Clathrina contorta is 'n sponsspesie in die taksonomiese indeling van die kalksponse (Calcarea). Die spons leef in die see en sy steenselle bestaan uit kalsiumkarbonaat.
Die spons behoort tot die genus Clathrina en tot die familie Clathrinidae. Die wetenskaplike naam van die spesie is die eerste keer geldig gepubliseer in 1866 deur Bowerbank.
Clathrina contorta is 'n sponsspesie in die taksonomiese indeling van die kalksponse (Calcarea). Die spons leef in die see en sy steenselle bestaan uit kalsiumkarbonaat.
Die spons behoort tot die genus Clathrina en tot die familie Clathrinidae. Die wetenskaplike naam van die spesie is die eerste keer geldig gepubliseer in 1866 deur Bowerbank.
Ascandra contorta is a species of calcareous sponge belonging to the family Clathrinidae.
This is a whitish sponge which appears as a mass of irregular, convoluted tubes. It is very similar to Clathrina clathrus but usually differs in colour (C. clathrus is usually yellow) and by the presence of terminal oscula on vertical tubes (absent in C. clathrus). When viewed microscopically, the spicule structure of the two species is very different, A. contorta possessing two-pointed diactines and four-pointed tetractines as well as the three-pointed triactines which C. clathrus is exclusively made up of.
This sponge is found on north-eastern Atlantic coasts from the Arctic to the Mediterranean, usually on rocks at depths of 10–30 m, but occasionally in shallower water.
Ascandra contorta is a species of calcareous sponge belonging to the family Clathrinidae.
This is a whitish sponge which appears as a mass of irregular, convoluted tubes. It is very similar to Clathrina clathrus but usually differs in colour (C. clathrus is usually yellow) and by the presence of terminal oscula on vertical tubes (absent in C. clathrus). When viewed microscopically, the spicule structure of the two species is very different, A. contorta possessing two-pointed diactines and four-pointed tetractines as well as the three-pointed triactines which C. clathrus is exclusively made up of.
This sponge is found on north-eastern Atlantic coasts from the Arctic to the Mediterranean, usually on rocks at depths of 10–30 m, but occasionally in shallower water.
Clathrina contorta adalah spesies spons yang tergolong dalam kelas Calcarea. Spesies ini juga merupakan bagian dari filum Porifera, subregnum Parazoa, dan regnum Animalia. Nama ilmiah spesies ini pertama kali diterbitkan pada tahun 1866 oleh Bowerbank.
Seperti spons pada umumnya, spesies ini memiliki tubuh yang berpori dan permukaan yang keras seperti batu. Selain itu, Acanthochaetetes wellsi juga dapat menyerap oksigen dari air melalui proses difusi.
Clathrina contorta adalah spesies spons yang tergolong dalam kelas Calcarea. Spesies ini juga merupakan bagian dari filum Porifera, subregnum Parazoa, dan regnum Animalia. Nama ilmiah spesies ini pertama kali diterbitkan pada tahun 1866 oleh Bowerbank.
Seperti spons pada umumnya, spesies ini memiliki tubuh yang berpori dan permukaan yang keras seperti batu. Selain itu, Acanthochaetetes wellsi juga dapat menyerap oksigen dari air melalui proses difusi.
Clathrina contorta adolah spesies spons nan tagolong dalam kelas Calcarea. Spesies ko juo marupokan bagian dari filum Porifera, subregnum Parazoa, dan regnum Animalia. Namo ilmiah spesies ko pertamo kali ditabikan pado taun 1866 dek Bowerbank.
Saroman spons pado umumnyo, spesies ko mamiliki tubuah nan bapori dan pamukaan nan kareh mode batu. Salain itu, Clathrina contorta dapek juo manyerap oksigen dari aia malalui proses difusi.
Clathrina contorta adolah spesies spons nan tagolong dalam kelas Calcarea. Spesies ko juo marupokan bagian dari filum Porifera, subregnum Parazoa, dan regnum Animalia. Namo ilmiah spesies ko pertamo kali ditabikan pado taun 1866 dek Bowerbank.
Saroman spons pado umumnyo, spesies ko mamiliki tubuah nan bapori dan pamukaan nan kareh mode batu. Salain itu, Clathrina contorta dapek juo manyerap oksigen dari aia malalui proses difusi.