All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
Species: Waltheria indica L. Date: 2005-01-12 Location: Haka Game Park, Cleveland Dam Habitat:
Species: Waltheria indica L. Date: 2014-04-22 Location: Vilankulo, Inhambane, Mozambique Habitat: Open fragmented coastal forest
Species: Waltheria indica L. Date: 2014-04-22 Location: Vilankulo, Inhambane, Mozambique Habitat: Open fragmented coastal forest
Species: Waltheria indica L. Date: 2014-04-22 Location: Vilankulo, Inhambane, Mozambique Habitat: Open fragmented coastal forest
Species: Waltheria indica L. Date: 2014-04-22 Location: Vilankulo, Inhambane, Mozambique Habitat: Open fragmented coastal forest
Species: Waltheria indica L. Date: 2014-04-22 Location: Vilankulo, Inhambane, Mozambique Habitat: Open fragmented coastal forest
Species: Waltheria indica L. Date: 2014-06-14 Location: Sandforest loop, Gorongosa National Park
Habitat: Wooded grassland with Hyphaene palms
Species: Waltheria indica L. Date: 2012-01-07 Location: Near the lodges, Lake Kyle Recreational Park Habitat: Rocky miombo woodland
Species: Waltheria indica L. Date: 2004-05-29 Location: Osborne Dam Recreational Park Habitat: Roadside vegetation
Species: Waltheria indica L. Date: 2004-01-05 Location: Twentydales ext. Epworth Habitat: In disturbed grassland
Species: Waltheria indica L. Date: 2005-04-25 Location: Island 2, Katombora: boat landing point Habitat: Open sunny sand bank by river
Species: Waltheria indica L. Date: 2005-01-12 Location: Haka Game Park, Cleveland Dam Habitat:
Species: Waltheria indica L. Date: 2013-05-05 Location: Near Clouds Pool, Gorongosa National Park, Muanza Habitat: Grassy clearing in woodland
Species: Waltheria indica L. Date: 2013-05-05 Location: Near Clouds Pool, Gorongosa National Park, Muanza Habitat: Grassy clearing in woodland
Species: Waltheria indica L. Date: 2013-05-05 Location: Near Clouds Pool, Gorongosa National Park, Muanza Habitat: Grassy clearing in woodland
xerophilous/sarcocaulescent scrub on coastal piedmont southwest of Sierra de la Laguna
xerophilous/sarcocaulescent scrub on coastal piedmont southwest of Sierra de la Laguna
xerophilous/sarcocaulescent scrub on coastal piedmont southwest of Sierra de la Laguna
on grassy stabilized sandy soil of back dune plain, with Jourea pilosa, Tephrosia vicioides, Euphorbia leucophylla, Dyssodia speciosa, Boerhaavia xanti
on grassy stabilized sandy soil in back dunes of Playa Las Tunas, roadside with Jourea pilosa, Tephrosia vicioides, Euphorbia leucophylla, Dyssodia speciosa, Boerhaavia xanti
on grassy stabilized sandy soil in back dunes of Playa Las Tunas, roadside with Jourea pilosa, Tephrosia vicioides, Euphorbia leucophylla, Dyssodia speciosa, Boerhaavia xanti