Choaspes benjaminii,[2][3]also known as the Indian awlking[4] or common awlking, is a species of butterfly in the family Hesperiidae.[5] The species is named after Benjamin Delessert and was described on the basis of a specimen collected by Adolphe Delessert in the Nilgiris.[6]
The Indian awlking is found in Sri Lanka, India, northern Myanmar, Malaysia, Taiwan and Japan.[2]
In India, the Indian awlking ranges from the Palni Hills, Nilgiris and Kodagu in the south to northern and eastern India; from Kulu to Assam and eastwards onto Myanmar.[4][7]
The type locality is Nilgiris in South India.[2]
The Indian awlking is 50 to 60 mm long. It is distinguished by the shining green under hindwing with black veins, orange area with black spots on the tornus.
The male butterfly is shining indigo blue above. It has purplish hairs at the base which turn greenish with age. Cilia of hindwing and anal lobe broadly ochreous red.
The female butterfly is dark shining green with bluish-grey hairs at the base. forewing with a broad pale cupreous brown band on posterior margin; hindwing with a broad ochreous-red lobular patch with black macular upper border and broad central angular streak.[9]
Thorax greyish olive above, vertex bluish olive, abdomen brown; palpi and thorax in front and abdomen beneath, ochreous red.[9]
The Indian awlking is found in heavy jungles from 3,500 to 8,000 feet (1,100 to 2,400 m) in the hills. It is attracted to flowers and animal and bird droppings. It frequents the shade in the daytime but is found flying in the open during the early and late hours of the day.[7]
Larva with broad transverse dorsal black and yellow bands and two rows of white spots along the back; head, two anal segments and laterally below the bands red; face black spotted.[9]
Pupa pinkish grey black spotted. The larva rolls itself upon the tip of the leaf on which it feeds, and when it has eaten this leaf it goes to another, and so on till it changes to pupa.[9]
The larva (caterpillar) has been recorded on Meliosma arnottiana, Meliosma pinnata, Meliosma simplicifolia, Sabia campanulata,[10] Meliosma pungens, Meliosma rhoifolia, Meliosma rigida, Meliosma squamulata,[2] and Buddleja.
Choaspes benjaminii,also known as the Indian awlking or common awlking, is a species of butterfly in the family Hesperiidae. The species is named after Benjamin Delessert and was described on the basis of a specimen collected by Adolphe Delessert in the Nilgiris.
Choaspes benjaminii is een vlinder uit de familie van de dikkopjes (Hesperiidae).[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1843 door Félix Édouard Guérin-Méneville.
Bronnen, noten en/of referentiesC.b.formosanus
綠弄蝶(學名:Choaspes benjaminii)是弄蝶科綠弄蝶屬的一種昆蟲,在綠弄蝶屬中並不特別巨大,由於分布廣泛,在東亞及東南亞各地容易見得[1],翅膀有綠色或黃綠色等金屬色澤,此物種為綠弄蝶屬的模式種,因此得中文名稱為綠弄蝶。[2] 綠弄蝶分布廣,數量多,活動於晨昏或陰天,強烈陽光下,會停留於植物葉片下,飛行速度快。分佈在台灣、東南亞地區、中南半島、韓國及日本等地。幼蟲以清風藤科的山豬肉及筆欏子為寄主植物,幼蟲體色也非常鮮艷。[1]
綠弄蝶(學名:Choaspes benjaminii)是弄蝶科綠弄蝶屬的一種昆蟲,在綠弄蝶屬中並不特別巨大,由於分布廣泛,在東亞及東南亞各地容易見得,翅膀有綠色或黃綠色等金屬色澤,此物種為綠弄蝶屬的模式種,因此得中文名稱為綠弄蝶。 綠弄蝶分布廣,數量多,活動於晨昏或陰天,強烈陽光下,會停留於植物葉片下,飛行速度快。分佈在台灣、東南亞地區、中南半島、韓國及日本等地。幼蟲以清風藤科的山豬肉及筆欏子為寄主植物,幼蟲體色也非常鮮艷。
アオバセセリ(青羽挵 Choaspes benjaminii)はチョウ目(鱗翅目)セセリチョウ科に属するチョウの一種。