
Description ( anglais )

fourni par INOTAXA archive
Oblong, black or piceous, the funiculus and tarsi reddish; coated with a dull brown earthy-looking exudation, which partly hides the small, closely placed, reddish-brown scales, the elytral tubercles with a few setiform scales, the legs strongly setose, the setæ becoming more crowded on the anterior tibiæ. Head and rostrum densely, rugulosely punctate, finely sulcate to the nasal plate, the rostrum parallel-sided and a little longer than broad. Prothorax transverse, slightly narrowed in front, bisinuate at the base, the hind angles rather sharp and extending backwards; transversely wrinkled and irregularly punctate. Elytra nearly twice as broad as the prothorax, flattened and subparallel to beyond the middle, and then abruptly declivous and obliquely narrowing to the apex, deeply sinuate at the base, rather coarsely seriate-punctate; each elytron with about ten large tubercles—one on the third interstice below the base, one on the shoulder, two oblique series across the disc (the tubercle on 3 at about one-third from the apex very large), and two placed transversely near the apex. Intermediate tibiæ with a rather long uncus in ♂.
Length 6 2/3—7¼, breadth 2½—2 7/8 millim.
droit d’auteur
Biologia Centrali-Americana
Champion, G.C.
visiter la source
site partenaire
INOTAXA archive

Distribution ( anglais )

fourni par INOTAXA archive
Hab.PANAMA, Bugaba (Champion).
droit d’auteur
Biologia Centrali-Americana
Champion, G.C.
visiter la source
site partenaire
INOTAXA archive

Physical description ( anglais )

fourni par INOTAXA archive
Four specimens, one (apparently female, with a very short claw to the middle tibiæ) free from incrustation, and showing the sculpture and vestiture much better than the others, which are certainly males.
droit d’auteur
Biologia Centrali-Americana
Champion, G.C.
visiter la source
site partenaire
INOTAXA archive