
Comprehensive Description ( anglais )

fourni par Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Lasioglossum zonulum (Smith)

Halictus zonulus Smith, 1848:2171 [female, male].—Dalla Torre, 1896:92 [World catalog; see for older literature].—Atwood, 1933:451 [nests].—Brittain, 1933:94 [flower records].—Sandhouse, 1933:78 [synonymy].—Brittain and Newton, 1934:257, 260, 262 [locality and flower records].

Halictus similis.—Lovell, 1905:299 [misidentification of L. zonulum as evidenced by Lovell's 1908 synonymy of H. craterus].

Halictus craterus Lovell, 1908:35 [female, male; incorrectly identified as an Evylaeus].—Brittain and Newton, 1933:344 [locality and flower records]; 1934:262 [locality and flower records].—Sandhouse, 1933:78 [synonymy].—Covell, 1972:12 [lectotype, locality and flower records].

Halictus craternus.—Cockerell, 1916b:6 [lapsus calami].

Lasioglossum zonulum.—Michener, 1951:1107 [Nearctic catalog].—Evans and Lin, 1959:130 [predator, Philanthus gibbosus (Fabricius)].—Mitchell, 1960:346 [key, redescription].—Knerer and Atwood, 1962:163 [nests, locality and flower records].—Knerer, 1968:83 [presence in Austria].—Hurd, 1979:1958 [Nearctic catalog].

TYPE MATERIAL.—Smith based his descriptions of Halictus zonulus on a syntype series of more than one female and at least one male. I have examined one of the females of his type series, which is housed in the University Museum, Oxford. This female is in good condition; unfortunately, the associated label data was not recorded.

The female lectotype of Halictus craterus is in the National Museum of National History, Smithsonian Institution. It is labeled

Type No. 71566 U.S.N.M. [handwritten on red label]/224/ Waldoboro [Lincoln County] Maine/Iris versicolor June 24 July 5 [handwritten]/Halictus craterus n. sp. Type [handwritten]/Halictus craterus Lov. [ell] Holotype [handwritten on red label]/LECTOTYPE Halictus craterus Lovell By C.V. Covell Jr. 1971.

The lecototype is in excellent condition; 28 paralectotypes are also in the Smithsonian Collection.

DISTRIBUTION (Figure 733).—Like Lasioglossum leucozonium, L. zonulum is a holarctic species, widespread in Europe. In the New World it is found in Canada and the northern United States from Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia west to Quadra Island off the east coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia (Hurd, 1979, recorded this species west only to Minnesota). The northernmost record is two males from Cranberry Portage, Manitoba (54°36′ north latitude). Southernmost records include one female from Page County, Iowa, and one female from Madison County, Indiana.

DIAGNOSIS.—For diagnosis of female Lasioglossum zonulum see L. leucozonium diagnosis.

Males of L. zonulum can be easily recognized by the distinctive hair tufts on sternum VI and the well-developed posterolateral lobes of tergum VII (Figure 205, 744). Like the males of L. leucozonium, the clypeus is rounded (not flattened as in most male Lasioglossum) and the dorsal propodeal surface is strongly striate to rugose. In addition to differences in sternal vestiture, L. zonulum males differ from those of L. leucozonium in having completely dark legs (middle and hind basitarsi yellow in the latter species).

DESCRIPTION.—FEMALE: (1) Length 8.5–10.5 mm (x = 9.7, n = 15); (2) wing length 2.4–3.7 mm (x = 2.6, n = 15); (3) abdominal width 3.0–3.5 mm (x = 3.2, n = 15).

Structure: (4) Head elongate (Figure 734; length/width ratio 0.88–1.0, x = 0.94, n = 15). (7) Supraclypeal area evenly rounded, (8) weakly protuberant. (9) Clypeus projecting approximately 0.81 of its length below lower margin of eyes; (11) surface without median longitudinal sulcation. (14) Distance between lateral ocelli subequal to distance between lateral ocellus and eye. (23) Flagellomere 1 longer than 2 along dorsal surface. Labrum as in Figure 736; (27) distal keel moderately broad in frontal view, gradually narrowing towards apex as in L. leucozonium; (29) distal lateral projections moderately well developed, weakly projecting; (29) fimbrial setae acutely pointed.

(32) Pronotal lateral angle narrowly obtuse, prominent with very well-developed dorsal ridge; (33) pronotal lateral ridge incomplete, interrupted by oblique lateral sulcus; (34) lower portion of lateral ridge inconspicuous, broadly rounded. (35) Mesoscutal lip rounded, not bilobed, (36) very strongly elevated from pronotum. (40) Dorsal surface of propodeum very short, about 0.53 the length of scutellum and slightly shorter than metanotum, (41) not depressed centrally, (42) posterior margin indistinctly truncated (lateral angles of dorsal surface gradually sloping from propodeal triangle); (43) propodeal triangle moderately well defined laterally; (44) lateral carinae nearly encircling posterior surface, interrupted dorsally. (45) Tibial spur as in Figure 60.

(46) Lateral edge of metasomal tergum II only faintly sinuate, virtually straight (similar to L. leucozonium).

Sculpture: (47) Face shiny, (48) densely punctate below ocelli, punctures contiguous, becoming somewhat punctuate below ocelli, punctures contiguous, becoming somewhat coarse near antennae. (51) Supraclypeal area extremely granulate; (52) uniformly and densely punctate, punctures separated by their width or less. (53) Clypeus obscurely granulate; (54) punctuation dense, nearly uniform, punctures separated by less than their width over basal two-thirds, separated by their width apicolaterally. (56) Mesoscutum shiny; (57) punctation as in Figure 739, punctures coarse, separated by their width or less laterally and anteriorly, becoming slightly less dense centrally, punctures 1–2 times their width apart. (58) Scutellar punctation coarse, similar to that of mesoscutum with widely separated impunctate areas. (63) Dorsal surface of propodeum (Figure 738) irregularly but very strongly striate with obscure transverse rugulae, striae reaching posterior margin; (64) surface smooth, not alveolated. (65) Metasomal tergum I shiny; (66) punctuation fine to very fine, moderately sparse posteriorly, punctures 1–1.5 times their width apart, very sparse anteriorly, punctures up to 4 times their width apart.

Coloration: (71) Wing membrane nearly hyaline, very lightly pigmented.

Vestiture: (74) Pubescence of head pale yellowish brown. (75) Pubescence of thorax white to pale yellowish brown; (76) mesoscutal hairs moderately dense and plumose. (77) Hind tibial hairs concolorous, yellowish brown. (78) Anterior hairs of metasomal tergum I and (79) basal hair bands of terga II–IV white. (80) Acarinarium absent, elongate hairs scattered over anterior surface of tergum I.

MALE: Similar to female except as follows: (1) length 7.4–9.2 mm (x = 8.5, n = 15); (2) wing length 2.1–2.6 mm (x = 2.3, n = 15); (3) abdominal width 2.2–2.6 mm (x = 2.5, n = 15). (4) Head as in Figure 735 (length/width ratio 0.89–1.0, x = 0.93, n = 15). (5) Gena conspicuously wider than eye, (6) rounded, not produced posteriorly. (10) Clypeal surface broadly rounded, not flattened or depressed. Labrum as in Figure 737; (24) distal process weakly developed, rounded; (25) basal area rounded medially, not depressed; (26) basal lateral depressions very weakly developed; unlike other species, labral sensilla conspicuously dense and elongate. (30) Mandible moderately elongate, reaching slightly beyond opposing clypeal angle. (53) Clypeus weakly granulate, shiny; (54) punctation nearly uniform throughout, punctures separated by less than their width. (68) Clypeal maculation usually present, often reduced, more rarely absent. (69) Flagellum entirely dark or only slightly paler or venter than dorsum. (72) Tarsi dark, concolorous with tibiae.

Vestiture: Sternal vestiture as in Figure 744; (82) hairs on sterum IV elongate, erect, without noticeable pattern; (83) posterior half of sternum V with band of short, suberect hairs surrounding a bare spot at the midpoint of the posterior sternal edge; (84) unlike other New World Lasioglossum except L. leucozonium, sternum VI with very characteristic vestiture here characterized by a glabrous surface having a circular basal hair tuft adjacent to a posterior X-shaped hair patch.

Terminalia: Sterna VII–VIII as in Figure 745; (84) sternum VII somewhat reduced, slender (similar to that of L. leucozonium); sternum VIII without median process (like L. leucozonium sternal disc reduced, narrow). Genitalia as in Figures 740–743; (86) gonobase short; (87) gonostylus robust, flat, broadly rounded apically (like L. leucozonium, gonostylus with inconspicouous setae); (88) retrorse membranous lobe absent; (90) volsella with conspicuous lateral flange but lacking prominent lobe.

FLIGHT RECORDS (Figure 746).—Lasioglossum zonulum females have been collected from early April through October, with most records from late June and late July. The six April records are 3 females, Moorhead, Minnesota, 27 Apr 1947; 2 females Ile Jesus, Quebec, 15 Apr 1906; 1 female, Hull, Quebec, 26 Apr 1938. Most males have been collected in late July but records range from June through October. The six males collected in June were all from Brandon, Manitoba, 13 June 1949.

FLOWER RECORDS.—Females (273): Compositae 40%; Leguminosae 14%; Rosaceae 14%; Cruciferae 8%. Males (54): Compositae 41%; Leguminosae 30%. Total: 327 in 18 families, 45 genera as follows:

Acer 1; Achillea 1; Apocynum 7; Aralia 1, 5; *Aster 5(1), 1; *Brassica 6(1); Centaurea 1; *Cirsium 4(1); *Cornus 2(1); Crataegus 1; Cypripedium 1; Daucus 3; *Epilobium 10(2)k 1; *Fragaria 7(3); Grindelia 4, 3; *Helianthus 3(1), 1; *Heracleum 1(1); *Hieracium 3(2); Iris 7; *Leontodon 4, 1, Lonicera 4; Lotus 1, *Lysimachia 1(1); *Medicago 9(1), 11; *Melilotus 22(3), 3; Potentilla 7; *Ranunculus 21(1), 1; *Raphanus 14; *Rhus 3(1); *Rosa 14(3); Rubus 8; Rudbeckia 9; Salix 4; Senecio 1; *Solidago 4(1), 1; Sonchus 29, 6; *Sphaeralcea 1(1); *Spiraea 1(1); *Symphoricarpos 3(3), 1; Tamarix 2; Tanacetum 3; *Taraxacum 46(4); *Trifolium 7(4), 2; *Tragopogon 3(3); Viburnum 1.

SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—3255 (1802, 1453).

CANADA. ALBERTA: Elkwater, Lethbridge. BRITISH COLUMBIA: Abbotsford, Burns Bog, Haney, Pitt Meadows, Quadra Island. MANITOBA: Altona, Angusville, Assiniboine River, Aweme, Binscarth, Boissevain, Brandon, Carberry, Cranberry Portage, Dauphin, Douglas, Fisher Branch, Forrest (9 mi N), Gladstone, Glenboro (13 mi N), Horton, Husavick, Mafeking, Millwood, Minnedosa (5 mi N), Moose Lake, Ninette, Reynolds, Roblin, Russell, St. Lazare, Shilo (5 mi SW), The Pas, Turtle Mt., Virden, Wahless (1–2 mi N), West Hank Lake, Whitemouth, Whitewater (4 mi N), Winnipeg. NEW BRUNSWICK: Cambellton, Fredericton, Fundy National Park, Greys Mills, Hampton, Keswick, Kouchibouguac, Moncton, Nerepis, Red Rapids, St. Andrews, St. John, St. Stephen. NOVA SCOTIA: Algonquin Park, Baddeck, Big Harbor, Bridgetown, Cheticamp, Clyde River, Digby, Halifax, Ingonish, Kempt Shore, Kentville, Millsville, Pictou, Smith's Cove, Truro, West River, Weymouth, Woodville.

ONTARIO: Black Sturgeon Lake, Boat Lake, Bow Lake, Britania, Caledon, Cane, Carp (5 mi W), Chatham, Cloyne, Craigleith, DeGrassi Pt., Dyers Bay, Echo Bay (10 mi E), Englehart, Fergus, Franklin Island, Go Home Bay, Guelph, Hastings, Hilton Beach, Keenabeek, Kenora, Iroquios Falls, Listowel (9.8 mi W), Manotick, Mattawa, Meaford, Merivale, Morrisburg, New Liskeard, North Bay, One Sided Lake, Orangeville, Orillia, Ottawa, Owen Sound, Pelle Island, Port Elgin, Port Sydney, Primrose, Rostrevor, Rutherglen, St. Catharines, St. Thomas, Sandford, Sturgeon Falls, Terra Cotta, Thornloe, Timagami, Tobermory, Toronoto, Trenton, Violet Hill, Waubamic, Wilcox Lake. PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND: Charlottetown, Prince Edward National Park. QUEBEC: Abbotsford, Cap Rouge, Cottage Beaulieu, Covey Hill, Fort Coulonge, Gaspe, Gracefield, Hemmingford, Hull, Ile Jesus, Ile de Montreal, Joliette, Kingsmere, Knowlton, Lac Nominque, Ladysmith, Laniel, La Trappe, Matane, Montcerf, Mont Joli, Montreal, Notre Dame du Portage, Quebec, Rouville, St. Anne's, St. Phillipe (2 mi N), Sherbrooke, Tenaga, Thurso, Val-Morin.

SASKATCHEWAN: Assiniboia, Big River, Candle Lake, Canora, Christopher Lake, Esterhazy, Estevan, Ft. Qu’Appelle, Good Spirit Lake, Green Lake, Greenwater Lake, Hatfield, Hudson Bay, Indian Head, Jane, Kandahar, Katepwa, Kenosee, Langham, Lumsden, Madge Lake, Minton, Moose Jaw (10 mi W), Mortlach, Prince Albert, Regina, Rockglen, Rushlake, Saskatoon, Torch River, Torquay, Viscount, Welby, White Fox, Willows, Yorkton.

UNITED STATES. IDAHO: Ada Co.: Regina, 1 mi W; Boundary Co.: Copeland. INDIANA: Madison Co.: Anderson. IOWA: Page Co., Shenandoah. MAINE: Arrostook Co.: Fort Kent; Franklin Co.: Dryden, Rangeley; Hancock Co.; Knox Co.: Owls Head; Lincoln Co.: Boothbay, Waldoboro; Penobscot Co.: Bangor, Orono; Washington Co.: Eastport, Machias; York Co.: Saco. MICHIGAN: Alger Co.; Baraga Co.; Charlevoix Co.; Cheboygan Co.; Chippewa Co.; Delta Co.; Dickinson Co.; Emmet Co.; Gogebic Co.; Houghton Co.; Huron Co.; Iron Co.; Keweenaw Co.; Mackinac Co.; Marquette Co.; Mason Co.; Menominee Co.; Midland Co.; Missaukee Co.; Ontonogan Co.; Ostego Co.; Roscommon Co.; Schoolcraft Co. MINNESOTA: Aitkin Co.; Anoka Co.; Becker Co.; Beltrami Co.; Carlton Co.; Carver Co.; Cass Co.; Chisago Co.; Clay Co.; Clearwater Co.; Cook Co.; Dakota Co.; Goodhue Co.; Hennepin Co.; Houston Co.; Itasca Co.; Kanabec Co.; Kittson Co.; Koochiching Co.; Lake Co.; Lake of the Woods Co.; Mille Lacs Co.; Otter Tail Co.; Pine Co.; Polk Co.; Ramsey Co.; Roseau Co.; St. Louis Co.; Sherburne Co.; Wabasha Co.; Wadena Co.; Washington Co.

MONTANA: Blaine Co.: Chinook; Dawson Co.: Glendive. NORTH DAKOTA: Benson Co.: Esmond; Bottineau Co.: Turtle Mts.; Case Co.: Fargo; Grand Forks Co.; Hettinger Co.: unspecified locality; LaMoure Co.: unspecified locality; McHenry Co.: Towner, 11 mi N; McLean Co.: Garrison; Pembina Co.: Walhalla, 12 mi N; Walsh Co.: Golden Twp., Grafton. NEW HAMPSHIRE: Coos Co.: Lancaster; Grafton Co.; Sullivan Co.: unspecified locality. NEW YORK: Albany Co.; Cayuga Co.; Clinton Co.; Cortland Co.; Essex Co.; Hamilton Co.; Herkimer Co.; Jefferson Co.; Monroe Co.; Niagara Co.; Ontario Co.; Oswego Co.; Seneca Co.; Tompkins Co.; Wayne Co. VERMONT: Caledonia Co.: Danville, St. Johnsbury; Essex Co.: unspecified locality; Windsor Co.: Norwich. WASHINGTON: King Co.: Kirkland, Seattle; Pierce Co.: Clover Creek, Tacoma; Skagit Co.: Anacortes (5 mi S), Rockport State Park; Whatcom Co.: Bellingham. WISCONSIN: Adams Co.; Bayfield Co.; Brown Co.; Clark Co.; Columbia Co.; Dane Co.; Door Co.; Dunn Co.; Florence Co.; Forest Co.; Green Lake Co.; Kewaunee Co.; Manitowoc Co.; Marquetts Co.; Milwaukee Co.; Oneida Co.; Ozaukee Co.; Price Co.; Racine Co.; Rusk Co.; St. Croix Co.; Shawano Co.; Vilas Co.; Washburn Co.; Waupauca Co.; Waushara Co.; Winnebago Co.

Appendix 1

Lasioglossum Character Matrix

Unambiguous states of 48 characters; see “Phylogeny” for explanation of character numbers and states; number 9 indicates an unknown character state.

Appendix 2

Identification of Figures in Keys

The following listing identifies the figures without legends utilized in the illustrated keys to Lasioglossum species.
citation bibliographique
McGinley, R. J. 1986. "Studies of Halictinae (Apoidea: Halictidae), I: Revision of New World Lasioglossum Curtis." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-294. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.429

Lasioglossum zonulus ( anglais )

fourni par wikipedia EN

Lasioglossum zonulus is a species of sweat bee in the family Halictidae. It is found in Europe and North America. While the name has historically been misspelled "zonulum" (e.g. [1]), the original name, zonulus, is a noun and does not change spelling under Article 31 of the ICZN, and some sources (e.g. [2]) have recognized this and adopted the correct spelling.


  1. ^ G.R. Else (1997). "Lasioglossum zonulum (Smith, F., 1848)". The Bees Wasps & Ants Recording Society. Retrieved 10 June 2021.
  2. ^ G.R. Else (1997). "Philanthus triangulum (Fabricius,1775)". The Bees Wasps & Ants Recording Society. Retrieved 10 June 2021.
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Lasioglossum zonulus: Brief Summary ( anglais )

fourni par wikipedia EN

Lasioglossum zonulus is a species of sweat bee in the family Halictidae. It is found in Europe and North America. While the name has historically been misspelled "zonulum" (e.g. ), the original name, zonulus, is a noun and does not change spelling under Article 31 of the ICZN, and some sources (e.g. ) have recognized this and adopted the correct spelling.

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Glanzende bandgroefbij ( néerlandais ; flamand )

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De glanzende bandgroefbij (Lasioglossum zonulum) is een vliesvleugelig insect uit de familie Halictidae. De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1848 door Smith.[1]

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Zonsmalbi ( suédois )

fourni par wikipedia SV

Zonsmalbi (Lasioglossum zonulum)[2][3] är en biart som först beskrevs av Smith 1848. Zonsmalbi ingår i släktet smalbin, och familjen vägbin.[4][5][6] Inga underarter finns listade.[4]


Ett slankt, svart bi med ljusa band på tergiternas (bakkroppssegmentens) bakkanter. Zonsmalbiet liknar fibblesmalbiet, men de ljusa bakkroppsbanden är bredare hos den senare arten.[7] Gulaktig päls på huvud och mellankropp; något ljusare på den senare hos hanen. Honan är omkring 9 mm lång, hanen 6 till 8 mm.[1] Som de flesta smalbin är arten svårbestämbar inom släktet.[7]


Zonsmalbiet förekommer i habitat som torrängar, parker, trädgårdar, vallar och ruderatområden ("skräpmark")[7], exempelvis skogsstigar.[8] Vad gäller näringsväxter är arten polylektisk; den flyger till blommande växter från många familjer, som korgblommiga växter, korsblommiga växter, klockväxter, solvändeväxter, liljeväxter, väddväxter, johannesörtsväxter, vallmoväxter, rosväxter, grobladsväxter och ranunkelväxter.[7] Flygtiden i Palearktis varar från tidigt i april till oktober för honor, från juni till september för hanar;[8] i Nordamerika någon månad senare[1].


Arten är en solitär, icke-samhällsbildande art; honan gräver sina larvbon i solexponerad, glesbevuxen mark. Boet utgörs av en mer eller mindre vertikal tunnel ner till ungefär 20 cm djup, som därefter vidgas till en blindgång. Från tunneln utgår förseglade larvceller som var och en innehåller ett ägg och näring i form av pollen. Efter parningen övervintrar den unga honan i det bo där hon föddes; hon kan troligtvis leva upp till två år.[8] Det förekommer att boet angrips av blodbina ängsblodbi, eventuellt även Sphecodes scabricollis, vilkas larver lever på den lagrade näringen efter det att värdägget eller -larven dödats.[7]


I Palearktis finns arten från norra Spanien i söder till mellersta Finland i norr, och från södra England och Wales i väster till Sibirien i öster.[7][8] I Nordamerika förekommer den i de nordöstra delarna, från Nova Scotia i Kanada till Minnesota, New England, New York, Michigan och Wisconsin i USA.[1] Arten är reproducerande i Sverige.[6]


  1. ^ [a b c d] Lasioglossum zonulum (Smith, 1848)” (på engelska). Discover Life. http://www.discoverlife.org/20/q?search=Lasioglossum+zonulum. Läst 3 oktober 2015.
  2. ^ (2008) , manuscript, World Bee Checklist Project - update 2008-09
  3. ^ (2006) , database, Apoidea Database, Fauna Europaea
  4. ^ [a b] Bisby F.A., Roskov Y.R., Orrell T.M., Nicolson D., Paglinawan L.E., Bailly N., Kirk P.M., Bourgoin T., Baillargeon G., Ouvrard D. (red.) (28 april 2011). ”Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2011 Annual Checklist.”. Species 2000: Reading, UK. http://www.catalogueoflife.org/annual-checklist/2011/search/all/key/lasioglossum+zonulum/match/1. Läst 24 september 2012.
  5. ^ ITIS Bees: World Bee Checklist. Ruggiero M. (project leader), Ascher J. et al., 2009-09-28
  6. ^ [a b] Dyntaxa Lasioglossum zonulum
  7. ^ [a b c d e f] ”Furchenbienen: Lasioglossum zonulum (på tyska). Wildbienen. http://www.wildbienen.de/eb-lzonu.htm. Läst 3 oktober 2015.
  8. ^ [a b c d] G W Allen (2006). Lasioglossum zonulum (Smith, 1848)” (på engelska). Bees Wasps & Ants Recording Society. http://www.bwars.com/index.php?q=bee/halictidae/lasioglossum-zonulum. Läst 3 oktober 2015.

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Zonsmalbi: Brief Summary ( suédois )

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Zonsmalbi (Lasioglossum zonulum) är en biart som först beskrevs av Smith 1848. Zonsmalbi ingår i släktet smalbin, och familjen vägbin. Inga underarter finns listade.

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Lasioglossum zonulum ( vietnamien )

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Lasioglossum zonulum là một loài Hymenoptera trong họ Halictidae. Loài này được Smith mô tả khoa học năm 1848.[1]

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Lasioglossum zonulum: Brief Summary ( vietnamien )

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Lasioglossum zonulum là một loài Hymenoptera trong họ Halictidae. Loài này được Smith mô tả khoa học năm 1848.

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