Image de Compsodes delicatulus (Saussure & Zehntner 1894)
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Compsodes delicatulus (Saussure & Zehntner 1894)

Comprehensive Description ( anglais )

fourni par Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Compsodes delicatulus (Saussure and Zehntner)
1894. Latindia delicatiila Saussure and Zehntner, Biol. Cent.-Amer., Orth., i, p. 112,
pi. V, fig. 7. [c?; Zapote, Guatemala.]
Cacao, Trece Aguas, .'Xlta Vera Paz, Guatemala, III, 24 to l\26, 1906, (Barber and Schwarz), 140", 3 9 , 3 juv. cf , 2 juv. 9 , [U. S. N. M. and Hebard Cln.].
The following features are found to be diagnostic for this species.
cf . Interocular space three-fifths that between the antennal sockets. Pronotum almost perfectly elliptical. Tegmina with surface corrugated and heavily supplied with moderately elongate hairs, particularly distad; less ample, less smooth and supplied with much more numerous and longer hairs than in schwarzi. Dextral margin of subgenital plate, from style to base of cercus, fringed with moderately elongate hairs; genitalia otherwise similar to schwarzi. .Arolia microscopic, vestigial, occasionally absent on one or all of the limbs.
In the female the eyes are separated by a distance twice that between the antennal sockets. In this sex arolia are absent.
336 Yhe remaining species, which have been described as members of Latindia, are variously distinctive in imp(jrtant features, which will probably necessitate the erection of one or several additional new genera.
broadly rounding to caudal margin, which is straight, transverse, with latero-caudal angles rather sharply rounded, surface microscopically pilose. Mesonotum and metanotum of female with latero-caudal angles weakly acute-angulate produced, with apices broadly rounded; entire dorsal surface microscopically pilose. Tegmlna and wings fully developed in male, absent in female. Tegmina pilose, with marginal and scapular fields very narrow, veins and diagonal channel distinct, discoldal sectors oblique. Cerci of male elongate, with distinct joints, tapering to the apical joint, which is aciculate; of female short, submonolithiform, tapering to the acute apex. Subgenital plate of female valvular, with bases of valves straight, convergent from the distal margin of the plate to their acute-angulate juncture. Limbs very slender in male, somewhat heavier in female. Femora unarmed, except for a delicate genicular spine on median and caudal femora. The caudal margin of the cephalic femora not supplied. In the male, with an exceedingly heavy, mesal, projecting tooth, followed by other smaller teeth, as characteristic for that sex in Latindia s. s.
citation bibliographique
Hebard, M. 1917. The Blattidae of North America. Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 2. Philadelphia, USA