Comprehensive Description
fourni par North American Flora
Prunulus cymbaliferus (Mont.) Murrill
Agaricus {Mycena) cymbaliferus Mont. Syll. Crypt. 110. 1856. Mycena cymbalifera Sacc. Syll. Fung. 5: 273. 1887.
Pileus membranous, convex to expanded, amply umbonate, 1.5-2.5 cm. broad; surface white to gray, becoming brown when dry, margin undulate, expanded, striatulate: lamellae once inserted, scarcely attached, white, linear, the ends attenuate: stipe very long, fragile, fibrillose, hollow, the base decurrent, fusiform, radicate, 15 cm. long, 2 mm. thick.
Type locality: Columbus, Ohio. Habitat: On the ground among leaves. Distribution: Known only from the type locality.
- citation bibliographique
- William Alphonso MurrilI, Gertrude Simmons BurIingham, Leigh H Pennington, John Hendly Barnhart. 1907-1916. (AGARICALES); POLYPORACEAE-AGARICACEAE. North American flora. vol 9. New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY