One of four seen in Franklin Canyon Park on the Chaparral Trail.
Strymon melinus. Gray hairstreak, part of the Scrub-Hairsteaks group. Tail detail is rather fascinatingly complex.May be confused with the Western Tailed-Blue but differs in several respects including its dashed hindwing pattern (line of white dashes with black dashes inside), its orange-tipped antennal clubs, and the tuft of orange-red hairs on its head. Male Gray Hairsteaks have orange abdomens.Resting here on Lonicera tatarica (Tatarian honeysuckle), a shrub of Eurasian origin that has escaped cultivation and is increasingly becoming invasive in our area.April 28, 2012, Popperton Park, Salt Lake City, Utah, elevation 4,950 ft.
New York, United States
Sandalwood Mobile Home Park, Florida, United States
Christmas, Florida, United States
Florida, United States
Arizona, United States
Orlando, Florida, United States
North Palm Beach, Florida, United States
Christmas, Florida, United States
Kolokee, Florida, United States
Florida, United States
Sandalwood Mobile Home Park, Florida, United States
Strymon melinus. Gray hairstreak, part of the Scrub-Hairsteaks group. May be confused with the Western Tailed-Blue but differs in several respects including its dashed hindwing pattern (line of white dashes with black dashes inside), its orange-tipped antennal clubs, and the tuft of orange-red hairs on its head. Male Gray Hairsteaks have orange abdomens.Resting here on Lonicera tatarica (Tatarian honeysuckle), a shrub of Eurasian origin that has escaped cultivation and is increasingly becoming invasive in our area.April 28, 2012, Popperton Park, Salt Lake City, Utah, elevation 4,950 ft.
Christmas, Florida, United States
Florida, United States
Florida, United States
Orlando, Florida, United States
09/01/2007 Harrison Co., IN
Ethel, Florida, United States
Orlando, Florida, United States
North Palm Beach, Florida, United States
Florida, United States
Theresa Rodriquez Grant, Florida, United States