Figures 1–7.1–5 Typhochlaena seladonia C. L. Koch, 1841 1–3 male (IBSP 4551) left palpal bulb 1 prolateral 2 retrolateral 3 frontal 4–5 females, spermathecae 4 exuvium (IBSP 4551) 5 female (IBSP 109718) 6 Typhochlaena curumin sp. n. holotype female (IBSP 8701) spermathecae 7 Typhochlaena paschoali sp. n., paratype female (MNRJ 12928), spermathecae. Scale bar = 1mm.
Carlos Perafán, Fernando Pérez-Miles
Figures 2–6.Melloleitaoina crassifemur. 2 male holotype, dorsal view 3–5 left palpal bulb, 3 prolateral view 4 retrolateral view 5 detail of apex widened 6 left tibial apophysis (subapical spine on retrolateral branch RB lost). Scale bar = 1 mm.
Figures 22–27.22–23 Typhochlaena seladonia C. L. Koch, 1841, habitus 22 female, Santa Luzia do Itanhy, state of Sergipe 23 immature inside its retreat in tree bark, same locality 24 Typhochlaena amma sp. n., female, Santa Teresa, state of Espirito Santo 25 Typhochlaena costae sp. n., female, Palmas, state of Tocantins 26 Typhochlena curumim sp. n., female, Areia, state of Paraiba 27 Typhochlaena paschoali sp. n., preserved female, Camacam, state of Bahia (holotype MNRJ 13723). Photos: R. Bertani.
Carlos Perafán, Fernando Pérez-Miles
Figures 7–11.Melloleitaoina mutquina. 7–8 male holotype 7 dorsal view 8 ventral view 9–10 right palpal bulb 9 prolateral view 10 retrolateral view 11 right tibial apophysis. Arrow indicates apex widened. Scale bars = 1 mm.
Figure 28.Map showing records of Typhochlaena species in Northestern, Central western and Southeastern Brazil. Star = Typhochlaena seladonia C. L. Koch, 1841, square = Typhochlaena costae sp. n., diamond = Typhochlaena curumim sp. n., triangle = Typhochlaena paschoali sp. n., circle = Typhochlaena amma sp. n. The gray area represents the approximate original distribution of Brazilian Atlantic rainforest. White area represents open environment (cerrado and caatinga).
Carlos Perafán, Fernando Pérez-Miles
Figures 12–21.Melloleitaoina uru. 12 female, dorsal view 13–14 male holotype 13 cephalotorax 14 sternum, labium, maxillae and quelicerae 15 spermathecae 16–18 left palpal bulb 16 prolateral view 17 retrolateral view 18 detail of triangular tooth on embolus 19–20 coxa III 19 prolateral view 20 detail of spiniform setae 21 right tibial apophysis. Arrow indicates triangular tooth on embolus. Scale bars black = 1 mm.
Figures 1–7.1–5 Typhochlaena seladonia C. L. Koch, 1841 1–3 male (IBSP 4551) left palpal bulb 1 prolateral 2 retrolateral 3 frontal 4–5 females, spermathecae 4 exuvium (IBSP 4551) 5 female (IBSP 109718) 6 Typhochlaena curumin sp. n. holotype female (IBSP 8701) spermathecae 7 Typhochlaena paschoali sp. n., paratype female (MNRJ 12928), spermathecae. Scale bar = 1mm.
Carlos Perafán, Fernando Pérez-Miles
Figures 22–29.Melloleitaoina yupanqui. 22 female, dorsal view 23–24 male holotype 23 cephalothorax 24 sternum, labium, maxillae and quelicerae 25 spermathecae 26–28 left palpal bulb 26 prolateral view 27 retrolateral view 28 detail of embolus showing PS discontinuous 29 right tibial apophysis. Scale bars = 1 mm.
Figures 22–27.22–23 Typhochlaena seladonia C. L. Koch, 1841, habitus 22 female, Santa Luzia do Itanhy, state of Sergipe 23 immature inside its retreat in tree bark, same locality 24 Typhochlaena amma sp. n., female, Santa Teresa, state of Espirito Santo 25 Typhochlaena costae sp. n., female, Palmas, state of Tocantins 26 Typhochlena curumim sp. n., female, Areia, state of Paraiba 27 Typhochlaena paschoali sp. n., preserved female, Camacam, state of Bahia (holotype MNRJ 13723). Photos: R. Bertani.
Carlos Perafán, Fernando Pérez-Miles
Figure 1.Map of Northern Argentina, geographical distribution of the Melloleitaoina species. Melloleitaoina uru (triangles); Melloleitaoina crassifemur (circle); Melloleitaoina yupanqui (cross); Melloleitaoina mutquina (square).
Figure 28.Map showing records of Typhochlaena species in Northestern, Central western and Southeastern Brazil. Star = Typhochlaena seladonia C. L. Koch, 1841, square = Typhochlaena costae sp. n., diamond = Typhochlaena curumim sp. n., triangle = Typhochlaena paschoali sp. n., circle = Typhochlaena amma sp. n. The gray area represents the approximate original distribution of Brazilian Atlantic rainforest. White area represents open environment (cerrado and caatinga).
Carlos Perafán, Fernando Pérez-Miles
Figures 2–6.Melloleitaoina crassifemur. 2 male holotype, dorsal view 3–5 left palpal bulb, 3 prolateral view 4 retrolateral view 5 detail of apex widened 6 left tibial apophysis (subapical spine on retrolateral branch RB lost). Scale bar = 1 mm.
Figures 8–15.8–11 Typhochlaena amma sp. n. 8–10 paratype male (MNRJ 12926), left palpal bulb 8 prolateral 9 retrolateral 10 frontal 11 holotype female (MNRJ 06239), spermathecae 12–15 Typhochlaena costae sp. n. 12–14 paratype male (IBSP unnumbered), left palpal bulb 12 prolateral 13 retrolateral 14 frontal 15 holotype female (IBSP unnumbered), spermathecae. Scale bar = 1mm.
Carlos Perafán, Fernando Pérez-Miles
Figures 12–21.Melloleitaoina uru. 12 female, dorsal view 13–14 male holotype 13 cephalotorax 14 sternum, labium, maxillae and quelicerae 15 spermathecae 16–18 left palpal bulb 16 prolateral view 17 retrolateral view 18 detail of triangular tooth on embolus 19–20 coxa III 19 prolateral view 20 detail of spiniform setae 21 right tibial apophysis. Arrow indicates triangular tooth on embolus. Scale bars black = 1 mm.
Figures 22–27.22–23 Typhochlaena seladonia C. L. Koch, 1841, habitus 22 female, Santa Luzia do Itanhy, state of Sergipe 23 immature inside its retreat in tree bark, same locality 24 Typhochlaena amma sp. n., female, Santa Teresa, state of Espirito Santo 25 Typhochlaena costae sp. n., female, Palmas, state of Tocantins 26 Typhochlena curumim sp. n., female, Areia, state of Paraiba 27 Typhochlaena paschoali sp. n., preserved female, Camacam, state of Bahia (holotype MNRJ 13723). Photos: R. Bertani.
Carlos Perafán, Fernando Pérez-Miles
Figures 7–11.Melloleitaoina mutquina. 7–8 male holotype 7 dorsal view 8 ventral view 9–10 right palpal bulb 9 prolateral view 10 retrolateral view 11 right tibial apophysis. Arrow indicates apex widened. Scale bars = 1 mm.
Figure 28.Map showing records of Typhochlaena species in Northestern, Central western and Southeastern Brazil. Star = Typhochlaena seladonia C. L. Koch, 1841, square = Typhochlaena costae sp. n., diamond = Typhochlaena curumim sp. n., triangle = Typhochlaena paschoali sp. n., circle = Typhochlaena amma sp. n. The gray area represents the approximate original distribution of Brazilian Atlantic rainforest. White area represents open environment (cerrado and caatinga).
Carlos Perafán, Fernando Pérez-Miles
Figures 12–21.Melloleitaoina uru. 12 female, dorsal view 13–14 male holotype 13 cephalotorax 14 sternum, labium, maxillae and quelicerae 15 spermathecae 16–18 left palpal bulb 16 prolateral view 17 retrolateral view 18 detail of triangular tooth on embolus 19–20 coxa III 19 prolateral view 20 detail of spiniform setae 21 right tibial apophysis. Arrow indicates triangular tooth on embolus. Scale bars black = 1 mm.
Figures 8–15.8–11 Typhochlaena amma sp. n. 8–10 paratype male (MNRJ 12926), left palpal bulb 8 prolateral 9 retrolateral 10 frontal 11 holotype female (MNRJ 06239), spermathecae 12–15 Typhochlaena costae sp. n. 12–14 paratype male (IBSP unnumbered), left palpal bulb 12 prolateral 13 retrolateral 14 frontal 15 holotype female (IBSP unnumbered), spermathecae. Scale bar = 1mm.
Carlos Perafán, Fernando Pérez-Miles
Figures 22–29.Melloleitaoina yupanqui. 22 female, dorsal view 23–24 male holotype 23 cephalothorax 24 sternum, labium, maxillae and quelicerae 25 spermathecae 26–28 left palpal bulb 26 prolateral view 27 retrolateral view 28 detail of embolus showing PS discontinuous 29 right tibial apophysis. Scale bars = 1 mm.
Figures 22–27.22–23 Typhochlaena seladonia C. L. Koch, 1841, habitus 22 female, Santa Luzia do Itanhy, state of Sergipe 23 immature inside its retreat in tree bark, same locality 24 Typhochlaena amma sp. n., female, Santa Teresa, state of Espirito Santo 25 Typhochlaena costae sp. n., female, Palmas, state of Tocantins 26 Typhochlena curumim sp. n., female, Areia, state of Paraiba 27 Typhochlaena paschoali sp. n., preserved female, Camacam, state of Bahia (holotype MNRJ 13723). Photos: R. Bertani.
Carlos Perafán, Fernando Pérez-Miles
Figures 12–21.Melloleitaoina uru. 12 female, dorsal view 13–14 male holotype 13 cephalotorax 14 sternum, labium, maxillae and quelicerae 15 spermathecae 16–18 left palpal bulb 16 prolateral view 17 retrolateral view 18 detail of triangular tooth on embolus 19–20 coxa III 19 prolateral view 20 detail of spiniform setae 21 right tibial apophysis. Arrow indicates triangular tooth on embolus. Scale bars black = 1 mm.
Figure 28.Map showing records of Typhochlaena species in Northestern, Central western and Southeastern Brazil. Star = Typhochlaena seladonia C. L. Koch, 1841, square = Typhochlaena costae sp. n., diamond = Typhochlaena curumim sp. n., triangle = Typhochlaena paschoali sp. n., circle = Typhochlaena amma sp. n. The gray area represents the approximate original distribution of Brazilian Atlantic rainforest. White area represents open environment (cerrado and caatinga).
Figures 46–51.Pachistopelma bromelicola sp. n. 46–50 male, holotype (MNRJ 06241) left palpal bulb 46 retrolateral, 47 prolateral, 48 frontal 49 male cymbium showing protuberance 50 male tibial spur of left leg I 51 female paratype (MNRJ 06242) spermathecae. Scale bar = 1mm.