Parnassius andreji is a snow butterfly found in China. The species was first described by Curt Eisner in 1930.
Parnassius andreji was described as a subspecies of Parnassius simo. It is now treated as a full species occurring sympatrically with Parnassius simo.
Parnassius andreji is a snow butterfly found in China. The species was first described by Curt Eisner in 1930.
Parnassius andreji was described as a subspecies of Parnassius simo. It is now treated as a full species occurring sympatrically with Parnassius simo.
安度絹蝶(學名:Parnassius andreji)是屬於絹蝶亞科絹蝶族的一種蝴蝶,是絹蝶屬的一種。共有6個亞種。分佈於中國甘肅、青海和四川[2]。被列入中國國家林業局令國家保護的有益的或者有重要經濟、科學研究價值的陸生野生動物名錄。
安度絹蝶(學名:Parnassius andreji)是屬於絹蝶亞科絹蝶族的一種蝴蝶,是絹蝶屬的一種。共有6個亞種。分佈於中國甘肅、青海和四川。被列入中國國家林業局令國家保護的有益的或者有重要經濟、科學研究價值的陸生野生動物名錄。