
Comprehensive Description ( anglais )

fourni par Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Harmaclona cossidella Busck

Harmaclona cossidella Busck, 1914:63.—Walsingham, 1914:354.—Bradley, 1953a:64.—Diakonoff, 1968:272.—Davis, 1984:25.

Ptychoxena tephrantha Meyrick, 1916:616 [in part]; 1930:266 [missidentification].

MALE.—Forewing length 8–13 mm.

Head: White finely irrorated with brownish fuscous; a narrow tranverse band of brownish suffusion often present across occiput; scales mostly 2–4 dentate. Antenna 48–51–segmented, ~0.35 the length of forewing; basal white irrorated with fuscous dorsally, gradually becoming mostly brown over distal ; basal shortly bipectinate gradually becoming bifasciculate to filiform over distal ; venter with elongate sensilla trichodea exceeding diameter of flagellomere in length; basal 7 flagellomeres with spherical sensory cavities (Figures 9, 11). Labial palpus white irrorated with brownish fuscous with laterodorsal piliform scales mostly suffused with brown.

Thorax: White finely irrorated with fuscous and with brownish to fuscous suffusion across mesonotum and tegulae; mesoscutellar caudal tuft mostly fuscous. Forewing predominantly pale gray with faint golden brown luster except over whitish costal margin; most scales finely tipped with brown with small concentrations of fuscous spots along costa and major veins to form broken lines; fringe pale gray irrorated with brown to fuscous with a dark fuscous subterminal line around apical of termen. Hindwing pale gray, semitransparent, becoming darker brown over apical and along fringe, mostly covered with broad, transparent scales. Legs as described for genus.

Abdomen: Light golden brown dorsally, white ventrally with suffusion of brown to fuscous laterally and medially.

FEMALE (Figure 155).—Forewing length 10–17 mm.

Head: Similar to male. Antenna 57–68-segmented, similar to male except flagellum filiform, with much shorter sensilla trichodea less than 0.5 the diameter of flagellomere in length; basal 14 or 15 flagellomeres with spherical sensory cavities (Figures 10, 12).

Thorax: Similar to male in pattern; frenulum absent.

Abdomen: Similar to male in color except with long, whitish to pale brown scales over A7.

MALE GENITALIA (Figures 303–308, 317–319).—Anterior margin of vinculum deeply concave on either side of moderately long saccus, the latter ~0.66 the length of valva (Figure 303). Apotheca reduced, ~0.25 the length of valva. Valva (Figure 305) with dorsal lobe slender, tapering; ventral lobe ~3× as broad, 1.05× as long as dorsal lobe, and terminating in a small, apical knob. Anellus with 2 long caudal arms ~0.55 the length of entire anellus. Aedoeagus with well-developed basal keel, ~0.38 the length of entire aedoeagus (Figure 306); apex roughly truncate with a distinct median notch (Figures 308, 319) and a single, short mid-dorsal spine.

FEMALE GENITALIA (Figures 320, 345, 346).—Caudal margin of ostium slightly concave, with a low, rounded median lobe. Antrum gradually tapering anteriorly, relatively long, ~0.22 the length of entire ductus bursae, with a pair of tapered, thickened, internal rods. Caudal margin of sternum VIII with a pair of prominent, parallel lobes, each bearing 3–5 elongate setae (Figure 346). Ductus bursae elongate, ~2× the length of anterior apophyses; spicules absent. Corpus bursae oval, with an elongate, spicate signum (Figure 320) bearing ~23–25 short, stout spines.

HOLOTYPE.—; PANAMA: Ahajuelo, type no. 16767, (USNM)

FLIGHT PERIOD.—Adults apparently fly throughout the year as evidenced not only by records over the entire range of the species but, more significantly, by capture data at a single locality in Costa Rica.

DISTRIBUTION (Map 8).—This species ranges widely over most of the Neotropical region from central Mexico (Sinaloa and Tamaulipas) to southern Brazil (Santa Catarina) and to Cuba in the Greater Antilles.

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—BELIZE: Rio Temash, 16°00′N, 89°00′W: 1, Jul 1934, J. White, (BMNH). BOLIVIA: Yungas de Coroico, 16°10′S, 67°44′W, 1800 m: 1, Oct 1906-Mar 1907, O. Garlepp, slide 26069, (BMNH). BRAZIL: Alagoas: Ibateguara, 400 m: 7 , 10–20 Feb 1994, V. Becker, USNM slide 31679, (VOB, USNM). Amazonas: Fonte Bôa: 1, Oct 1906, S. Klages, (BMNH). Reserva Ducke, km 26, Manaus-Itacoatiara Highway: 1, 18 May 1972, E. & E. Munroe, (CNC). Bahia: Camacã, 400–700 m: 1, 21–30 Sep 1991, V. Becker, slide USNM 31440, (USNM); 600 m: 1, 2 Mar 1994, V. Becker, (VOB). Distrito Federal: Planaltina, 15°37′S, 47°40′W, 1000–1100 m: 1, 23 Sep 1976, 1, 1, 16 Oct 1990, USNM slide 31680, 2 , 23–25 Nov 1976, 1, 15 Dec 1976, V. Becker, (VOB, USNM). Goiás: Goiás, 15°56′S, 50°8′W, 500 m: 2 , 13–15 Oct 1984, V. Becker, slide DRD 3739, (VOB). Mato Grosso do Sul: Chapada dos Guimaraes, 800 m: 1, 26 Oct 1993, V. Becker, (VOB). Rio Brilhante, 21°48′S, 54°33′W: 1, 25 Jan 1971, 1, 23–27 Oct 1970, V. Becker, (VOB). Maranhão: Açailândia, 150 m: 1, V. Becker, slide USNM 31441, (USNM). Minas Gerais: Belo Horizonte, 19°54′S, 43°56′W, 800 m: 1, 6 Oct 1977, V. Becker, (VOB). San Jancintho Valley [probably Sâo Jacinto], 10°55′S, 45°35′W: 1, Feb 1908, S. Birch, (BMNH). Sete Lagoas, 19°28′S, 44°14′W, 720 m: 1, 25 Mar 1969, V. Becker, (VOB). Unaí, 16°23′S, 46°53′W, 700 m: 1, 16 Oct 1988, V. Becker, slide USNM 31438, (USNM). Pará: Belém, 1°27′S, 48°29′W, 20 m: 1, Jan 1984, V. Becker, slide DRD 3980, (VOB). Capitão Poço, [SE of Belém]: 1, 1, 28–31 Jan 1984, 1, 1, 19–22 Nov 1984, V. Becker, (VOB, USNM). Igarapé Açu, 1°7′S, 47°37′W: 1, 2 Jan 1984, V.Becker, (VOB). Marabá, 5°21′S, 49°7′W, 50 m: 6, 9 Jan 1977, V. Becker, slide DRD 3740, (VOB). Paraná: Castro: 5, 4, 1892–1898, Jones, (BMNH). Guaraquecaba, 25°17′S, 48°21′W: 1, 9 Dec 1970, V. Becker, (VOB). Porecatu, 22°43′S, 51°24′W: 1, 1, 20 Oct 1970, V. Becker, (VOB). Rio Grande do Norte: Pipa, 20 m: 1, 28–31 Mar 1994, V. Becker, USNM slide 31681, (USNM). Rondônia: Ariquemes, 9°56′S, 63°04′W: 3, 13–16 Apr 1989, V. Becker, slide USNM 31436, (VOB, USNM). Cacaulândia, 10°20′S, 62°54′W, 140 m: 1, Nov 1991, slide USNM 31439, (USNM), 1, Nov 1994, V. Becker, (VOB). Pôrto Velho, 180 m: 8, 3, 24 Apr–12 May 1989, V. Becker, slides DRD 3981, USNM 31405, (VOB, USNM). Santa Catarina: Brusque, 27°6′S, 48°5′W, 50 m: 1, 2, 28 Dec 1969, V. Becker, (VOB). Joinville, 26°18′S, 48°50′W, 50 m: 1, 6 Dec 1969, V. Becker, (VOB). Nova Bremen, 26°20′S, 49°10′W, 250 m: 1, 22 Nov 1934, 1, 1 Dec 1936, F. Hoffman, (BMNH); 1, 20 Nov 1934, F. Hoffman, (CU); 1, 12 Feb 1936, 1, 20 Oct 1936, 2, 1, 1–13 Dec 1936, F. Hoffman, (USNM). Nova Teutonia, 27°11′S, 52°23′W: 1, no date, F. Hoffman, slide 4945, (RMNH). São Paulo: Jacupiranga, 800 m: 1, 8 Feb 1993, V. Becker, slide USNM 31657, (USNM). São Paulo: 1, 1, 1895, E. Jones, slide BMNH 26070, (BMNH). COSTA RICA: Cartago: Juán Viñas: 1, Jun, W. Schaus, (USNM). Turrialba, 9°54′N, 83°41′W: 1, 20 Feb 1972, V. Becker, (VOB); 1, 22–28 Feb 1965, 1, 1–6 Mar 1965, W. Duckworth, (USNM); 1, 1, 10 Mar 1973, 2, 25 Mar 1973, 3, 4, 20 Apr 1972–1973, 5, 2, 10 May 1973, 2, 20 May 1972, 8, 1, 10 Jun 1972, 1, 11 Jul 1973, 8, 6, 15 Jul 1971–1973, 3, 25 Jul 1972, 5, 3, 5 Aug 1971, 5, 1, 20 Aug 1971–1972, 10, 3, 25 Aug 1971, 1, 2, 10 Sep 1971, 1, 25 Sep 1972, 1, 1, 20 Oct 1972, 2, 25 Nov 1971, V. Becker, (VOB). Guanacaste: Estac. Mengo, SW side Volcan Cacao, 1100 m: 1, Jun 1988, Janzen & Hallwachs, (INBIO). Estac. Ptilla, 9 km S of Sta. Cecilia, 700 m: 1, 18–23 Jul 1993, F. Quesada, 1, Oct 1993, C. Moraga, 1, Nov 1989, Moraga & Rios, (INBIO). Santa Rosa National Park, 300 m: 1, Jan 1983, 1, 7–8 Jan 1983, 2, Feb 1983, 1, 18 Apr 1986, 1, 8–10 Jun 1980, 1, 16–18 Jul 1979, 1, Aug 1984, 4, Nov 1982, 2, 1, 13–18 Nov 1979, 1, 12 Dec 1979, Janzen & Hallwachs, (INBIO, USNM). Tierras Morenas, 685 m: 3, 2, Mar 1994, G. Rodriguez, (INBIO). Heredia: Estac. Biol. La Selva, 10°24′N 84°01′W, 50–150 m: 1, Jan 1993, (INBIO). Limón: Cerro Tortuguero, Par. Nac. Tortuguero, 0–100 m: 1, 2, Mar 1991, J. Solomo, 3, Jun 1992, R. Delgado, (INBIO). Manzanillo, RNFS Gandoco y Mananillo, 0–100 m: 1, 24 Sep–13 Oct, 1, 24 Sep–13 Oct 1992, F. Quesada, (INBIO). Sixola River: 1, Apr 1907, 1, Sep, W. Schaus, (USNM). Puntarenas: Bosque Esquinas, Peninsula de Osa: 1, Apr 1994, M. Segura, (INBIO). Estac. Esquinas, Peninsula de Osa: 1, Oct 1993, M. Segura, (INBIO). Estac. Quebrada Bonita, Res. Biol. Carara, 50 m: 1, Mar 1994, 1, Aug 1989, J. Saborio, (INBIO). Estac. Sirena, Par. Nac. Corcovado, 0–100 m: 2, Jan 1994, 1, Mar 1991, 2, Apr 1992, 1, Jun 1992, 1, Jul 1992, 1, Nov 1991, G. Fonseca, (INBIO). Fila Esquinas, 35 km S Palmar Norte, 8°45′N, 83°20′W, 150 m: 1, 7–8 Jan 1983, Janzen & Hallwachs, (USNM). Quepos, Par. Nac. Manuel Antonio, 120 m: 1, 1991, 1, Nov 1991, 1, Nov 1992, 1, Dec 1990, G. Vareda & R. Zuniga, (INBIO). Rancho Quemado, Peninsula de Osa, 200 m: 1, Mar 1992, 1, Aug 1991, 1, Oct 1992, 1, 1991, F. Quesada, (INBIO). San Jose: Estac. Bijagual, Res. Biol. Carara, 500 m: 1, Sep 1990, R. Zuniga, (INBIO). CUBA: Viñales: 4, 26–29 Sep 1989, V. Becker, (VOB, USNM). ECUADOR: Napo: Misahualli, 450 m: 2, Dec 1992, V. Becker, (USNM). FRENCH GUIANA: Cayenne: St. Laurent du Maroni: 1, no date, 1, Nov, Le Moult, (BMNH). St. Jean du Maroni: 2, 2, no date, slide BM 23670, (BMNH). Nouveau Chantier: 1, Oct, Le Moult, (BMNH). Piste Isnard, km 35, near Crique Portal, 5°15′N, 53°51′W, 1, 17 Jan 1983, J.-F. Landry, at light in pristine-logged rain forest, slide USNM 29891, (USNM). GUATEMALA: 1, (BMNH). Izabal: Cayuga: 1, 4, no date, W. Schaus, 1, Apr, W. Schaus, (USNM); 1, Sep, slide BM 2684, (BMNH); 1, no date, Schaus & Barnes, slide 4944, (RMNH). Chejel: 1, 1, Jul, slides BM 2216, 19338, (BMNH). GUYANA: Mazaruni Potaro: Essequibo River, Moraballi Creek: 2, 23–30 Oct 1929, (BMNH). Essequibo, Picsewana Is., 6 mi [9.7 km] S. Wineperu: 1, 8–16 Mar 1969, W. Duckworth, (USNM). Mackenzie, Demerara River: 1, 24 Jun 1927, (CU). MEXICO: Sinaloa: 5 mi [8 km] N Mazatlán: 1, 28 Jul 1964, Chemsak and Powell, at light, (UCB). Tamaulipas: El Encino, 250 m: 1, 4–13 Aug 1988, V. Becker, slide DRD 3979, (VOB). Veracruz: Jalapa: 1, W. Schaus, (USNM). Misantla: 2, no date, 2, May 1909–1911, 1, Sep 1914, 1, Nov 1911, R. Müller, (USNM). Playa Azul: 1, 14–19 Aug 1976, J. Hafernik & R. Garrison, (UCB). Orizaba: 2, (paratypes), W. Schaus, slide USNM 22327, (USNM). PANAMA: Alhajuelo: 1 (holotype), 1911, A. Busck, USNM type 16767, (USNM). Canal Zone: Barro Colorado Island, Gatun Lake: 1, 5 Apr 1924, slide 2206, (CU); 1, 25–30 Mar 1964–1965, 1, 10–17 May 1964, W. Duckworth, (USNM). Cabima: 3 (paratypes). May 1911, A. Busck, (USNM). Col´n: Porto Bello: 1, Oct 1912, G. Cleveland, (BMNH); 5 (paratypes), Oct 1912, 1, 1 (paratypes), Dec 1912, G. Cleveland, (USNM). PARAGUAY: Paraguari: Cerro Acahay, 25°53′S, 57°08′W: 1, 13–14 Mar 1986, Pogue & Solis, (USNM). PERU: Cuzco: Pilcopata, 600 m: 5, 1, 11–14 Dec 1979, J. Heppner, premontane moist forest, (USNM). Loreto: Callicebus Research Station, Mishona, Rio Nanay: 3, 10–17 Jan 1980, J. Heppner, tropical wet forest, (USNM). Madre de Dios: Rio Tambopata Reserve, 30 air mi [48.3 km] W Pto Maldonado, 290 m: 1, 6–10 Nov 1979, 1, 21–25 Nov 1979, 1, 26–30 Nov 1979, J. Heppner, subtropical moist forest, (USNM). SURINAM: Aroewarwa Creek, Maroewym Valley: 2, Mar 1905, S. Klages, (BMNH). Baboenhol, Suriname River: 1, 18–24 Aug 1980, (BMNH). Coebiti: 1, 4–14 Aug 1980, slide BM 23668, (BMNH). TRINIDAD: Simla, Arima Valley: 13, 13–26 Feb 1966, W. Duckworth, slides USNM 22326, 29514, 29565, (USNM). VENEZUELA: Amazonas: Basecamp, 140 m, Cerro de la Neblina, 0°50′N, 66°9′44″W: 4, 32, 4–29 Feb 1984, 1, 23, 1–10 Mar 1984, Davis & McCabe, (USNM); 1, 20–24 Mar 1984, Flint & Louton, (USNM). Sán Carlos de Rio Negro, 6 km E: 3, 23 Nov 1984, R. Brown, (USNM). Bolivar: El Bochinche Res. Forestal Imataca., 200 m: 1, 6–13 Dec 1974, (UCVM). Mt. Roraima: 1, 10–18 Sep 1974, B. Ridout, (BMNH). Guarico: Hato Masaguarai, 45 km S Calabozo, 75 m, 8°57′N, 67°58′W: 1, 10 Jul 1989, M. Epstein, UV light, gallery forest, (USNM).
citation bibliographique
Davis, Donald R. 1998. "A World Classification of the Harmacloninae, a New Subfamily of Tineidae (Lepidoptera: Tineoidea)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-81. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.597