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Shrubs or trees, evergreen, (1.5-)3.5-12 m tall. Young branchlets yellow-brown, subterete, longitudinally angular and sulcate, glabrous or puberulent in groove near apex; older branchlets gray, fissured; leaf scars flattened; lenticels absent. Stipules deltoid, minute; petiole 4-7 mm, glabrous, adaxially broadly shallowly sulcate; leaf blade oblong-elliptic or oblong-lanceolate, 5-9(-11) × (2-)2.3-3.5 cm, thickly papery or subleathery, both surfaces glabrous, midvein impressed adaxially, lateral veins 7 or 8 pairs, abaxially prominent or raised, adaxially evident or obscure, furcate and anastomosing near margin, base obtuse or rounded, margin slightly recurved, crenulate, apices of teeth black and obtuse, or subentire, apex acuminate to caudate-acuminate, acumen 8-12 mm. Male inflorescences: cymes of order 2, 3-flowered, fasciculate, axillary on first to second year’s branchlets; peduncles very short, ca. 0.5 mm; bracts basal, ovate, ciliate; pedicels 1-3(-5) mm, puberulent or glabrous; bracteoles 2, basal, puberulent or glabrous; flowers yellow-white, 4-merous; calyx patelliform, ca. 2 mm in diam., 4-lobed, lobes deltoid, ciliate; corolla 5-6 mm in diam., petals obovate-oblong, ca. 2 × 1.5 mm, basally slightly connate, apex rounded; stamens longer than petals, anthers ovoid; rudimentary ovary subglobose, apex abruptly acute, minutely lobed. Female flowers not known. Infructescences: 1-fruited cymes, pseudoracemose or fasciculate; rachis 3-7 mm, glabrous; fruiting pedicels 2-3 mm, puberulent; bracteoles 2, basal, ovate, ciliate. Fruit red, globose, 5-6 mm; persistent calyx explanate, quadrangular, ca. 1.5 mm in diam., 4-lobed, lobes deltoid, ciliate; persistent stigma navel-like, ca. 1 mm in diam., minutely lobed; pyrenes 4, oblong, ca. 4 mm, 2-2.5 mm in diam., abaxially convex, palmately striate and sulcate, laterally irregularly longitudinally striate and deeply sulcate, endocarp stony. Fl. Feb-Apr, fr. Oct.
- licence
- cc-by-nc-sa-3.0
- droit d’auteur
- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
fourni par eFloras
Chongqing, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hunan, Sichuan, Yunnan.
- licence
- cc-by-nc-sa-3.0
- droit d’auteur
- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
fourni par eFloras
● Evergreen broad-leaved forests, sparse woods, shrubby areas, mountain slopes; 500-1800 m.
- licence
- cc-by-nc-sa-3.0
- droit d’auteur
- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
Ilex tetramera: Brief Summary
fourni par wikipedia VI
Ilex tetramera là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Aquifoliaceae. Loài này được (Rehder) C.J. Tseng mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1981.
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- cc-by-sa-3.0
- droit d’auteur
- Wikipedia tác giả và biên tập viên
fourni par wikipedia 中文维基百科
二名法 Ilex tetramera(Rehd.) 变种
- 灰叶冬青 I. t. var. tetramera
无毛灰叶冬青 I. t. var. glabra
灰叶冬青(学名:Ilex tetramera)是冬青科冬青属的植物,是中国的特有植物。分布在中国大陆的云南、四川、贵州、广西等地,生长于海拔700米至1,800米的地区,常生于常绿阔叶林中以及疏林中,目前已由人工引种栽培。
- Ilex tephrophylla (Loes.) S. Y. Hu
- Ilex tephrophylla (Loes.) S. Y. Hu var. glabra C. Y. Wu ex Y. R. Li
- Ilex tetramera (Rehd.) C. J. Tseng glabra (C. Y. Wu ex Y. R. Li) T. R. Dudley
- 昆明植物研究所. 灰叶冬青(原变种). 《中国高等植物数据库全库》. 中国科学院微生物研究所. [2009-02-24]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-05).
灰叶冬青: Brief Summary
fourni par wikipedia 中文维基百科
灰叶冬青(学名:Ilex tetramera)是冬青科冬青属的植物,是中国的特有植物。分布在中国大陆的云南、四川、贵州、广西等地,生长于海拔700米至1,800米的地区,常生于常绿阔叶林中以及疏林中,目前已由人工引种栽培。