Carrasco A, Raso T, Werther K, Pinto A, Machado R (2011) Survey for natural Neospora caninum infection in wild and captive birds. Veterinary Parasitology 182: 352–355.
  6. ^ Anderson M; Reynolds J; Rowe J. 1997. "Evidence of vertical transmission of Neospora sp in dairy cattle". JAVMA. 210:1803-1806.
  7. ^ Dubey, J. 2003. "Neosporosis in cattle". Journal of Parasitology 89:42-56
  8. ^ Anderson, M; Andrianarivo, A; Conrad, P. (2000). “Neoporosis in cattle”. Animal Reproduction Science. 60: 417-431.
  9. ^ Losson, B. 2006. "Neosporosis in Cattle". World Buiattrics Congress. http://www.ivis.org/proceedings/wbc/wbc2006/losson.pdf?LA=1

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Neospora: Brief Summary ( anglais )

fourni par wikipedia EN

Neospora is a single celled parasite of livestock and companion animals. It was not discovered until 1984 in Norway, where it was found in dogs. Neosporosis, the disease that affects cattle and companion animals, has a worldwide distribution. Neosporosis causes abortions in cattle and paralysis in companion animals. It is highly transmissible and some herds can have up to a 90% prevalence. Up to 33% of pregnancies can result in aborted fetuses on one dairy farm. In many countries this organism is the main cause of abortion in cattle. Neosporosis is now considered as a major cause of abortion in cattle worldwide. Many reliable diagnostic tests are commercially available. Neospora caninum does not appear to be infectious to humans. In dogs, Neospora caninum can cause neurological signs, especially in congenitally infected puppies, where it can form cysts in the central nervous system.

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Neospora ( portugais )

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O gênero Neospora apresenta como espécies importantes no âmbito médico-veterinário Neospora caninum e Neospora hughesi, sendo o último descrito como um protozoário parasita de eqüideos. Neospora caninum realiza invasão ativa do hospedeiro e multiplica-se pelo processo descrito como endogenia. Pode ser uma infecção assintomática em bovinos e causar aborto (observado primeiramente em gado leiteiro). Os canídeos, hospedeiros definitivos, infectam-se comendo tecido contaminado proveniente de hospedeiros intermediários, embora seja também possível que ocorra auto-contaminação ao comer suas próprias fezes (lembrando que também pode ocorrer a ingestão das fezes de outros cães possivelmente contaminados), sendo a via transplacentária a principal via de transmissão conhecida. Os taquizoítos encontram-se em células neurais, macrófagos, fibroblastos, endotélio vascular, monócitos, epitélio de túbulos renais e hepatócitos, além de células musculares do coração e da língua. Ao multiplicarem-se assexuadamente nessas células, o taquizoíto realiza um processo de brotamento ou endodiogenia, no qual são formados dois indivíduos na célula mãe, sendo a película da última utilizada pelas células filhas.

Ciclo Biológico

No ciclo, o hospedeiro definitivo ingere tecido contaminado com cistos teciduais. No trato digestivo, há o processo de formação do oocisto (que é liberado não esporulado, esporulando no ambiente). O hospedeiro intermediário ou mesmo o próprio hospedeiro definitivo ingere oocistos esporulados pela água ou pelo contato oral com as fezes desse. Caso bovinos tenham esse contato oral, infectam-se e há formação de cisto tecidual. Em imunodepressão (como na gravidez), bradizoítos 15 são liberados dos cistos e migram para a placenta, infectando o feto. Este pode aparentemente não estar infectado ao nascer, mas pode possuir o parasita em seu organismo. Além disso, o animal ainda pode nascer morto ou sem o protozoário em seu organismo, sendo que em muitos casos ocorre aborto ou reabsorção fetal. É importante salientar que não há tratamento para Neospora caninum em bovinos. O diagnostico pode ser feito pelo teste de Eliza e também por imunofluorescência.

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Neospora: Brief Summary ( portugais )

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O gênero Neospora apresenta como espécies importantes no âmbito médico-veterinário Neospora caninum e Neospora hughesi, sendo o último descrito como um protozoário parasita de eqüideos. Neospora caninum realiza invasão ativa do hospedeiro e multiplica-se pelo processo descrito como endogenia. Pode ser uma infecção assintomática em bovinos e causar aborto (observado primeiramente em gado leiteiro). Os canídeos, hospedeiros definitivos, infectam-se comendo tecido contaminado proveniente de hospedeiros intermediários, embora seja também possível que ocorra auto-contaminação ao comer suas próprias fezes (lembrando que também pode ocorrer a ingestão das fezes de outros cães possivelmente contaminados), sendo a via transplacentária a principal via de transmissão conhecida. Os taquizoítos encontram-se em células neurais, macrófagos, fibroblastos, endotélio vascular, monócitos, epitélio de túbulos renais e hepatócitos, além de células musculares do coração e da língua. Ao multiplicarem-se assexuadamente nessas células, o taquizoíto realiza um processo de brotamento ou endodiogenia, no qual são formados dois indivíduos na célula mãe, sendo a película da última utilizada pelas células filhas.

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ネオスポラ症 ( japonais )

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ネオスポラアピコンプレックス門に属する単細胞真核生物である。トキソプラズマと近縁であり、形態や生活環もよく似ている。2種が知られているが、N. hughesiについては不明な点が多く、以下特記なき場合はN. caninumについての知見である。










N. hughesiがウマに脳脊髄炎を起こす場合があることが知られている。2種のネオスポラは抗体が交差反応するため、N. caninumがウマに感染するかどうかの知見はない。東欧から中近東にかけて10~20%のウマが抗体陽性であることが知られているが、発症した例はアメリカ合衆国に限られている。[3]








  1. ^ Goodswen et al. (2013). “A review of the infection, genetics, and evolution of Neospora caninum”. Infect. Genet. Evol. 13: 133-150. doi:10.1016/j.meegid.2012.08.012.
  2. ^ a b c Lyon et al. (2010). “Update on the Diagnosis and Management of Neospora caninum Infections in Dogs”. Top. Companion Anim. Med. 25 (3): 170-175. doi:10.1053/j.tcam.2010.07.005.
  3. ^ a b c Dubey & Schares (2011). “Neosporosis in animals--the last five years”. Vet. Parasitol. 180 (1-2): 90-108. doi:10.1016/j.vetpar.2011.05.031.


執筆の途中です この項目は、獣医学に関連した書きかけの項目です。この項目を加筆・訂正などしてくださる協力者を求めていますP:生物学/PJ:獣医学)。 家畜伝染病言葉組織・施設等協定・法律等
世界の旗 国際獣疫事務局 リスト疾病複数種 ウシ ヒツジヤギ ウマ ブタ トリ ウサギ ハチ
アカリンダニ症 - アメリカ腐蛆病 - ヨーロッパ腐蛆病 - スモール・ハイブ・ビートル症 - ミツバチトゲダニ症 - バロア病
魚類 軟体動物

Bonamia ostreae感染症 - Bonamia exitiosus感染症 - Marteilia refringens感染症 - Mikrocytos roughleyi感染症 - Perkinsus marinus感染症 - Perkinsus olseni感染症 - Xenohaliotis californiensis感染症
タウラ症候群 - 白点病 - イエローヘッド病 - バキュロウイルス・ペナエイによる感染症 - モノドン型バキュロウイルスによる感染症 - 伝染性皮下造血器壊死症 - ザリガニ病
日本の旗 家畜伝染病予防法上の監視伝染病法定伝染病届出伝染病

ブルータング - アカバネ病 - 悪性カタル熱 - チュウザン病 - ランピースキン病 - 牛ウイルス性下痢・粘膜病 - 牛伝染性鼻気管炎 - 牛白血病 - アイノウイルス感染症 - イバラキ病 - 牛丘疹性口炎 - 牛流行熱 - 類鼻疽 - 破傷風 - 気腫疽 - レプトスピラ症 - サルモネラ症 - 牛カンピロバクター症 - トリパノソーマ病 - トリコモナス病 - ネオスポラ症 - 牛バエ幼虫症 - ニパウイルス感染症 - 馬インフルエンザ - 馬ウイルス性動脈炎 - 馬鼻肺炎 - 馬モルビリウイルス肺炎 - 馬痘 - 野兎病 - 馬伝染性子宮炎 - 馬パラチフス - 仮性皮疽 - 小反芻獣疫 - 伝染性膿疱性皮膚炎 - ナイロビ羊病 - 羊痘 - マエディ・ビスナ - 伝染性無乳症 - 流行性羊流産 - トキソプラズマ病 - 疥癬 - 山羊痘 - 山羊関節炎・脳脊髄炎 - 山羊伝染性胸膜肺炎 - オーエスキー病 - 伝染性胃腸炎 - 豚エンテロウイルス性脳脊髄炎 - 豚繁殖・呼吸障害症候群 - 豚水疱疹 - 豚流行性下痢 - 萎縮性鼻炎 - 豚丹毒 - 豚赤痢 - 鳥インフルエンザ - 鶏痘 - マレック病 - 伝染性気管支炎 - 伝染性喉頭気管炎 - 伝染性ファブリキウス嚢病 - 鶏白血病 - 鶏結核病 - 鶏マイコプラズマ病 - ロイコチトゾーン病 - あひる肝炎 - あひるウイルス性腸炎 - 兎ウイルス性出血病 - 兎粘液腫 - バロア病 - チョーク病 - アカリンダニ症 - ノゼマ病
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네오스포라속 ( coréen )

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네오스포라속(Neospora)은 정단복합체충문에 속하는 기생 원생생물 속의 하나이다. 개나 소에게 네오스포라증[1]을 일으키는 병원균을 포함하고 있다.


  1. 네오스포라증(neosporosis)은 '네오스포라병', '네오스포라감염증', '네오스포라포자충증'으로도 불린다.
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