二名法 Belenois aurota(Fabricius, 1793) 紫色:分佈區域
金貝粉蝶(學名:Belenois aurota)是屬於粉蝶科粉蝶亞科的一種蝴蝶,是貝粉蝶屬的一種。分佈於非洲、中東至印度一帶,模式產地為印度南部的特蘭奎巴[1]。幼蟲的寄主為山柑科的山柑屬(如續隨子[2])、Maerua屬和Boscia屬植物[3][4]。
B. a. aurota - 指名亞種,分佈於印度、非洲熱帶地區和馬達加斯加[5]
B. a. augusta (Olivier, 1801)
B. a. taprobana (Moore, 1872) - 分佈於斯里蘭卡[6]
B. a. turanica (Sheljuzhko, 1908)- 分佈於土庫曼南部和塔吉克
^ Fabricius, 1793; Ent. Syst. 3 (1): 197
^ Tennent, 1996 The Butterflies of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia : 18, pl. 6, f. 27-29
^ Dickson & Kroon, 1978. Pennington's Butterflies of Southern Africa
^ Tuzov, Bogdanov, Devyatkin, Kaabak, Korolev, Murzin, Samodurov, Tarasov, 1997 Guide to the Butterflies of Russia and adjacent territories: Hesperiidae, Papilionidae, Pieridae, Satyridae Butts. Russia adj. terr. 1
^ Winhard, 2000, Butterflies of the world 10: 27, pl. 42, f. 13, pl. 43, f. 1
^ Pieris taprobana Moore, 1872; Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 1872 (2): 565
- Niepelt, W. (1935) Eine neue Tanaecia von Sumatra. Wenig bekannte exotische Falter. Internationale Entomologische Zeitschrift 29 (2): 13-15.
- Smart, 1976. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Butterfly World Illust. Encyp. Butt. World
- Wynter-Blyth, 1957. Butterflies of the Indian Region (1982 Reprint), 425