I had never seen a worm quite this color before. The body can be bright green, blue-green or brown, and the parapodia lobes light in color. They can be up to 100mm in length, so this was a very "small one". It lives in mucus tubes amongst algal frond or holdfast, or in mussel beds. (Thanks to Marlin Harms for the species ID, as I only knew the genus). Marlin found this beauty. Great day we had, Marlin.
Onna, Okinawa, Japan
05/16/09 Dash Point State Park, WA
05/16/09 Dash Point State Park, WA
Halosydna brevisetosaPhoto by M.J. AdamsWhidbey Island, WA, USA
Arctonoe vittataPhoto by M.J. AdamsWhidbey Island, WA, USA
PIcture of the orange form for EOL.
Polychaeta Nereis virens, pharynx with two big sharp jaws.
Nereis virens
Polychaeta Nereis virens, next moment pharynx will be thrown out
Polychaeta Nereis virens
Nereis virens
Polychaeta Nereis virens. Pharynx with two big sharp jaws.
Nereis virens