fourni par eFloras
Mirabilis laevis is a complex of poorly differentiated forms that differ to a greater or lesser extent primarily by perianth color, pubescence, and habit, characteristics that show imperfect geographic consistency. In general, white-flowered plants occur in arid areas east of the southern California mountains, and magenta-flowered plants occur west of the mountains; in the arid regions viscid-pubescent plants occur to the south, less viscid plants to the north. Sympatry and intergradation are frequent in the southern Sierra Nevada, southward along the east side of the southern California mountains, and on the northern portion of the peninsula of Baja California. The variety laevis, which is glabrous or glabrate, is restricted to the immediate coast and islands in the vicinity of Bahía Magdalena in Baja California Sur.
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- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
fourni par eFloras
Stems decumbent to erect, few and clambering through other vegetation to many, and then usually forming densely leafy and compact clumps, 1.5-15 dm, herbaceous, suffrutescent, or woody basally, glabrous, scabrous, puberulent, or villous, often glandular. Leaves spreading; petiole 0.1-2.2 cm; blade ovate, deltate-ovate, ovate-rhombic, subreniform, 1-4(-5.5) × 0.5-3.5(-5) cm, fleshy to slightly succulent, base cordate, truncate, or broadly obtuse, apex acute, obtuse, or rounded, surfaces glabrous, scabrous, puberulent, or villous, often glandular. Inflorescences widely cymose, or ± thyrsoid, involucres clustered, and nearly sessile at ends of branches, or solitary in axils on peduncles 3-12 mm; involucres 3-7 mm, lobes narrowly to broadly triangular, or triangular-lanceolate, base 30-50% of height. Flowers 1(-2) per involucre; perianth white, pink, or shades of purple, 1-1.6 cm. Fruits gray, dark brown, or nearly black, often mottled with dark brown or black, with or without 10 pale, diffuse lines, ovoid, obovoid, or nearly spheric, 3-5.5 mm, smooth or moderately rugose.
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- cc-by-nc-sa-3.0
- droit d’auteur
- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
fourni par eFloras
Oxybaphus laevis Bentham, Bot. Voy. Sulphur, 44. 1844; Hesperonia laevis (Bentham) Standley
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- droit d’auteur
- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
Comprehensive Description
fourni par North American Flora
Hesperonia laevis (Benth.) Standley, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb
12: 363. 1909.
Oxybaphus laevis Benth. Bot. Voy. Sulph. 44. 1844. Mirabilis laevis Curran, Proc. Calif. Acad. II. 1: 235. 1889. Quamoclidion laeve Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 29: 687. 1902.
Plants erect, suffrutescent below, much branched, glabrous throughout, or a few minute appressed hairs present on the involucres, the branches slender, with long internodes, whitish; petioles of the lower leaves almost as long as the blades, the blades of the uppermost leaves subsessile; leaf-blades orbicular-ovate or deltoid-ovate, 1.5-3.5 cm. long, 1-2 cm. wide, subcordate at the base, acutish or subobtuse at the apex, slightly sinuate, succulent, inconspicuously veined; peduncles very short, few; involucre 10 mm. long, the lobes about equaling the tube, ovate, acute; perianth about 15 mm. long; stamens exserted.
Type locality: Magdalena Bay, Lower California.
Distribution: Vicinity of the type locality.
- citation bibliographique
- Paul Carpenter Standley. 1918. (CHENOPODIALES); ALLIONIACEAE. North American flora. vol 21(3). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
Comprehensive Description
fourni par North American Flora
Hesperonia laevis (Benth.) Standley, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb
12: 363. 1909.
Oxybaphus laevis Benth. Bot. Voy. Sulph. 44. 1844. Mirabilis laevis Curran, Proe. Calif. Acad. II. 1: 235. 1889. Quamoclidion laev'e Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 29: 687. 1902.
Plants erect, suffrutescent below, much branched, glabrous throughout, or a few minute appressed hairs present on the involucres, the branches slender, with long internodes, whitish; petioles of the lower leaves almost as long as the blades, the blades of the uppermost leaves subsessile; leaf-blades orbicular-ovate or deltoid-ovate, 1.5-3.5 cm. long, 1-2 cm. wide, subcordate at the base, acutish or subobtuse at the apex, slightly sinuate, succulent, inconspicuously veined; peduncles very short, few; involucre 10 mm. long, the lobes about equaling the tube, ovate, acute; perianth about 15 mm. long; stamens exserted.
Type locality: Magdalena Bay, Lower California. Distribution: Vicinity of the type locality.
- citation bibliographique
- Paul Carpenter Standley. 1918. (CHENOPODIALES); ALLIONIACEAE. North American flora. vol 21(3). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
Mirabilis laevis
fourni par wikipedia EN
Mirabilis laevis, the desert wishbone-bush,[1] is a recently redefined species of flowering plant in the four o'clock family. Distribution is in the Southwestern United States and northwest Mexico.
Distribution and taxonomy
Mirabilis laevis now includes the common California chaparral plant known as wishbone bush (formerly Mirabilis californica), and several very similar relatives previously classified as separate species and now as varieties.[2][3]
Mirabilis laevis var. crassifolia is found in California chaparral and woodlands habitats in California and Baja California, including Cedros Island (namesake for synonym M. c. (A. Gray) var. cedrosensis (Standl.) J.F. Macbr.). The plant is also found in the Southern California Coast Ranges, Sierra Nevada foothills, Transverse Ranges, Peninsular Ranges, the White Mountains, and the Inyo Mountains.[2][4]
Mirabilis laevis var. retrorsa is found in the White and Inyo Mountains, Nevada, and Oregon, east to Utah, and south to Arizona and northwest Mexico.[5]
Mirabilis laevis var. villosa has a similar distribution to Mirabilis laevis var. retrorsa.[6]
- Spellenberg, R. & S. R. Rodriguez Tijerina. (2001). Geographic variation and taxonomy of North American species of Mirabilis, section Oxybaphoides (Nyctaginaceae). Sida 19:3 539–570.
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- Wikipedia authors and editors
Mirabilis laevis: Brief Summary
fourni par wikipedia EN
Mirabilis laevis, the desert wishbone-bush, is a recently redefined species of flowering plant in the four o'clock family. Distribution is in the Southwestern United States and northwest Mexico.
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- cc-by-sa-3.0
- droit d’auteur
- Wikipedia authors and editors
Мирабилис гладкий
fourni par wikipedia русскую Википедию
Caryophyllanae Takht., 1967 Вид: Мирабилис гладкий
Международное научное название
Mirabilis laevis (Benth.) Curran
Синонимы Систематика
на ВикивидахИзображения
на Викискладе ITIS 517252NCBI 2038216EOL 1264787IPNI 604669-1TPL tro-22500550 Мира́билис гла́дкий (лат. Mirabilis laevis) — вид цветковых растений рода Мирабилис (Mirabilis) семейства Никтагиновые (Nyctaginaceae).
Ботаническое описание
Согласно замыслу одного или нескольких участников Википедии, на этом месте должен располагаться специальный раздел.
Вы можете помочь проекту, написав этот раздел. Эта отметка установлена 31 августа 2016 года.
Ареал — юго-запад США и северо-запад Мексики.
Подвиды и разновидности
Выделяются следующие подвиды и разновидности:
Mirabilis laevis var. crassifolia
Mirabilis laevis var. retrosa
Mirabilis laevis var. villosa
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- cc-by-sa-3.0
- droit d’auteur
- Авторы и редакторы Википедии
Мирабилис гладкий: Brief Summary
fourni par wikipedia русскую Википедию
Мира́билис гла́дкий (лат. Mirabilis laevis) — вид цветковых растений рода Мирабилис (Mirabilis) семейства Никтагиновые (Nyctaginaceae).
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- cc-by-sa-3.0
- droit d’auteur
- Авторы и редакторы Википедии