When I got in contact the leaves (not with this tree, but in secondary growth at Mt. Halimun), they stung through my trekking trousers and caused severe pain and the skin looked "burned & red" for more than one week; any contact with water was nearly unbearable....; eventually after 1 month the effects where vanishing.I will never forget this most powerful Nettle! more info (German):
de.wikipedia.org/wiki/DendrocnideDendrocnide stimulans (L. f.) CHEW (Nettle tree or stinging tree, Nesselbaum, jelatang api,Jalatong pulus (Sundanese), kemaduh sapi (Javanese), jelatang kayu (Sumatra))Family: Urticaceae (nettles, Brennesselgewchse)Order: Rosales(unranked): Rosids(unranked): Eudicots(unranked): AngiospermsKingdom: Plantae2009-03-23 Bogor, W-Java, IndonesiaIMG_4334