
Distribution ( anglais )

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Members of the genus Scytodes are predominately tropical or subtropical spiders. However, spitting spiders are found scattered across neartic, paleartic, and neotropical regions. This species is commonly found in the eastern United States, as well as in Britain, Sweden and other European countries. Specimens have also been found in Japan and Argentina. It is unclear which populations are native and which are introduced in these regions. The presence of this species in more northern climates is attributed to the availability of warm houses and buildings, to which these spiders have adapted.

Biogeographic Regions: nearctic ; palearctic ; neotropical ; oceanic islands

droit d’auteur
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citation bibliographique
Brand, J. 2013. "Scytodes thoracica" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Scytodes_thoracica.html
Jacqueline Brand, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Jeremy Wright, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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Animal Diversity Web

Benefits ( anglais )

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Though this species plays a role in controlling insect populations, it may also be considered a household pest. Many home-owners invest in pest-control in order to exterminate these spiders. Additionally, this spider is venomous, although its chelicerae, or fangs, are too small to pierce human flesh.

Negative Impacts: household pest

droit d’auteur
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citation bibliographique
Brand, J. 2013. "Scytodes thoracica" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Scytodes_thoracica.html
Jacqueline Brand, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Jeremy Wright, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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Animal Diversity Web

Life Cycle ( anglais )

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All spiders reproduce sexually, and sex is determined by meiosis. Following copulation and egg fertilization, females lay eggs in a cocoon carried under their bodies for 2-3 weeks until eggs hatch. Spiderlings remain with their mothers until their first molts and then disperse to live solitary lives, reaching adulthood after 5-7 molts. It can take 2-3 years for females to reach maturity.

droit d’auteur
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citation bibliographique
Brand, J. 2013. "Scytodes thoracica" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Scytodes_thoracica.html
Jacqueline Brand, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Jeremy Wright, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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Animal Diversity Web

Conservation Status ( anglais )

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This species is a common house spider of the United States. It is less commonly found in Europe, Argentina, and Japan, but its conservation status is not a concern.

US Federal List: no special status

CITES: no special status

State of Michigan List: no special status

droit d’auteur
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citation bibliographique
Brand, J. 2013. "Scytodes thoracica" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Scytodes_thoracica.html
Jacqueline Brand, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Jeremy Wright, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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Animal Diversity Web

Behavior ( anglais )

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Although they can see, these spiders do not rely on vision for mate or prey recognition due to their poor eyesight. However, like most spiders, they use chemical signals to detect and respond to predators, prey, and mates. Spitting spiders use their raised front legs to detect prey and their environment using trichobothria (sensory hairs) on the metatarsi (second to last segment of the leg). These sensory hairs also contain chemoreceptors, which are sensitive to pheromones. Scytodes are also known to employ both acoustic and vibrational communication by tapping on the ground with their first pair of legs.

Communication Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical

Other Communication Modes: pheromones ; vibrations

Perception Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; vibrations ; chemical

droit d’auteur
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citation bibliographique
Brand, J. 2013. "Scytodes thoracica" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Scytodes_thoracica.html
Jacqueline Brand, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Jeremy Wright, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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site partenaire
Animal Diversity Web

Benefits ( anglais )

fourni par Animal Diversity Web

This species contributes to the disposal of household pest insects and could potentially save homeowners money on investing in other methods of pest control.

Positive Impacts: controls pest population

droit d’auteur
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citation bibliographique
Brand, J. 2013. "Scytodes thoracica" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Scytodes_thoracica.html
Jacqueline Brand, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Jeremy Wright, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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Animal Diversity Web

Associations ( anglais )

fourni par Animal Diversity Web

When associated with humans, this spider's largest ecosystem role is in the control of insect populations, mostly of household pest species. They also serve as food for house centipedes (Scutigera coleoptrata) and other arthropod carnivores found in homes. In the wild, they may be preyed upon by a number of other species.

droit d’auteur
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citation bibliographique
Brand, J. 2013. "Scytodes thoracica" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Scytodes_thoracica.html
Jacqueline Brand, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Jeremy Wright, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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Animal Diversity Web

Trophic Strategy ( anglais )

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Scytodes are active nocturnal wanderers, not web-spinners. They are insectivores and when living indoors, they mostly eat other insects and arthropods, such as moths (Order Lepidoptera), Flies (Order Diptera), other spiders (Order Araneae), and household bugs (Order Heteroptera). When living outdoors, they eat similar food items and, in the Philippines, are known to eat insects such as green scale (Coccus viridis), black citrus aphids (Toxoptera aurantii), citrus mealybugs (Planococcus citri), Philippine katydids (Phaneroptera furcifera) and lime swallowtails (Papilio demoleus). In Britain, mosquitos (Family Culicidae) are often eaten. Many of their prey items are significantly larger than these spiders. Females may also occasionally consume their own egg sacs.

Animal Foods: insects

Primary Diet: carnivore (Eats eggs, Insectivore )

droit d’auteur
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citation bibliographique
Brand, J. 2013. "Scytodes thoracica" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Scytodes_thoracica.html
Jacqueline Brand, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Jeremy Wright, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
visiter la source
site partenaire
Animal Diversity Web

Habitat ( anglais )

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Spitting spiders are found in temperate forests. When associated with humans, they are most commonly found in dark corners, cellars, cupboards, and closets of houses and other buildings.

Average elevation: Sea Level m.

Habitat Regions: temperate ; terrestrial

Terrestrial Biomes: forest

Other Habitat Features: urban ; suburban ; agricultural

droit d’auteur
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citation bibliographique
Brand, J. 2013. "Scytodes thoracica" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Scytodes_thoracica.html
Jacqueline Brand, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Jeremy Wright, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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site partenaire
Animal Diversity Web

Life Expectancy ( anglais )

fourni par Animal Diversity Web

Spitting spiders have a relatively long life span as they do not die following mating; males live 1.5-2 years and females live 2-4 years. Females may be preyed upon during their egg-carrying periods, while males often die of hunger and exhaustion while searching for and courting females.

Range lifespan
Status: wild:
1.5 to 4 years.

Average lifespan
Status: wild:
2.5 years.

droit d’auteur
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citation bibliographique
Brand, J. 2013. "Scytodes thoracica" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Scytodes_thoracica.html
Jacqueline Brand, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Jeremy Wright, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
visiter la source
site partenaire
Animal Diversity Web

Morphology ( anglais )

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This species has long, thin, legs, and are glabrous (hairless), with the exception of short sensory setae scattered over the body. These spiders are also easily identified by their oversized cephalothorax (prosoma), which slopes upward towards their posterior ends. Their abdomens (which are roughly the same circular shape as the cephalothorax) slope downwards and are only slightly smaller than the cephalothorax. Like all spiders, these two body tagmata (segments) are separated by a thin pedicel (waist-like connector).

Large, well-developed poison glands are located in the cephalothorax. These glands are divided into two parts: a smaller, anterior compartment which stores venom and a larger, posterior compartment which contains a mucilaginous substance. These spiders produce a gummy substance which is a mix of the two substances and is excreted by their fused chelicerae, which can not be moved separately. Scytodes are ecribellate, lacking the silk-spinning organ (cribellum) of some other spiders. They have a single tracheal spiracle.

Spitting spiders have pale yellow bodies with black speckled markings on the cephalothorax, which slightly resemble a lyre. Their legs, which slowly taper in size as they extend from their bodies, are long with black bands. The most anterior portion of the head, below the eyes, projects forwards, past the mandibles. This species exhibits sexual dimorphism, with males typically ranging from 3.5-4 mm in length and females ranging from 4-5.5 mm.

Range length: 3.5 to 5.5 mm.

Other Physical Features: ectothermic ; bilateral symmetry ; venomous

Sexual Dimorphism: female larger

droit d’auteur
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citation bibliographique
Brand, J. 2013. "Scytodes thoracica" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Scytodes_thoracica.html
Jacqueline Brand, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Jeremy Wright, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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site partenaire
Animal Diversity Web

Associations ( anglais )

fourni par Animal Diversity Web

Since spitting spiders are slow moving, they use their spitting apparatus against predators, rather than attempting to flee. Indoors, the majority of its predators are household arthropods such as other spiders and centipedes, and may include mammals such as domestic cats. In the wild, spitting spiders may be prey for bats, toads, birds, and shrews. Additionally, humans play a major factor in controlling populations of this species through pest control.

Known Predators:

  • Common house spider (Parasteatoda tepidariorum)
  • Wolf Spiders (Hogna carolinensis)
  • House centipede (Scutigera coleoptrata)
  • American toad (Anaxyrus americanus)
  • Little brown bat (Myotis lucifugus)
  • House Sparrow (Passer domesticus)
  • Domestic cat (Felis catus)
  • Shrew (Soricidae sp.)
droit d’auteur
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citation bibliographique
Brand, J. 2013. "Scytodes thoracica" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Scytodes_thoracica.html
Jacqueline Brand, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Jeremy Wright, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
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Animal Diversity Web

Reproduction ( anglais )

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Spitting spiders are solitary, interacting only during mating. These spiders are aggressive hunters, so males must approach females cautiously or else be mistaken for prey. Both sexes produce pheromones, which are detected through contact with chemosensory hairs covering the pedipalps and first pair of legs; female mate choice is based on male pheromone production. Location of mates is not based on visual cues and mating usually occurs following an accidental meeting of a male and female. Upon meeting a female, male spitting spiders fill their palpal organs (accessory reproductive parts on the ends of each pedipalp) with sperm. They do this by drawing a sperm web across their genital openings to accumulate sperm droplets, using their third pair of legs. In Scytodes, the sperm web is a single thread which typically takes a triangular shape. From there, sperm droplets are drawn into the palpal organ (bulb). Males approach females anteriorly; females raise their cephalothoraxes to allow males to insert both palpal organs into their genital opening. Sperm is then deposited and stored in females' seminal receptacles. After mating, the pair separates immediately. Males and females have multiple partners throughout their lifetimes.

Mating System: polygynandrous (promiscuous)

Spitting spiders are dioecious and females require 2-3 years to reach maturity. Most mating occurs in the warmer months (especially August) but these spiders can expand their breeding seasons when living in warm areas, such as within homes. Sperm can be stored by females for months until eggs are laid. Compared to most spiders, spitting spiders lay relatively few eggs (20-35 eggs per cocoon) and 2-3 cocoons are typically produced by a female each year. This species displays maternal care both before (females carry egg cocoons) and after hatching, with newly hatched juveniles remaining with their mother until their first molts. Speed of growth and, therefore, rate of molting, is closely related to availability of prey and so the time that juveniles remain with their mother, as well as the age at which males reach maturity, is widely variable. These spiders can mate multiple times and usually die of hunger, exhaustion, or predation.

Breeding interval: This species breeds 2-3 times a year.

Breeding season: These spiders breed during warmer summer months.

Range number of offspring: 20 to 35.

Average number of offspring: 28.

Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female): 2-3 years.

Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; seasonal breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; fertilization (Internal ); oviparous ; sperm-storing ; delayed fertilization

Female spitting spiders exhibit parental care. They do not make nests or suspend cocoons in webs or other structures, but instead lay eggs in a cocoon that they carry either under their bodies or in their chelicerae. Females are more vulnerable to predation during this egg-carrying period, as they are unable to feed or defend themselves by spitting. Eggs typically hatch 2-3 weeks after being laid and nymphs (juveniles) remain with their mothers until their first molts. On occasion, females consume egg sacs that have resulted from mating with non-preferred males or contain defective eggs. Males display no parental investment after mating.

Parental Investment: female parental care ; pre-fertilization (Provisioning, Protecting: Female); pre-hatching/birth (Protecting: Female); pre-weaning/fledging (Protecting: Female); pre-independence (Protecting: Female)

droit d’auteur
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citation bibliographique
Brand, J. 2013. "Scytodes thoracica" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Scytodes_thoracica.html
Jacqueline Brand, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Jeremy Wright, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
visiter la source
site partenaire
Animal Diversity Web

Scytodes thoracica ( catalan ; valencien )

fourni par wikipedia CA

Scytodes thoracica és una espècie d'aranyes araneomorfes de la família dels escitòdids (Scytodidae).[2] Fou descrit per primera vegada l'any 1802 per Pierre André Latreille.[1]

Se la troba a les cases, sovint als banys. És comuna a Europa. És una espècie es viu principalment a la zona paleàrtica; ha estat introduïda a Amèrica del Nord, a Argentina, a Nova Zelanda, a Austràlia i a l'Índia.[3]

Descripció i comportament

Els mascles mesuren de 3,5 a 4 mm i les femelles de 4,5 a 5 mm.[4] Té la particularitat de capturar les seves preses projectant sobre elles de la seda que conté una mica de verí. El seu desplaçament indecís, el seu cos rodó, el seu color clar i les seves taques la fan certament recognoscible.


En altres projectes de Wikimedia:
Commons Modifica l'enllaç a Wikidata
  1. 1,0 1,1 Latreille, P. A. (1802). Histoire naturelle, générale et particulière des Crustacés et des Insectes. Paris 3, 48-59.
  2. (anglès) Referència World Spider Catalog: Scytodes thoracica Latreille, 1802 en la família Scytodidae +base de dades} . Accés el 7 de gener de 2019.
  3. «Scytodes thoracica». [Consulta: 22 agost 2017].
  4. unibe


Cefalotòrax de S. thoracica
S. thoracica
Esquema del sistema d'immobilització de la presa.
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Autors i editors de Wikipedia
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wikipedia CA

Scytodes thoracica: Brief Summary ( catalan ; valencien )

fourni par wikipedia CA

Scytodes thoracica és una espècie d'aranyes araneomorfes de la família dels escitòdids (Scytodidae). Fou descrit per primera vegada l'any 1802 per Pierre André Latreille.

Se la troba a les cases, sovint als banys. És comuna a Europa. És una espècie es viu principalment a la zona paleàrtica; ha estat introduïda a Amèrica del Nord, a Argentina, a Nova Zelanda, a Austràlia i a l'Índia.

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Autors i editors de Wikipedia
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wikipedia CA

Lepovka jižní ( tchèque )

fourni par wikipedia CZ

Lepovka jižní (Scytodes thoracica) je pavouk z čeledi lepovkovití. Vyznačuje se zvláštním způsobem lovu kořisti, kdy ji znehybní pliváním lepivých vláken. Žije v jižní části holarktické oblasti, v ČR vzácný.


Lepovka jižní je dvojbarevný pavouk s velmi tenkýma dlouhýma nohama. Hlavohruď dosahuje téměř stejné velikosti jako zadeček. Ochlupení je minimální, což je v porovnání s většinou ostatních pavouků nezvyklé. Barva je žlutavá s párovými hnědými skvrnkami či klikatými čárami. Oči jsou malé a je jich jen šest (většina pavouků má osm). Chelicery jsou drobné s malým drápkem. Samičí kopulační orgán je párový. Samci měří 3,5-4 mm, samice 4-5,5 mm.[1][2][3]


Většina druhů rodu Scytodes se vyskytuje v tropických a subtropických oblastech. Nicméně i v chladnějších regionech se lepovky objevují a to především synantropně, v domech ve městech, neboť jim poskytují dostatečný teplotní komfort. Jinak dávají přednost sušším a teplejším biotopům (Středomoří). Není jasné, kam byly introdukovány a kde se vyskytovaly „původně“.[2] V ČR je lepovka jižní nejen jediným druhem rodu Scytodes ale jedinou lepovkou vůbec. Dříve byla velmi vzácná, ve 21. století se, zdá se, šíří a pozorování se množí. Máme nálezy ze středních Čech a jižní Moravy. Většinou je možno ji objevit ve sklenících, sklepích, v rozích místností, půdách atd.[1][3][4]


Lepovky jižní žijí poměrně dlouho. Samci se dožívají 1,5-2 let, samice 2-4 let. Samice jsou pohlavně zralé až ve věku 2-3 let, tudíž na rozmnožování mají v zásadě jen malou část svého života. Jsou to noční živočichové, ve dne jsou často někde schované. Nestaví si sítě. Vidí dosti špatně, tudíž se orientují především hmatem, hmatovými chloupky a na základě chemických signálů. Pohybují se poměrně pomalu. Ke komunikaci používají i zvukové a vibrační signály.[2]


Lepovky jižní jsou aktivní lovci. Konzumují různé druhy hmyzu (komáry, mouchy, brouky, můry, kobylky aj.) a pavouků (např. skákavky). Kořist bývá občas větší, než jsou samy (jejich tropické příbuzné mohou ulovit i malého štíra)[5]. Používají velmi zvláštní a jedinečnou techniku lovu. Jako jediní pavouci nemají snovací žlázy jen na zadečku, ale i v hlavohrudi, odkud jim ústí do chelicer. Tudy jsou schopni vyplivovat lepkavá a jedovatá vlákna (proto anglický název spitting spiders). Rychlou vibrací chelicer vytvoří klikatou paralelní síť, kterou vystřelí během cca 30 milisekund do vzdálenosti několika centimetrů. Kořist tím zafixují jak k podkladu, tak i obalením. Tím ji většinou znehybní. Je-li potřeba, mohou vystřelit svou lepkavou síť několikrát za sebou. Následně k znehybněné oběti dojdou, vpustí do ní jed, čímž ji zabijí a pak ji vysají.[1][2][3]


Lepovka jižní se rozmnožuje pohlavně. Doba, kdy dochází ke kopulaci, je různá, ale obvykle jde o teplé měsíce v roce (nejčastěji srpen). Samci vyhledají samičky a opatrně se k nim přibližují. Vypouštějí při tom feromony, které mají samičky odradit od toho, aby je sežraly a naopak podnítit k páření. Samci pak naplní své bulby (konce makadel) spermiemi vypuštěnými předtím do trojúhelníkové síťky. Sameček se k samici přiblíží zepředu, samice zvedne hlavohruď a dojde ke kopulaci. Po ní se páry okamžitě rozcházejí. Každý z nich může mít za život mnoho partnerů. Sperma dokáže samice „skladovat“ měsíce, než naklade vajíčka. Vajíček je relativně málo: 20-35. Samička kokon s vajíčky nosí pod tělem po dobu 2-3 týdnů. Čerstvě vylíhlí pavoučci zůstávají s matkou do prvního svlékání, pak se rozutečou a vedou samostatný život. Ročně může samička mít 2-3 kokony.[1][2]


Když jsou lepovky napadeny predátory, používají rovněž svou lepivou plivací síť místo útěku, neboť jsou pomalé. Ne vždy jim to však pomůže, především proti větším predátorům nebo napadne-li je skupina mravenců. Mohou se stát kořistí některých jiných pavouků (slíďáci, snovačky), stonožek, žab, netopýrů, ptáků, rejsků či domácích zvířat (koček).[2] Zajímavou obrannou strategii proti svým predátorům lepovkám vyvinuly skákavky druhu Phintella piatensis. Staví si hnízdo poblíž kolonie mravenců krejčíků, kteří si na lepovkách rádi pochutnají. Skákavky jsou sice také mravenčí kořistí, ale podstatně méně často, neboť mají pro ně nedobytné hnízdo a dokáží se jim vyhýbat.[6][7]



  1. a b c d KŮRKA a kol. Pavouci České republiky, s. 90-91.
  2. a b c d e f BRAND, Jacqueline. Scytodes thoracica. Animal Diversity Web (ADW) [online]. 2013. Dostupné online. .
  3. a b c MACHAČ, Ondřej. Scytodes thoracica - lepovka jižní. Natura Bohemica [online]. 7.10.2008. Dostupné online.
  4. KULICH, Luboš. Výskyt lepovky jižní na Kolínsku / The Occurrence of the Spitting Spider in the Kolín Region. Živa. 2006, čís. 5, s. 220. Dostupné online. (česky)
  5. Rufus Comb Footed Spider vs Spitting Spider | MONSTER BUG WARS
  6. NELSON, Ximena J.; JACKSON, Robert R. Timid spider uses odor and visual cues to actively select protected nesting sites near ants. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. May 2014, roč. 68, čís. 5, s. 773-780. Abstract Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  7. JOHN, Radek. Ochranka s rizikem. Pavouk se ukrývá před jiným u hnízd nebezpečných mravenců. Týden.cz [online]. 19.3.2014. Dostupné online.


  • BRAND, Jacqueline. Scytodes thoracica. Animal Diversity Web (ADW) [online]. 2013. Dostupné online.
  • JOHN, Radek. Ochranka s rizikem. Pavouk se ukrývá před jiným u hnízd nebezpečných mravenců. Týden.cz [online]. 19.3.2014. Dostupné online.
  • KULICH, Luboš. Výskyt lepovky jižní na Kolínsku / The Occurrence of the Spitting Spider in the Kolín Region. Živa. 2006, čís. 5, s. 220. Dostupné online. (česky)
  • KŮRKA Antonín; ŘEZÁČ Milan; MACEK Rudolf; DOLANSKÝ Jan. Pavouci České republiky. Academia : Praha 2015.
  • MACHAČ, Ondřej. Scytodes thoracica - lepovka jižní. Natura Bohemica [online]. 7.10.2008. Dostupné online.
  • NELSON, Ximena J.; JACKSON, Robert R. Timid spider uses odor and visual cues to actively select protected nesting sites near ants. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. May 2014, roč. 68, čís. 5, s. 773-780. Abstract Dostupné online. (anglicky)

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Lepovka jižní: Brief Summary ( tchèque )

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Lepovka jižní (Scytodes thoracica) je pavouk z čeledi lepovkovití. Vyznačuje se zvláštním způsobem lovu kořisti, kdy ji znehybní pliváním lepivých vláken. Žije v jižní části holarktické oblasti, v ČR vzácný.

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Speispinne ( allemand )

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Die Speispinne (Scytodes thoracica), zur Unterscheidung von anderen Speispinnenarten auch Gewöhnliche Speispinne genannt, ist eine Spinnenart aus der Familie der Speispinnen. Sie ist die einzige in Mitteleuropa heimische Art dieser Familie. Ihr Verbreitungsgebiet umfasste ursprünglich wohl nur die subtropische Zone, dort kommt die Art freilebend unter Steinen vor. In Mitteleuropa ist die Art synanthrop und fast ausschließlich in älteren Häusern zu finden.


Die Speispinne erreicht eine Körperlänge von 4 bis 6 mm. Sie ist leicht zu erkennen an ihrem hoch aufgewölbten Vorderleib (Prosoma), der in etwa so groß ist wie der Hinterleib. Nachdem sie ein Beutetier mit Leim gefangen hat, ist der Vorderleib mit entleerten Drüsenkammern wesentlich flacher. Die wie alle Spinnen der Familie sechsäugige (je 2 Augen in drei Gruppen) Scytodes thoracica hat eine sandgelbe bis durchscheinende Grundfärbung, auf der dunkelgraue bis schwarze Flecken, die zu Streifen verlaufen sein können, zu sehen sind. Die dunkel geringelten, sandgelben Beine sind sehr dünn und aus der Entfernung kaum zu erkennen.

Verbreitung und Lebensraum

Die Speispinne ist heute fast weltweit verbreitet. Neben der südwestlichen und der südöstlichen Paläarktis besiedelt die Art auch das westliche Nordamerika und wurde auch vereinzelt in Südamerika, Zentralafrika, Südostasien und Australien nachgewiesen. In Europa fehlt die Art im Norden und Osten, die nördliche Verbreitungsgrenze verläuft durch Mittel-England und Dänemark; im Osten fehlt die Art bereits in Polen.[1]


Schematische Darstellung einer fixierten Beute

Die Speispinne ist die einzige Webspinne Mitteleuropas, die ihre Beute aus der Distanz überwältigt. Ihre Beute lokalisiert sie mit Becherhaaren (Trichobothrien) am vorderen Beinpaar. Sie spuckt aus umgewandelten Giftdrüsen durch vergrößerte Chelicerenöffnungen Leim bis zu 20 Millimeter weit auf ihre Beutetiere. Die umgewandelten, zweigeteilten Giftdrüsen besitzen eine Vorratskammer im Vorderkörper der Spinne, die durch Muskelkontraktion entleert wird. Die Beutetiere werden in 140 ms durch den sowohl horizontal wie vertikal, etwa 20 mal zick-zack-förmig und exakt gespuckten Leim aus der größeren Giftdrüsenkammer am Untergrund festgeklebt. Zuweilen oszillieren die Cheliceren nur horizontal oder nur vertikal. Danach erfolgt der Giftbiss mit Gift aus der kleineren Drüse, und die Beute wird ausgesaugt.

Die Männchen stellen vor der Kopulation einen Faden her, der dann vom dritten Beinpaar gehalten und über die Geschlechtsöffnung gestreift wird, um das Sperma aufzunehmen. Das Sperma wird dann von Verdickungen der Pedipalpen (Kiefertaster), in die Bulben aufgenommen. Die Bulben schließlich werden in die Geschlechtsöffnung (ohne Epigyne) des Weibchens eingeführt. Das Weibchen spinnt einen Eisack, den sie mit den Cheliceren festhält und unter dem Sternum mit sich herum trägt.

Obwohl sie sich normalerweise langsam und schleichend fortbewegt, kann sie bei Gefahr auch recht zügig an Wänden und Decken laufen.


Die Art ist weit verbreitet und in geeigneten Habitaten häufig. Sie wird in Deutschland in der Roten Liste als „ungefährdet“ eingestuft.




  1. Karte zur weltweiten Verbreitung der Speispinne von der British Arachnological Society
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Speispinne: Brief Summary ( allemand )

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Die Speispinne (Scytodes thoracica), zur Unterscheidung von anderen Speispinnenarten auch Gewöhnliche Speispinne genannt, ist eine Spinnenart aus der Familie der Speispinnen. Sie ist die einzige in Mitteleuropa heimische Art dieser Familie. Ihr Verbreitungsgebiet umfasste ursprünglich wohl nur die subtropische Zone, dort kommt die Art freilebend unter Steinen vor. In Mitteleuropa ist die Art synanthrop und fast ausschließlich in älteren Häusern zu finden.

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Scytodes thoracica ( anglais )

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Scytodes thoracica is a spitting spider, so called because it spits a venomous sticky silken substance over its prey. Its size ranges between 3–6 mm (0.12–0.24 in). The carapace is unusual in sloping upwards towards its rear end, whereas the abdomen slopes downwards.

It has six eyes instead of the eight spiders usually have. It has a wide distribution: found in "Europe, North Africa, Turkey, temperate Asia to China, Korea, Japan. Introduced to North America, Argentina, India, Australia, New Zealand."[1]

This particular spitting spider features the presence of silk glands in its cephalothorax. Besides the silk glands in its abdomen, the spider also has silk glands connected with its venom glands. In this way the spider has the ability to make venomous silk. Other arachnids may also have silk glands in their cephalothorax, such as the pseudoscorpions.

Hunting tactics

Schematic illustration of an immobilised prey

In contrast to the pseudoscorpions that use the silk from the cephalothorax glands to make nests, the spitting spider uses it to catch prey in a very particular way. It is a very slow hunter as its long and tender legs may suggest. During night, when some insects are less active, Scytodes starts its hunt. The spider sneaks very carefully towards its prey and, from about 10 mm (0.39 in), stops and carefully measures the distance to its prey with one front leg without disturbing it. Then it squeezes the back of its body together and spits two silk threads, in 1/600 s, in a zigzag manner over the victim. The prey is immediately immobilized. When the prey is larger the spider spits several times. It is assumed the spider uses special long hearing hairs located at its legs to locate its prey.


Scytodes thoracica is nocturnal. It prefers warm temperatures and is not rare inside houses. In Southern Europe, it can be found under stones outside houses. In Northern Europe it can only be found in houses. They can be found worldwide.


The mother makes a nursery web for the emerged spiderlings, and carries her eggs under her belly in a net of silk.


  1. ^ "Scytodes thoracica". World Spider Catalog. Retrieved 22 August 2017.

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Scytodes thoracica: Brief Summary ( anglais )

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Scytodes thoracica is a spitting spider, so called because it spits a venomous sticky silken substance over its prey. Its size ranges between 3–6 mm (0.12–0.24 in). The carapace is unusual in sloping upwards towards its rear end, whereas the abdomen slopes downwards.

It has six eyes instead of the eight spiders usually have. It has a wide distribution: found in "Europe, North Africa, Turkey, temperate Asia to China, Korea, Japan. Introduced to North America, Argentina, India, Australia, New Zealand."

This particular spitting spider features the presence of silk glands in its cephalothorax. Besides the silk glands in its abdomen, the spider also has silk glands connected with its venom glands. In this way the spider has the ability to make venomous silk. Other arachnids may also have silk glands in their cephalothorax, such as the pseudoscorpions.

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Scytodes thoracica ( espagnol ; castillan )

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Scytodes thoracica es una araña araneomorfa de la familia Scytodidae también conocidas como arañas escupidoras debido a que escupen una seda pegajosa y venenosa sobre su presa. Tiene una amplia distribución que abarca Europa, Asia, América, África del Norte, Australia y Nueva Zelanda. [1]


Scytodes thoracica fg04.jpg

Scytodes thoracica mide entre 3 y 6 mm, es de color amarillo pálido con marcas negras en el cefalotórax. Tiene seis ojos en lugar de los ocho que suelen tener otras arañas. Esta araña tiene en particular la presencia de glándulas de seda en su cefalotórax. Además de las glándulas de seda en su abdomen tiene glándulas de seda conectadas con sus glándulas de veneno. De esta manera la araña tiene la capacidad de hacer seda venenosa. Otros arácnidos también pueden tener glándulas de seda en su cefalotórax como los pseudoescorpiones.[2]


Son de hábitos nocturnos es común encontrarlas en bosques o pantanos aunque también en las casas, prefieren climas con temperaturas cálidas. La época de apareamiento se produce en los meses más cálidos. Las hembras ponen entre 20 a 30 huevos, los huevos eclosionan después de 2-3 semanas. Tienen un promedio de vida de 1 a 4 años. Se alimentan de insectos que suelen cazar habitualmente en especial moscas, mariposas, mosquitos, chinches, abejas y saltamontes.[3]

Tácticas de caza

Ilustración esquemática de una presa capturada.

En contraste con los pseudoscorpiones que usan la seda de las glándulas del cefalotórax para hacer nidos, las arañas escupidoras lo usan para atrapar a sus presas de una manera muy particular. S. thoracica un cazador muy lento como pueden sugerir sus largas patas. Durante la noche, cuando algunos insectos son menos activos comienza su caza. La araña se cuela con mucho cuidado hacia su presa y desde aproximadamente 10 mm. Se detiene y mide cuidadosamente la distancia hasta su presa con una pata delantera sin molestarla. Luego aprieta la parte posterior de su cuerpo y escupe dos hilos de seda en 1/600 segundos en forma de zigzag sobre la víctima. La presa queda inmovilizada de inmediato, cuando la presa es más grande la araña escupe varias veces. Se asume que la araña usa largos pelos especiales de audición ubicados en sus patas para localizar a sus presas.[4]


  1. «Scytodes thoracica». World Spider Catalog. Consultado el 23 de febrero de 2019.
  2. «Scytodes thoracica». Ecured. Consultado el 23 de febrero de 2019.
  3. «Información de Scytodes thoracica». Animaldiversity. Consultado el 23 de febrero de 2019.
  4. «Summary for Scytodes thoracica (Araneae) - Spider Recording Scheme». Britishspiders. Consultado el 23 de febrero de 2019.

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Scytodes thoracica: Brief Summary ( espagnol ; castillan )

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Scytodes thoracica es una araña araneomorfa de la familia Scytodidae también conocidas como arañas escupidoras debido a que escupen una seda pegajosa y venenosa sobre su presa. Tiene una amplia distribución que abarca Europa, Asia, América, África del Norte, Australia y Nueva Zelanda. ​

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Scytodes thoracica

fourni par wikipedia FR

Scytodes thoracica est une espèce d'araignées aranéomorphes de la famille des Scytodidae[1].


Cette espèce se rencontre en zone paléarctique[1]. Elle a été introduite en Amérique du Nord, en Argentine, en Nouvelle-Zélande, en Australie et en Inde.


On la trouve dans les maisons, souvent d'ailleurs dans les salles de bain, en France, mais aussi en Belgique en Suisse et aux Pays-Bas. Dans le sud de l'Europe, y compris dans le sud de la France, elle vit aussi dehors où on la trouve fréquemment sous les pierres[2] et les écorces.


Gros plan de la tête de Scytodes thoracica
Scytodes thoracica

Les mâles mesurent de 3,5 à 4 mm et les femelles de 4,5 à 5 mm[3].

Elle a la particularité de capturer ses proies en projetant sur elles de la soie contenant un peu de venin. Sa démarche hésitante, son corps rond, sa couleur claire et ses taches la rendent tout à fait reconnaissable.

Anatomie interne

La glande venimeuse de Scytodes thoracica a une structure unique (Fig.1 et 2)

Scytodes thoracica, glande venimeuse, coupe histologique
Scytodes thoracica, glande venimeuse, coupe histologique avec coloration particulière

Publication originale

  • Latreille, 1802 : Histoire naturelle, générale et particulière des Crustacés et des Insectes. Paris, vol. 7, p. 48-59.

Notes et références

  1. a et b WSC, consulté lors d'une mise à jour du lien externe
  2. Philippe,. Jourde, Guide photo des araignées et arachnides d'Europe plus de 400 espèces illustrées, Delachaux et Niestlé, impr. 2014, ©2014 (ISBN 978-2-603-01954-2 et 2-603-01954-6, OCLC , lire en ligne)
  3. unibe
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Scytodes thoracica: Brief Summary

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Scytodes thoracica est une espèce d'araignées aranéomorphes de la famille des Scytodidae.

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Scytodes thoracica ( italien )

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Il ragno sputatore (Scytodes thoracica (Latreille, 1802)) è un ragno appartenente alla famiglia Scytodidae.[1]


Ragno con un corpo lungo 4–6 mm, con cefalotorace più grande dell'opistosoma e con zampe esili. Colorazione giallognola chiara con caratteristiche macchie scure che formano un disegno a forma di lira sull'apice del prosoma.



Scytodes thoracica mentre cattura un cicadellidae

Questo ragno è molto conosciuto per il suo particolare metodo di caccia. Si avvicina molto lentamente alla preda e quando si trova alla giusta distanza sputa dai cheliceri una sostanza viscosa e appiccicosa che solidifica a contatto con l'aria, intrappolando così la preda. Successivamente la morde iniettando il veleno.


Questo ragno si nutre prevalentemente di piccoli insetti come grilli, mosche, pesciolini d'argento.


Il maschio cerca la femmina e quando la trova depone lo sperma con i pedipalpi nella vulva sotto l'addome.

Distribuzione e habitat

Distribuzione cosmopolita, predilige ambienti caldi e secchi.

A differenza del centro Europa, in Europa del sud è possibile trovarla anche in ambienti esterni alla case. Durante il corteggiamento il maschio si avvicina al rifugio della femmina che, se recettiva, non oppone resistenza e non lo aggredisce. Dopo un breve rituale il maschio depone lo sperma con i pedipalpi nella vulva sotto l'addome della femmina: il tutto dura non più di 15 minuti.

Il cocoon (deposto esclusivamente nel periodo estivo) spesso contiene meno di trenta uova e la femmina lo abbandona solo saltuariamente nel suo rifugio per cacciare; in questo periodo è comunque possibile che il ragno si nutra raramente o non lo faccia affatto per evitare che il bozzolo si danneggi.

Dopo breve tempo (2 settimane o poco più) nascono i piccoli, che misurano meno di 2mm di corpo; è opportuno isolarli dopo la 2° muta per evitare episodi di cannibalismo, tutt'altro che infrequenti.


  1. ^ (EN) Taxon details: Scytodes thoracica, in Fauna Europaea version 2.6.2, Fauna Europaea Web Service, 2013. URL consultato il 16 marzo 2013.


  • Heiko Bellmann, Guida ai ragni d'Europa, Roma, Franco Muzzio Editore, 2011, pp. 44-45, ISBN 9788874132393.

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Scytodes thoracica: Brief Summary ( italien )

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Il ragno sputatore (Scytodes thoracica (Latreille, 1802)) è un ragno appartenente alla famiglia Scytodidae.

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Getijgerde lijmspuiter ( néerlandais ; flamand )

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De getijgerde lijmspuiter (Scytodes thoracica) is één van de 2 soorten spinnen uit de familie lijmspuiters (Scytodidae) die in Nederland voorkomen.


De spin wordt ongeveer 5 millimeter lang, de mannetjes blijven iets kleiner dan de vrouwtjes. Het nauwelijks behaarde kopborststuk is vergroot, het achterlijf is zichtbaar behaard. De kleur is lichtbruin, het achterlijf is door de zwarte beharing donkerder. De poten zijn donker gebandeerd, op het lichaam zijn onregelmatige donkere vlekken aanwezig waaraan de naam getijgerd te danken is. Net als de zesoogspinnen (Segestriidae), waar deze soort niet aan verwant is, draagt de kop zes ogen in plaats van 8 zoals bij de meeste spinnen.


Net als andere lijmspuiters (of spuugspinnen) wordt de prooi van een afstand tot twee centimeter gevangen door kleverig spinrag op de prooi af te schieten waarna deze vastplakt op de ondergrond en door de spin wordt aangevallen. Op het menu staan wat kleinere insecten zoals vliegen en muggen. De lijmspuiter is de enige spin die papiervisjes, zilvervisjes en ovenvisjes ongemerkt kan besluipen en ze de baas is.[1]


Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. Paclt 1956 pers. net. A. Noordam 2000
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Getijgerde lijmspuiter: Brief Summary ( néerlandais ; flamand )

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De getijgerde lijmspuiter (Scytodes thoracica) is één van de 2 soorten spinnen uit de familie lijmspuiters (Scytodidae) die in Nederland voorkomen.

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Aranha cuspideira ( portugais )

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Scytodes Fuscas

Scytodes thoracica é uma aranha do gênero Scytodes[1] conhecida por lançar sua teia em suas vítimas, prendendo-as ao chão. É uma espécie territorialista, onde os adultos (principalmente as fêmeas) são agressivos a outros adultos.

Táticas de caça

A aranha cuspideira caça a noite, sua tática é complexa, quando chega próximo dispara dois fios de seda, já imobilizando-a, se a pressa for maior ela disparará mais vezes até a pressa está imobilizada.[2] Presumasse que tenha uma ótima audição e visão para caçada a noite.


Espécies deste gênero habitam na América, África, Ásia do Sul, Europa do Sul e Oceania,[3] podendo ser encontrada em casas, não aguenta muito frio.


A mãe tece uma teia para colocar seus ovos.


  1. «Catalogue of Life». Indexing the Worlds Knowns Species. catalogueoflife.org. 28 de novembro de 2017. Consultado em 15 de dezembro de 2017
  2. «Genus Scytodes». Family Scytodidae. ednieuw. 3 de abril 2010. Consultado em 15 de dezembro de 2015
  3. Latreille, 1804 - Tableau méthodique des Insectes. Nouvelle dictionnaire d'histoire naturelle, Paris, volume 24 - p. 129–295
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Aranha cuspideira: Brief Summary ( portugais )

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 src= Scytodes Fuscas

Scytodes thoracica é uma aranha do gênero Scytodes conhecida por lançar sua teia em suas vítimas, prendendo-as ao chão. É uma espécie territorialista, onde os adultos (principalmente as fêmeas) são agressivos a outros adultos.

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Scytodes thoracica ( roumain ; moldave )

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Scytodes thoracica este un păianjen araneomorf din familia Scytodidae, cunoscuți ca păianjeni scuipători.

Prosoma în detaliu


Dimensiunea corpului a acestui păianjen variază între 3 - 6 mm. Prosoma are formă aproape perefect circulară. Regiunea posterioară a prosomei este mai ridicată decât cea anterioară, neobișnuit pentru păianjeni. Opistosoma este mai mică decât prosoma, le fel întâlnit numai la aceștia. Vederea este asigurată de numai 6 ochi, și nu 8 ca de obicei. Cel mai curios lucru este prezența unor glande sericigene alături de glandele veninoase. Glande sericigene, ca și la toți păianjenii, se mai găsesc în opistosomă. Culoarea corpului este portocalie - maro, cu pete negre. Prosoma prezintă două benzi laterale longitudinale de culoare neagră. Anterior, pe opistosomă se găsesc benzi transversale, la fel, de culoare neagră. Picioarele sunt, relativ, foarte subțiri și sunt mai deschise la culoare, se succed regiunile negre cu cele portocalii.

Modul de viață

Scytodes thoracica la vânătoare

Scytodes thoracica este relativ lent, o specie care trăiește la nivelul solului. Nu țese pânză și nu sapă galerii. În timpul nopții, atunci când toate insectele, hrana lui principală, se odihnesc, păianjenul iese la vânătoare. El se furișează cu foarte mare atenție spre prada și la o distanță de aproximativ 10 mm se oprește. Cu ajutorul primei pereche de picioare foarte lungi măsoară distanță până la victimă fără a o deranja. Apoi, „scuipă” prada cu două fire de mătase veninoasă, în formă de zig-zag. Aceasta are loc prin chelicere. Mătasea este atât lipicioasă cât și veninosă, având un efect dublu. În acestă situație, victima este imediat imobilizată. Dacă prada este mai mare, atunci păianjenul „scuipă” mai intens. Se presupune că păianjenul utilizea fire speciale pe picioare, care facilitează localizarea prăzii.


Femela atașează cu ajutorul mătasei ponta la mijlocul corpul, în partea ventrală. Ponta conține 20 - 30 de ouă mari.


Această specie este răpândită aproape în America de Nord, Asia, Africa de Nord, Australia, în unele insule din Oceanul Pacific. În Europa Scytodes thoracica se întâlnește pe tot continentul, însă preferă zonele sudice. În cele temperate cel mai des poate fi găsit în locuințele umane.

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Scytodes thoracica: Brief Summary ( roumain ; moldave )

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Scytodes thoracica este un păianjen araneomorf din familia Scytodidae, cunoscuți ca păianjeni scuipători.

 src= Prosoma în detaliu
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Scytodes thoracica ( turc )

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Binominal adı Scytodes thoracica
(Latreille, 1802) Sinonimler

Aranea thoracica
Loxoscelis thoracica
Scytodes tigrina
Scytodes cameratus

Dış bağlantılar Commons-logo.svg Wikimedia Commons'ta Scytodes thoracica ile ilgili çoklu ortam belgeleri bulunur. Wikispecies-logo.svg Wikispecies'te Scytodes thoracica ile ilgili detaylı taksonomi bilgileri bulunur.

Scytodes thoracica, Scytodidae familyasından zehirli ipek tükürererk avlarını yakalayan bir örümcek türü.


Boy dişide 4–6 mm, erkekte 3–5 mm. Prosoma soluk sarı renkli olup üzeri siyahımsı benekler ile örtülü. Prosoma arkada yüksek, thorasik yarık bulunmaz. Gözler birbirinden uzak ve ikişerli üç grup halinde. Keliser iğneleri kısa ve şişman, maxilla’lar uzun dar ve sivri uçlu. Sternum oval soluk sarı, her bir coxa önünde siyahımsı küçük bir bar mevcut, labium sternum ile birleşik. Bacaklar silindirik ve siyah halkalı. Örü memeleri küçük ve konik. Epijin basit bir delik şeklinde olup erkek palpal organ da basit, kaidede şişkin uca doğru giderek daralan bir embolus taşır.

Tür teşhis karakteri : Sternum oval soluk sarı, her bir coxa önünde siyahımsı küçük bir bar mevcut, örü memeleri küçük ve konik; epijin mevcut değil, basit bir delik şeklinde; erkek palpal organ basit, giderek incelen bir embolus taşır.[1]


Bodrum ve mahzen gibi serin yerlerde, ayrıca dışarıda etrafı nemli olan yassı taş altlarında bulunurlar.


Holoarktik bir türdür. Avrupa’nın kuzey kesimleri hariç diğer bölgelerinde yaygındır. İngiltere’nin sadece güney kesimlerinde görülür.

Türkiye'de[2] Doğu Anadolu Bölgesi, İç Anadolu ve Marmara Bölgeleri’nden kaydedilmiştir.


  1. ^ Zafer Sancak, Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi örümceklerinin (Araneae) sistematik ve faunistik açıdan incelenmesi, Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, yüksek lisans tezi, Aralık 2007
  2. ^ Abdullah Bayram, Kadir Boğaç Kunt, and Tarık Danışman (2012), The Checklist of the Spiders of Turkey. Version 2012.1. Online at http://www.spidersofturkey.com
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Scytodes thoracica: Brief Summary ( turc )

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Scytodes thoracica, Scytodidae familyasından zehirli ipek tükürererk avlarını yakalayan bir örümcek türü.

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Scytodes thoracica ( vietnamien )

fourni par wikipedia VI

Scytodes thoracica là một loài nhện trong họ Scytodidae. Khi săn mồi, loài nhện này phun tơ nhện độc lên con mồi của nó. Kích thước của nó Từ 3–6 mm.Nó có sáu con mắt thay vì tám con mắt như các loài nhện khác. Nó được tìm thấy trong miền Toàn bắc, Australia, và trên một số đảo đại dương ở Thái Bình Dương.

Tính năng này đặc biệt là sự hiện diện hoặc các tuyến tơ nhện có nước bọt trong cephalothoprax. Bên cạnh các tuyến tơ trong bụng của nó, nhện có tuyến tơ kết nối với các tuyến chất độc của nó. Bằng cách này, nó có khả năng để làm cho tơ của nó độc. Scytodes thoracica là loài sinh hoạt về đêm. Nó thích nhiệt độ ấm và không khó tìm thấy nó trong nhà. Ở Nam Âu, nó có thể được tìm thấy dưới đá bên ngoài ngôi nhà. Ở Bắc Âu, nó chỉ có thể được tìm thấy trong nhà. Con nhện mẹ không xây tổ mà mang trứng bọc trong tơ dưới bụng của nó.

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Scytodes thoracica: Brief Summary ( vietnamien )

fourni par wikipedia VI

Scytodes thoracica là một loài nhện trong họ Scytodidae. Khi săn mồi, loài nhện này phun tơ nhện độc lên con mồi của nó. Kích thước của nó Từ 3–6 mm.Nó có sáu con mắt thay vì tám con mắt như các loài nhện khác. Nó được tìm thấy trong miền Toàn bắc, Australia, và trên một số đảo đại dương ở Thái Bình Dương.

Tính năng này đặc biệt là sự hiện diện hoặc các tuyến tơ nhện có nước bọt trong cephalothoprax. Bên cạnh các tuyến tơ trong bụng của nó, nhện có tuyến tơ kết nối với các tuyến chất độc của nó. Bằng cách này, nó có khả năng để làm cho tơ của nó độc. Scytodes thoracica là loài sinh hoạt về đêm. Nó thích nhiệt độ ấm và không khó tìm thấy nó trong nhà. Ở Nam Âu, nó có thể được tìm thấy dưới đá bên ngoài ngôi nhà. Ở Bắc Âu, nó chỉ có thể được tìm thấy trong nhà. Con nhện mẹ không xây tổ mà mang trứng bọc trong tơ dưới bụng của nó.

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黃昏花皮蛛 ( chinois )

fourni par wikipedia 中文维基百科
二名法 Scytodes thoracica
(Latreille, 1802)

黃昏花皮蛛學名Scytodes thoracica)亦稱為花椒山城蛛胸紋花皮蛛。分布於低海拔山區或住家的牆角隙縫。個體體型差異大,最小的雌蛛僅3mm。[1]




 src= 维基共享资源中相关的多媒体资源:黃昏花皮蛛 小作品圖示这是一篇與蜘蛛相關的小作品。你可以通过编辑或修订扩充其内容。
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黃昏花皮蛛: Brief Summary ( chinois )

fourni par wikipedia 中文维基百科

黃昏花皮蛛(學名:Scytodes thoracica)亦稱為花椒山城蛛或胸紋花皮蛛。分布於低海拔山區或住家的牆角隙縫。個體體型差異大,最小的雌蛛僅3mm。


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ユカタヤマシログモ ( japonais )

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Question book-4.svg
ユカタヤマシログモ Scytodes thoracica (aka).jpg
ユカタヤマシログモ Scytodes thoracica
分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 節足動物門 Arthropoda 亜門 : 鋏角亜門 Chelicerata 上綱 : クモ上綱 Cryptopneustida : クモ綱(蛛形綱) Arachnida 亜綱 : クモ亜綱(書肺類) Pulmonata : クモ目 Araneae : ヤマシログモ科 Scytodidae : ヤマシログモ属 Scytodes : ユカタヤマシログモ S. thoracica 学名 Scytodes thoracica
Latreille, 1802 和名 ユカタヤマシログモ(浴衣山城蜘蛛) 英名 Spitting spider

ユカタヤマシログモ(浴衣山城蜘蛛)は、ヤマシログモ科 (Scytodidae) に属するクモの1種である。人家に住むクモの一種で、口から糸を吐き出す能力がある。












なお、海外ではそれ以前から粘液を吐くことが知られており、Spitting Spider(スピッティング・スパイダー)と呼ばれる。




ヤマシログモ科 Scytodidae

  • ヤマシログモ属 Scytodes
    • ユカタヤマシログモ S. thoracica (Latreille, 1802)
    • クロヤマシログモ S. fusca Walckenaer, 1837
  • ヤマシログモ属 Dictis
    • ヤマシログモ Dictis striatipes L. Koch, 1872


  1. ^ 梅谷・加藤(1989),p.82-85


  • 梅谷健二・加藤輝代子編著、『クモのはなし II』、(1989)、技報堂出版
  • 小野展嗣編著、『日本産クモ類』、(2009)、東海大学出版会
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ユカタヤマシログモ: Brief Summary ( japonais )

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ユカタヤマシログモ(浴衣山城蜘蛛)は、ヤマシログモ科 (Scytodidae) に属するクモの1種である。人家に住むクモの一種で、口から糸を吐き出す能力がある。

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wikipedia 日本語