Platanthera psycodes, commonly called lesser purple fringed orchid[1] or small purple-fringed orchid, is a species of orchid, genus Platanthera,[2] occurring from eastern Canada (from Manitoba to Newfoundland) to the east-central and northeastern United States (Great Lakes Region, Appalachian Mountains, and New England).[2] It is imperiled in Illinois, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Kentucky.
The specific epithet psycodes is a misspelling of psychodes, which means "butterfly-like", probably alluding to the shape of the flowers.[3] Like many other orchids it is a plant of wet habitats: sedge meadows, flatwoods, sphagnum bogs, cedar or alder swamps, on stream edges or the moist edges of coniferous forests. It is occasionally found in wet swales adjoining freshwater sandy beaches. Preferring cooler habitats, its range is being pushed northwards as global temperatures warm. Correll refers to locations of 1,500-foot (460 m) altitudes in Vermont, 4,000-foot (1,200 m) altitudes in Virginia and 6,500-foot (2,000 m) altitudes in North Carolina and Tennessee. It is often confused with its relative, Platanthera grandiflora, which generally has larger flowers (lip or labellum 10 to 25 millimetres (1⁄3 to 1 in) long),[4] and has a circular nectary opening, compared to P. psycodes which has smaller flowers (the labellum measuring from 5 to 13 millimetres (1⁄4 to 1⁄2 in) long) and an oblong or almost rectangular opening. The most important characteristic separating the two species is the shape of the column and relative placement of the pollinia on the pollinators. In P. psycodes the column is shaped such that the pollinia are attached to the proboscis of the pollinator whereas in P. grandiflora the column is larger and the viscidia of the pollinia are widely spaced and outwardly rotated. This results in the pollinia being placed on the eyes of the pollinator.[5] P. grandiflora has a much more restricted range and where the two species do overlap in range, they are phenotypically separated, with P. grandiflora typically blooming from late June through early July while P. psycodes blooms from late July through early August.
Platanthera psycodes, commonly called lesser purple fringed orchid or small purple-fringed orchid, is a species of orchid, genus Platanthera, occurring from eastern Canada (from Manitoba to Newfoundland) to the east-central and northeastern United States (Great Lakes Region, Appalachian Mountains, and New England). It is imperiled in Illinois, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Kentucky.
The specific epithet psycodes is a misspelling of psychodes, which means "butterfly-like", probably alluding to the shape of the flowers. Like many other orchids it is a plant of wet habitats: sedge meadows, flatwoods, sphagnum bogs, cedar or alder swamps, on stream edges or the moist edges of coniferous forests. It is occasionally found in wet swales adjoining freshwater sandy beaches. Preferring cooler habitats, its range is being pushed northwards as global temperatures warm. Correll refers to locations of 1,500-foot (460 m) altitudes in Vermont, 4,000-foot (1,200 m) altitudes in Virginia and 6,500-foot (2,000 m) altitudes in North Carolina and Tennessee. It is often confused with its relative, Platanthera grandiflora, which generally has larger flowers (lip or labellum 10 to 25 millimetres (1⁄3 to 1 in) long), and has a circular nectary opening, compared to P. psycodes which has smaller flowers (the labellum measuring from 5 to 13 millimetres (1⁄4 to 1⁄2 in) long) and an oblong or almost rectangular opening. The most important characteristic separating the two species is the shape of the column and relative placement of the pollinia on the pollinators. In P. psycodes the column is shaped such that the pollinia are attached to the proboscis of the pollinator whereas in P. grandiflora the column is larger and the viscidia of the pollinia are widely spaced and outwardly rotated. This results in the pollinia being placed on the eyes of the pollinator. P. grandiflora has a much more restricted range and where the two species do overlap in range, they are phenotypically separated, with P. grandiflora typically blooming from late June through early July while P. psycodes blooms from late July through early August.
Platanthera psycodes es una especie de orquídea de hábito terrestre originaria de Norteamérica.
Las especies de Platanthera se distinguen de las de Orchis y de las de Habenaria, por la ausencia de procesos estigmáticos, al poseer un espolón nectarífero para atraer a los insectos polinizadores. Otra característica diferenciadora es la de sus raíces tubérculos ovoideas.
Platanthera psycodes es una orquídea de gran tamaño, de hábito terrestre que prefiere el clima fresco y se encuentra en matorrales, praderas húmedas, pantanos y ciénagas de la región oriental hasta el centro de EE. UU. y Canadá, con numerosas raíces carnosas y basales y de 2 a 5 hojas, conduplicadas, elípticas a lanceoladas, agudas, con quilla en la parte posterior y de color verde oscuro con vainas basales y flores en una inflorescencia de 20 a 80 cm de largo, erguida, con 20 a 50 flores, en racimos. Las flores fragantes se producen en el verano.[1]
Platanthera psycodes fue descrita por (Carlos Linneo) Lindl. y publicado en The Genera and Species of Orchidaceous Plants 294. 1835.[2]
El nombre genérico Platanthera deriva del griego y se refiere a la forma de las anteras de las flores ("flores con anteras grandes, planas").
Platanthera psycodes es una especie de orquídea de hábito terrestre originaria de Norteamérica.
Platanthera psycodes là một loài lan phân bố từ miền Đông Canada cho đến miền Đông trung tâm và Đông Bắc Hoa Kỳ.
Platanthera psycodes là một loài lan phân bố từ miền Đông Canada cho đến miền Đông trung tâm và Đông Bắc Hoa Kỳ.
Platanthera psycodes (L.) Lindl., 1835
Platanthéra psycódes — вид цветковых растений, входящий в род Любка (Platanthera) семейства Орхидные (Orchidaceae).
Распространена на востоке Северной Америки.
Многолетнее травянистое растение, иногда достигающее 70—100 м в высоту. Стебель полый, зелёный, голый. Листья в числе 2—5, до 20 см длиной и 3—4(7) см шириной, ланцетовидной, продолговато-эллиптической или продолговато-обратнояйцевидной формы, верхние редуцированы до прицветников.
Соцветие — колос с 25—50 (или более) обычно густо расположенными цветками. Цветки приметные, декоративные, ароматные, розово-сиреневого цвета, изредка белые, 12—15 мм в диаметре. Боковые чашелистики изогнутые. Лепестки лопатчатой или широко-обратнояйцевидной формы, с бахромчатым краем. Губа разделена на три вееровидные бахромчатые лопасти, шпорец до 2 см длиной, тонкий, с утолщением на конце.
Диплоидный набор хромосом — 2n = 42.
Platanthera psycodes распространена на востоке Северной Америки, произрастает по влажных болотистых лесах со сфагнумом, на лугах, на заброшенных полях, по берегам рек и ручьёв, на высоте до 2000 м над уровнем моря. На юге ареал заходит в северную часть Джорджии, на западе — в Миннесоту.
Вид был впервые действительно описан Карлом Линнеем в Species plantarum в мае 1753 года в составе рода Ятрышник. Видовой эпитет psycodes означает «подобный бабочке», что относится к форме цветков.
Platanthéra psycódes — вид цветковых растений, входящий в род Любка (Platanthera) семейства Орхидные (Orchidaceae).
Распространена на востоке Северной Америки.