All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
Maybe you've tasted chestnuts roasting over an open fire, but have you ever heard of the tragedy of the American chestnut? This species, Castanea dentata, is effectively extinct -- thanks to the forces of the ruthless fungus Cryphonectria parasitica, agent in the now infamous chestnut blight.Shara Azad from Erika Edwards' Plant Diversity course at Brown University (Biol0430) investigates what happened to those thousands of acres of American chestnut forests and what glimmers of hope there may be in the future. Music is by Mobster - freemusicarchive.org/music/Mobster/My_Sleep/02_-_Deep_forest.Special thanks to the Brown University Science Center and the Granoff Center for the Arts.
Christiansø, Ertholmene, Bornholm, Danmark
Mushroom Observer Image 989153: Haematomma guyanense Kalb & Staiger
Mushroom Observer Image 132304: Leptogium chloromelum (Sw.) Nyl.
Mushroom Observer Image 249071: Parmelina coleae Argüello & A. Crespo
Mushroom Observer Image 220653: Ramalina culbersoniorum LaGreca
Mushroom Observer Image 41566: Usnea endochrysea Stirton
Mushroom Observer Image 577688: Stictis Pers.
Mushroom Observer Image 346693: Helvella sulcata Willd.
Mushroom Observer Image 660545: Stictis radiata (L.) Pers.
Mushroom Observer Image 164248: Lasiobelonium relicinum (Fr.) Raitv.
Mushroom Observer Image 302259: Tuber P. Micheli ex F.H. Wigg.
Mushroom Observer Image 456169: Teloschistes hosseusianus Gyelnik
Mushroom Observer Image 101070: Xylaria tentaculata Berk. & Broome
Mushroom Observer Image 160235: Physcia adscendens (Fr.) H. Olivier
Mushroom Observer Image 1023701: Heterodermia leucomela (L.) Poelt
Mushroom Observer Image 219997: Hypocenomyce scalaris (Ach. ex Lilj.) M. Choisy
Mushroom Observer Image 810265: Arthonia rubella (Fée) Nyl.