Nyatoh (Planchonella obovata utawa Achras obovata) ya iku wit taunan saka kulawarga Sapotaceae. Tlutuhé akèh werna putih. Godhongé tunggal selang-seling bundher. Godhong iki werna ijo lan alus.Wit iki dhuwuré bisa nganti 40 mèter lan dhiamèter galihé 100 séntimèter. Galihé silindhris werna soklat enom la nana sisiké. Kayuné werna kuning keabangan. Kembangé solitèr nggerombol. Wohé wuni werna ijo nalika mentah lan mailih dadi kuning nalika mateng. Wijiné cacah 5 saben woh. Wiji iki wernané soklat.
Wit Nyatoh ngembang setaun pisan ana ing sasi Septémbér nganti Oktobér. Tetuwuhan iki tuwuh mawa wiji. Pasebaran wiji direwangi dening manuk lan lawa. Wit iki bisa tuwuh nganti 1300 méter ing sadhuwuring samodra. Bisa tuwuh ana ing dharatan garing nganti teles. Bisa uga ing alas primèr lan sekundhèr, lemah watu lan pesisir segara. Kasebar ing Asia Kidul lan Asia Kidul Wetan.[1]
Godhong Nyatoh bisa kanggo jamu. Kayuné bisa kanggo piranti wangunan, patukangan lan kayu obong. Woh sing wis mateng bisa dipangan.
Nyatoh (Planchonella obovata utawa Achras obovata) ya iku wit taunan saka kulawarga Sapotaceae. Tlutuhé akèh werna putih. Godhongé tunggal selang-seling bundher. Godhong iki werna ijo lan alus.Wit iki dhuwuré bisa nganti 40 mèter lan dhiamèter galihé 100 séntimèter. Galihé silindhris werna soklat enom la nana sisiké. Kayuné werna kuning keabangan. Kembangé solitèr nggerombol. Wohé wuni werna ijo nalika mentah lan mailih dadi kuning nalika mateng. Wijiné cacah 5 saben woh. Wiji iki wernané soklat.
Planchonella obovata is a species of tree in the family Sapotaceae. The common name in Australia is the northern yellow boxwood. It occurs in many parts of south-east Asia, Micronesia, and on islands of the Indian Ocean,[2] and has local common names there.
Planchonella obovata grows as a bushy-crowned tree reaching a maximum height of 10 to 20 metres (33 to 66 ft). The leaves hairy when young, with upper surfaces becoming smooth and shiny. They are roughly oval- to spear-shaped and measure 6–24 cm (2.5–9.5 in) long, and 1.5–15 cm (0.59–5.91 in) wide. Appearing from August to October, the tiny greenish-white flowers grow in clusters. Flowering is followed by round red or blue berries 1–1.5 cm (0.39–0.59 in) in diameter. Each berry contains one to five seeds which are yellow when ripe.[3]
The tree was first described as Sersalisia obovata by Robert Brown in his 1810 work Prodromus Florae Novae Hollandiae.[4] before being moved to its current binomial name Jean Baptiste Louis Pierre in 1890. It is also known by the synonym Pouteria obovata.[1] The specific epithet obovata refers to the reverse ovate shape of the leaf. A genetic analysis of material found that material from Papua New Guinea was isolated and was a sister to a group comprising material from Australia and Indonesia. Indumentum was present on the leaf surface of the Australian and Indonesian samples, and absent in material from Papua New Guinea.[5]
It can be grown in conditions with good drainage with sunny aspect, and can be propagated by seed. The wood is used for turning and cabinet-making.[3]
Planchonella obovata is a species of tree in the family Sapotaceae. The common name in Australia is the northern yellow boxwood. It occurs in many parts of south-east Asia, Micronesia, and on islands of the Indian Ocean, and has local common names there.
Planchonella obovata grows as a bushy-crowned tree reaching a maximum height of 10 to 20 metres (33 to 66 ft). The leaves hairy when young, with upper surfaces becoming smooth and shiny. They are roughly oval- to spear-shaped and measure 6–24 cm (2.5–9.5 in) long, and 1.5–15 cm (0.59–5.91 in) wide. Appearing from August to October, the tiny greenish-white flowers grow in clusters. Flowering is followed by round red or blue berries 1–1.5 cm (0.39–0.59 in) in diameter. Each berry contains one to five seeds which are yellow when ripe.
The tree was first described as Sersalisia obovata by Robert Brown in his 1810 work Prodromus Florae Novae Hollandiae. before being moved to its current binomial name Jean Baptiste Louis Pierre in 1890. It is also known by the synonym Pouteria obovata. The specific epithet obovata refers to the reverse ovate shape of the leaf. A genetic analysis of material found that material from Papua New Guinea was isolated and was a sister to a group comprising material from Australia and Indonesia. Indumentum was present on the leaf surface of the Australian and Indonesian samples, and absent in material from Papua New Guinea.
It can be grown in conditions with good drainage with sunny aspect, and can be propagated by seed. The wood is used for turning and cabinet-making.
Pokok Menasi merupakan sejenis tumbuhan yang terdapat di hutan Malaysia serta di negara-negara ASEAN yang lain. Nama botaninya Planchonella obovata (R. Br.) Pierre.
Pokok Menasi merupakan pokok dalam keluarga Sapotaceae. Ia terdapat dikebanyakan bahagian Asia Tenggara, Mikronesia, dan kepulauan di Lautan Hindi,[1] dan memiliki nama tempatan di sana.
Pokok Menasi merupakan sejenis tumbuhan yang terdapat di hutan Malaysia serta di negara-negara ASEAN yang lain. Nama botaninya Planchonella obovata (R. Br.) Pierre.
Pokok Menasi merupakan pokok dalam keluarga Sapotaceae. Ia terdapat dikebanyakan bahagian Asia Tenggara, Mikronesia, dan kepulauan di Lautan Hindi, dan memiliki nama tempatan di sana.
Pouteria obovata là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Hồng xiêm. Loài này được (R.Br.) Pierre miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1890.[1]
Pouteria obovata là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Hồng xiêm. Loài này được (R.Br.) Pierre miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1890.
山榄(学名:Planchonella obovata)为山榄科山榄属下的一个种。
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