Acer kawakamii is a species of Asian maple and a plant endemic to Taiwan. It belongs to the family Sapindaceae (formerly Aceraceae) and the genus Acer.[1]
It is a deciduous tree.
This species was first named by Gen'ichi Koizumi in 1911[2] and subsequently described and illustrated in later academic articles.[3] However, no type specimen was cited; it was only mentioned that the type specimen was collected from the temperate forests of Mount Hakkutisan in Alishan. According to a study conducted by Chien-Yu Tseng in 2007, the approximate type specimen currently held at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (catalog number: DB No. 01924) is likely the one recognized by Gen'ichi Koizumi. Due to significant morphological variations, particularly in leaf morphology and the number of leaf lobes, the species has been differentiated into subspecies or varieties. However, since these characteristics are difficult to determine, Tseng suggested treating it as a single species.[4]
Acer kawakamii is a species of Asian maple and a plant endemic to Taiwan. It belongs to the family Sapindaceae (formerly Aceraceae) and the genus Acer.
Acer pectinatum subsp. formosanum é uma espécie de árvore do gênero Acer, pertencente à família Aceraceae.[1]
Acer pectinatum subsp. formosanum é uma espécie de árvore do gênero Acer, pertencente à família Aceraceae.
Acer caudatifolium là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Bồ hòn. Loài này được Hayata mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1911.[1]
Acer caudatifolium là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Bồ hòn. Loài này được Hayata mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1911.
尖尾槭(学名:Acer caudatifolium)是无患子科槭属的植物,为台灣特有植物。分布在台湾等地,生长于海拔200米至2,100米的地区,多生长在疏林中,目前尚未由人工引种栽培。