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Wen (Novon 4: 401. 1994) recognized a second variety endemic to Myanmar: Aralia gintungensis var. multinervis J. Wen.
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- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
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Shrubs or treelets, 1.5-12 m tall, andromonoecious. Branches densely yellow-brown tomentose, with sparse slender prickles 4-8 mm. Leaves 2-pinnately compound, with a pair of accessory leaflets at each division of rachis; petiole 10-27 cm, pubescent, unarmed or sparsely armed; petiolules 1-6 mm; leaflets 5-7 per pinna, elliptic to ovate, 2-12 × 1-5 cm, papery to subleathery, abaxially densely yellow-brown or gray tomentose, especially on veins, adaxially hirsute on veins, secondary veins 5-13 pairs, base obtuse to rounded, margin serrate to coarsely serrate, apex acute to acuminate. Inflorescence a terminal panicle of umbels, densely yellow-brown tomentose, unarmed to sparsely armed at base; primary axis 15-25 cm; secondary axes to ca. 10 cm, with a terminal umbel of bisexual flowers and 1 to several lateral umbels of male flowers; bracts persistent, narrowly triangular, 1-2 cm; umbels 10-25-flowered; pedicels 5-8 mm, tomentose. Ovary 5-carpellate; styles 5, basally united, apically free. Fruit globose to subglobose, 3-3.5 mm in diam.; styles persistent, free arms reflexed. Fl. Jul-Nov, fr. Aug-Nov.
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- cc-by-nc-sa-3.0
- droit d’auteur
- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
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C and W Yunnan (Jingdong, Longling) [Vietnam].
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- cc-by-nc-sa-3.0
- droit d’auteur
- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
fourni par eFloras
Mixed forests, thickets, roadsides; 1400-2900 m.
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- cc-by-nc-sa-3.0
- droit d’auteur
- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
fourni par Plants of Tibet
Flowering from July to November.
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- droit d’auteur
- Wen, Jun
Diagnostic Description
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Aralia gintungensis is close relative of A. stipulata, but differs from the latter in its pubescent to tomentose (vs. glabrous) stipules, leaves and inflorescences.
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- cc-by-nc
- droit d’auteur
- Wen, Jun
fourni par Plants of Tibet
Only known from Yunnan province of China.
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- droit d’auteur
- Wen, Jun
fourni par Plants of Tibet
The phylogeny of Aralia sect. Dimorphanthus has been inferred using the ITS sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA (Wen, 2000). The ITS phylogeny suggests a Aralia gintungensis, A. officinalis, A. stipulata and A. undulata form a clade. This group of species has relatively large bracts and bracteoles. The multiple samples of Aralia gintungensis form a paraphyletic group with at least A. undulata nested within it (Wen, 2004). Based on the morphological variation, Wen (1993) provided a generic delimitation of Aralia, in which Arala gintungensis belong to section Dimorphanthus.
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- cc-by-nc
- droit d’auteur
- Wen, Jun
General Description
fourni par Plants of Tibet
Shrubs or treelets, 1-13 m tall, bark sparsely covered with slender prickles, pubescent, young parts bristly and densely pubescent. Leaves bipinnate, 25-80 cm, up to 60 cm wide, consisting of 2-4 pairs of pinnae, each 5-13-foliolated; stipules usually basal, those of the leaves adjacent to the inflorescence becoming adnate, lanceolate, pubescent, 10-15 cm long; petioles pubescent, brownish, unarmed or sparsely armed, 10-20 cm long; rachises densely pubescent, unarmed, subtended with a pair of accessory leaflets at each division; leaflets elliptic to ovate, 2-12 cm long, 1-5.5 cm wide, chartaceous, subsessile or nearly so, apex acuminate to acute, base obtuse to rounded, margins coarsely serrate to serrate, lateral veins 5-8 pairs, adaxial surfaces green, rugose, hirsute to scabrous, abaxial surface tomentose, brownish to grayish. Inflorescences terminal, tomentose, sometimes bristly at base, paniculate, 15-40 cm long, usually unarmed, branching in 2 or occasionally 3 orders; bracts and bracteoles persistent, furfuraceous, primary bracts membranaceous, clasping, ciliate, narrowly triangular, 10-20 mm long, secondary bracts ciliate or slightly pilose at the base, 4.5-12 mm long, bracteoles lanceolate, ciliate, 3-6 mm long; umbels 10-25-flowered, pedicels tomentose, 5-8 mm long. Flowers greenish white. Sepals triangular, 0.5-0.7 mm long. Petals greenish white, 2.5-3 mm long, 1.2-1.5 mm wide. Filaments 3-3.5 mm long; anthers yellow, oblong, 1-1.2 mm long. Ovary 5-locular; styles distinct or slightly connate at base. Floral disc projected. Fruit blackish, globose to subglobose, 3-3.5 mm in diameter.
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- cc-by-nc
- droit d’auteur
- Wen, Jun
fourni par Plants of Tibet
Growing in forest, thickets, and roadside at high altitudes; 1450-2900 m.
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- droit d’auteur
- Wen, Jun
fourni par Plants of Tibet
Aralia gintungensis is here defined to included all the individuals with tomentose to pubescent leaves, a coronulate cuticle on the abaxial leaflet surface, paniculate inflorescences, and large clasping bracts (primary bracts 10-20 mm long).
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- cc-by-nc
- droit d’auteur
- Wen, Jun
Aralia gintungensis
fourni par wikipedia VI
Aralia gintungensis là một loài thực vật có hoa trong Họ Cuồng. Loài này được C.Y.Wu ex K.M.Feng mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1979.[1]
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- Wikipedia tác giả và biên tập viên
Aralia gintungensis: Brief Summary
fourni par wikipedia VI
Aralia gintungensis là một loài thực vật có hoa trong Họ Cuồng. Loài này được C.Y.Wu ex K.M.Feng mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1979.
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- cc-by-sa-3.0
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- Wikipedia tác giả và biên tập viên