
Euplectrus ( anglais )

fourni par wikipedia EN

Euplectrus is a genus of hymenopteran insects of the family Eulophidae.

Euplectrus is a cosmopolitan genus and are easily distinguished from other members of the subfamily Eulophinae by three characteristics i.e. the hind tibial spurs are very long and strong with the longest spur being no less than half as long as hind tarsus and is used to anchor the female wasp to the dorsum of the host caterpillar during oviposition; the scutellum has no lateral grooves or pit-rows; and propodeum has a single strong median carina. It is a morphologically conservative genus and the species vary slightly from one another and this creates difficulties in identifying the species.[1]

Euplectrus wasps have been found as parasitoids on the caterpillars of the families Erebidae, Euteliidae, Geometridae, Lasiocampidae, Noctuidae, Nolidae, Notodontidae, Sphingidae and Tortricidae.[2][1] The larvae of all species of Euplectrus are greenish-yellow and are very obvious on the host caterpillar's cuticle to which they are very firmly attached. The parasitized caterpillars feed and remain active but stop growing and moulting.[1]

Euplectrus sp. - lifecycle A - 02 - dispersing (2009-04-21)

The larvae of the wasps in the genus Euplectrus are external parasitoids of the caterpillars of various species of Lepidoptera. They are normally gregarious, laying between five and several hundred eggs per host caterpillar, although a few species lay a single egg on each host. Some species paralyse the host while others do not but in all cases the female injects the host with venom prior to oviposition. The venom stops the host from going through ecdysis, as the wasp larvae would be shed with the moulted cuticle and eventually causing the caterpillar to die, although the wasp larvae will have fully developed and spun a cocoon by that time. The eggs are positioned under the host's cuticle but above the hypodermis each egg has a pedicel with an anchor at its end which fastens the egg to the host. The eggs are normally laid on the back of the caterpillar and the larvae stay at the laying site until they complete their development sucking on the caterpillar's haemolymph. When they have completed their growth they migrate to the underside of the caterpillar and spin a loose cocoon in which they pupate, in some species the larvae spin communal cocoons around the dying host. The ability of Euplectrus larvae to spin cocoons is unique among the Eulophidae and the silk which forms the cocoon is produced in modified malpighian tubules and is exuded from the anal opening. The larva undergoes 3–5 molts before pupation and the development from oviposition to imago is normally no longer than two weeks.[1]

Euplectrus sp. - lifecycle B - 06 - cocoons on a Noctuidae caterpillar (2010-05-05)


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Euplectrus: Brief Summary ( anglais )

fourni par wikipedia EN

Euplectrus is a genus of hymenopteran insects of the family Eulophidae.

Euplectrus is a cosmopolitan genus and are easily distinguished from other members of the subfamily Eulophinae by three characteristics i.e. the hind tibial spurs are very long and strong with the longest spur being no less than half as long as hind tarsus and is used to anchor the female wasp to the dorsum of the host caterpillar during oviposition; the scutellum has no lateral grooves or pit-rows; and propodeum has a single strong median carina. It is a morphologically conservative genus and the species vary slightly from one another and this creates difficulties in identifying the species.

Euplectrus wasps have been found as parasitoids on the caterpillars of the families Erebidae, Euteliidae, Geometridae, Lasiocampidae, Noctuidae, Nolidae, Notodontidae, Sphingidae and Tortricidae. The larvae of all species of Euplectrus are greenish-yellow and are very obvious on the host caterpillar's cuticle to which they are very firmly attached. The parasitized caterpillars feed and remain active but stop growing and moulting.

Euplectrus sp. - lifecycle A - 02 - dispersing (2009-04-21)

The larvae of the wasps in the genus Euplectrus are external parasitoids of the caterpillars of various species of Lepidoptera. They are normally gregarious, laying between five and several hundred eggs per host caterpillar, although a few species lay a single egg on each host. Some species paralyse the host while others do not but in all cases the female injects the host with venom prior to oviposition. The venom stops the host from going through ecdysis, as the wasp larvae would be shed with the moulted cuticle and eventually causing the caterpillar to die, although the wasp larvae will have fully developed and spun a cocoon by that time. The eggs are positioned under the host's cuticle but above the hypodermis each egg has a pedicel with an anchor at its end which fastens the egg to the host. The eggs are normally laid on the back of the caterpillar and the larvae stay at the laying site until they complete their development sucking on the caterpillar's haemolymph. When they have completed their growth they migrate to the underside of the caterpillar and spin a loose cocoon in which they pupate, in some species the larvae spin communal cocoons around the dying host. The ability of Euplectrus larvae to spin cocoons is unique among the Eulophidae and the silk which forms the cocoon is produced in modified malpighian tubules and is exuded from the anal opening. The larva undergoes 3–5 molts before pupation and the development from oviposition to imago is normally no longer than two weeks.

Euplectrus sp. - lifecycle B - 06 - cocoons on a Noctuidae caterpillar (2010-05-05)
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wikipedia EN

Euplectrus ( néerlandais ; flamand )

fourni par wikipedia NL


Euplectrus is een geslacht van vliesvleugeligen uit de familie Eulophidae. De wetenschappelijke naam van dit geslacht is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1832 door John Obadiah Westwood.

Deze soorten zijn parasitoïden op rupsen van vele soorten vlinders. Alvorens ze haar eitjes legt op de rups, injecteert de wesp een chemische stof in de rups die de vervelling tegenhoudt. De rups wordt niet verlamd en blijft bewegen, zich voeden en groeien, maar vervelt niet. De larven van de wesp ontwikkelen zich als ectoparasiet op de rups.[1]

In een aantal gevallen komen deze wespen in aanmerking voor de biologische bestrijding van plaaginsecten. Zo is Euplectrus puttleri in 1976 uit Colombia ingevoerd in Florida in een poging de rupsen te bestrijden van Anticarsia gemmatalis, die zich voeden op de fluweelboom, pindaplanten, sojabonen en andere gewassen.[2]


Het geslacht Euplectrus omvat de volgende soorten:

In een artikel uit 2015 beschreef Christer Hansson 55 nieuwe soorten, alle uit de Area de Conservación Guanacaste in het noordwesten van Costa Rica:[3]

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. Michael E. Schauff, Daniel H. Janzen. "Taxonomy and Ecology of Costa Rican Euplectrus (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), Parasitoids of Caterpillars (Lepidoptera)." Journal of Hymenoptera Research vol. 10 nr. 2 (2001), blz. 181-230.
  2. Van H. Waddill, Benjamin Puttler. "Euplectrus puttleri Established on the Velvetbean Caterpillar, Anticarsia gemmatalis, in Southern Florida." Environmental Entomology vol. 9 nr. 6 (1980), blz. 781-782. DOI:10.1093/ee/9.6.781
  3. Christer Hansson, M. Alex Smith, Daniel H. Janzen, Winnie Hallwachs. "Integrative taxonomy of New World Euplectrus Westwood (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae), with focus on 55 new species from Area de Conservación Guanacaste, northwestern Costa Rica." ZooKeys 485:1-236 (10 maart 2015). DOI:10.3897/zookeys.485.9124
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wikipedia NL

Euplectrus: Brief Summary ( néerlandais ; flamand )

fourni par wikipedia NL

Euplectrus is een geslacht van vliesvleugeligen uit de familie Eulophidae. De wetenschappelijke naam van dit geslacht is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1832 door John Obadiah Westwood.

Deze soorten zijn parasitoïden op rupsen van vele soorten vlinders. Alvorens ze haar eitjes legt op de rups, injecteert de wesp een chemische stof in de rups die de vervelling tegenhoudt. De rups wordt niet verlamd en blijft bewegen, zich voeden en groeien, maar vervelt niet. De larven van de wesp ontwikkelen zich als ectoparasiet op de rups.

In een aantal gevallen komen deze wespen in aanmerking voor de biologische bestrijding van plaaginsecten. Zo is Euplectrus puttleri in 1976 uit Colombia ingevoerd in Florida in een poging de rupsen te bestrijden van Anticarsia gemmatalis, die zich voeden op de fluweelboom, pindaplanten, sojabonen en andere gewassen.

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wikipedia NL

Euplectrus ( russe )

fourni par wikipedia русскую Википедию
Заражённая наездником гусеница бабочки Phlogophora meticulosa.
Euplectrus sp. - lifecycle A - 02 - dispersing (2009-04-21).jpg
Euplectrus sp. - lifecycle A - 03 - pupae (2009-04-23).jpg
Euplectrus sp. - lifecycle B - 04 - larvae on a Noctuidae caterpillar (2010-05-02).jpg
Euplectrus sp. - lifecycle B - 07 - pupae on a Noctuidae caterpillar (2010-05-07).jpg

Euplectrus (лат.) — род паразитических наездников из семейства Eulophidae (Chalcidoidea) отряда перепончатокрылые насекомые. Встречаются всесветно. Более 200 видов.


Длина 1-2 мм. Усики самок и самцов с 6 флагелломерами, включая 2-члениковую булаву. Шпоры задних голеней длинные, длиннее первого членика задних лапок. Щитик без продольных борозд. Голова и грудка тёмны (буровато-чёрные), ноги и брюшко светлее. Групповые наружные паразиты (эктопаразитоиды) гусениц бабочек из семейств Noctuidae, Nolidae, Notodontidae, Arctiinae (Erebidae), Erebidae, Euteliidae, Geometridae, Lasiocampidae, Sphingidae, Tortricidae и других. Окукливаются в своих шёлковых коконах рядом со съеденной куколкой хозяина. Способность представителей рода плести коконы уникальна среди всего семейства эвлофиды[1][2][3][4][5].


Более 200 видов. До 2015 года было известно всего полторы сотни видов. Включены в номинативное подсемейство Eulophinae (Eulophidae, Chalcidoidea) отряда перепончатокрылые насекомые[1][6].

См. также


  1. 1 2 Christer Hansson, M. Alex Smith, Daniel H. Janzen, Winnie Hallwachs. Integrative taxonomy of New World Euplectrus Westwood (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae), with focus on 55 new species from Area de Conservación Guanacaste, northwestern Costa Rica (англ.) // ZooKeys : Журнал. — Sofia: Pensoft Publishers, 2015. — Vol. 485. — P. 1-236. — ISSN 1313-2970.
  2. Аннотированный каталог насекомых Дальнего Востока России. Том I. Перепончатокрылые. / Лелей А. С. (гл. ред.) и др. — Владивосток: Дальнаука, 2012. — С. 188. — 635 с. — 300 экз.ISBN 978-5-8044-1295-2.
  3. Определитель насекомых Дальнего Востока СССР. Т. III. Жесткокрылые, или жуки. Ч. 2 / под общ. ред. П. А. Лера. — Л.: Наука, 1992. — С. 394-395. — 704 с. — 1400 экз.
  4. Определитель насекомых Дальнего Востока России. Т. IV. Сетчатокрылообразные, скорпионницы, перепончатокрылые. Ч. 2 / под общ. ред. П. А. Лера. — Владивосток: Дальнаука, 1995. — С. 298, 334. — 598 с. — 500 экз.ISBN 5-7442-0607-8.
  5. Roger A. Burks. Euplectrus. Key to the Nearctic genera of Eulophidae
  6. Schauff M. E., Janzen D.H. (2001). Taxonomy and ecology of Costa Rican Euplectrus (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), parasitoids of caterpillars. — Journal of Hymenoptera Research 10: 181—230.
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Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Euplectrus: Brief Summary ( russe )

fourni par wikipedia русскую Википедию
 src= Заражённая наездником гусеница бабочки Phlogophora meticulosa. Euplectrus sp. - lifecycle A - 02 - dispersing (2009-04-21).jpg Euplectrus sp. - lifecycle A - 03 - pupae (2009-04-23).jpg Euplectrus sp. - lifecycle B - 04 - larvae on a Noctuidae caterpillar (2010-05-02).jpg Euplectrus sp. - lifecycle B - 07 - pupae on a Noctuidae caterpillar (2010-05-07).jpg

Euplectrus (лат.) — род паразитических наездников из семейства Eulophidae (Chalcidoidea) отряда перепончатокрылые насекомые. Встречаются всесветно. Более 200 видов.

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Авторы и редакторы Википедии