Apart from male-male combat that may occur during mating, very little is known about intraspecific interactions between individuals. Blunthead tree snakes rely primarily on their binocular vision and vertically slit, protruding eyes to hunt at night. Like all snakes, they have well developed olfactory, tactile, and hearing systems.
Communication Channels: visual ; tactile
Perception Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; vibrations ; chemical
Blunthead tree snakes have not yet been evaluated by the IUCN and are not considered threatened by any conservation agency. Their cryptic nature and nocturnal habits make population size estimations difficult, though they are known to have low population densities in various areas throughout their large geographical range.
US Federal List: no special status
CITES: no special status
State of Michigan List: no special status
Young develop in eggs laid by females, nourished by yolk. Eggs average 30.7 mm in length. Juveniles hatch, appearing as small adults (average SVL 279.7 mm), typically from March through August, and grow approximately 3.5 millimeters per week for their first two years of life. After this time, they will typically have achieved sexual maturity.
Development - Life Cycle: indeterminate growth
Although these snakes are venomous, their bite is not particularly harmful to humans. These snakes are typically docile and are well hidden during the day, limiting any potential human interaction.
Negative Impacts: injures humans (bites or stings)
No economic benefits to humans from this snake are currently known. Due to their small, thin bodies and general fragility, they are not commonly seen in the pet trade. The general lack of knowledge regarding this species, however, does leave the potential for additional research.
Positive Impacts: research and education
These snakes are primarily predators of Anolis lizards and frogs. While no published information exists regarding specific predators of this snake species, it is likely a food source for various bird of prey species.
Commensal/Parasitic Species:
Blunthead tree snakes forage at night, feeding on small arboreal lizards (primarily anoles, such as Norops capito, Anolis latifrons, Norops limifrons, Norops mariarum, and Norops tropidogaster). In addition to small lizards, these snakes have been known to target adult frogs (such as Craugastor crassidigitus and Craugastor raniformis) as well as frog (Agalychnis callidryas) and reptile eggs. Female blunthead tree snakes from Panama are known to be capable of consuming larger prey, such as Anolis frenatus due to their larger heads, leading to a difference in feeding trends not only regionally but between males and females in this area.
Animal Foods: amphibians; reptiles; eggs
Primary Diet: carnivore (Eats terrestrial vertebrates, Eats eggs)
Blunthead tree snakes are found in Central America (eastern Mexico to Panama) and throughout the coastal countries of northern and western South America (Venezuela, Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, French Guiana, Brazil, Paraguay, Peru, and Argentina), as well as the islands of Trinidad and Tobago.
Biogeographic Regions: neotropical (Native )
Blunthead tree snakes occupy primary and secondary growth forests as well as plantation areas in lowland moist and wet forests. They also occur in premontane wet forests and rainforests, as well as lower montane wetforests and rainforests. These snakes are arborial, often found in low vegetation including coffee trees and bromeliads, and can be found up to 2000 meters above sea level (most often 1500 meters or below).
Range elevation: 0 to 2000 m.
Habitat Regions: tropical ; terrestrial
Terrestrial Biomes: forest ; rainforest ; mountains
No published information exists regarding the average lifespan of these snakes; it is suspected to be highly variable throughout their broad geographical range.
Blunthead tree snakes have long, slim bodies and very thin necks, with large heads. Their eyes, which have vertical pupils, account for approximately 25% of the length of the head and protrude from the side of the head, enabling the animal to look downward. Snout to vent length for this species is generally around 800 millimeters, but can reach over 901 millimeters; total body length can exceed 1 meter. This snake has an adaptive, enlarged middorsal scale row, which provides stability when climbing. Blunthead tree snakes are primarily white ventrally and pale brown dorsally. The dorsal surface is overlaid with 29-56 dark brown blotches (the number of dorsal blotches varies across this species' range). These snakes have rear fangs. Northern populations of these snakes exhibit sexual dimorphism, with males having slightly longer tails (southern populations do not share this characteristic). Additionally, in some regions head size is variable between males and females, with females typically having greater head lengths and widths.
Range length: 232 to 901 mm.
Average length: 800 mm.
Other Physical Features: venomous
Sexual Dimorphism: female larger
While no information regarding specific predators of blunthead tree snakes currently exists, main predators of other snakes in Latin America include birds of prey such as laughing falcons (Herpetotheres cachinnans) and crane hawks (Geranospiza caerulescens). These nocturnal snakes hide during the day and their coloration acts as camouflage, helping them to avoid predation.
Anti-predator Adaptations: cryptic
Mating may occur in this species year round throughout its range, although the mating season may be correlated with the rainy season in some regions. Areas with long rainy seasons tend to produce longer reproductive seasons, whereas areas with shorter rainy seasons call for a much more rapid reproduction and development process. A few instances of mating related male-male fighting have been recorded for this species, both in the Brazilian Amazon and in a Peruvian rainforest. This is particularly notable, as no other record of ritualistic male-male combat has been reported for any other species within the dipsadine clade. One account of such behavior records a male of a mating pair approaching another nearby male and using the anterior portion of his body to force away this potential rival.
Mating System: polygynandrous (promiscuous)
Blunthead tree snakes generally exhibit continuous reproduction. However, in areas that have seasonal rainfall, egg laying and hatching is found to correlate positively with local wet seasons; for example, in Guatemala and Mexico, eggs are laid in June and July, with hatchlings appearing in July and August, corresponding with the wet seasons of these countries. In Brazilian rainforests, continuous reproduction occurs; vitellogenesis (yolk production) takes place from September through November or December, eggs are laid from November through January, and hatchlings appear from March through August. These snakes are oviparous. An average clutch will contain 2-3 eggs; clutch size is dependent on factors such as female body size, habitat and feeding habits. Female blunthead tree snakes reach sexual maturity at about 620 mm SVL; males mature around the same size, typically about two years after hatching.
Breeding interval: Blunthead tree snakes may breed multiple times throughout the year, depending on the region where they live.
Breeding season: Some populations of blunthead tree snakes breed year round while other have breeding seasons correlating to rainy seasons.
Range number of offspring: 1 to 3.
Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female): 2 years.
Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male): 2 years.
Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; seasonal breeding ; year-round breeding ; sexual ; fertilization ; oviparous
There is no literature currently available that describes the parental care in these snakes. Brooding is uncommon in all species of snakes apart from those in the family Pythonidae. Therefore, it is a reasonable assumption, as this species is oviparous, that the female most likely leaves her eggs after laying them and that neither the male nor female looks after the hatchlings.
Parental Investment: no parental involvement
Imantodes cenchoa (common names: blunthead tree snake, neotropical blunt-headed tree snake[2] and fiddle-string snake[3]) is a species of mildly venomous, rear-fanged snake in the family Colubridae. The species is native to in Mexico, Central America, and South America.[2]
The blunthead tree snake averages about 800 mm (31 in) in total length (including tail).[4] Maximum total length is about 1.5 m (4 ft 11 in).[3] I. cenchoa is known for its long, slender body and very large head. The pupil of its eye is very distinct from other snakes. Most snakes found around the world are known to have very poor vision and rely mostly on smell and vibrations to detect signs of prey and predators. Arboreal snakes have much better vision than other snakes. The blunthead tree snake has a vertical slit for a pupil which allows the snake to look downward. This trait gives the blunthead tree snake an advantage over other snakes. The large eyes make up approximately 26% of its head.
The ventral surface, or stomach, of the blunthead tree snake is mostly white, while the dorsal surface, or top, is a light or pale brown with lateral dark brown patches that begin at the head and continue down the length of the body. The northern and southern populations of the blunthead tree snake exhibit different sexual dimorphism, the existence of two different traits of a species in the same population. For example, northern males have a slightly longer tail whereas the males of southern populations have a shorter tail. In some regions females typically have a much larger head than males.
The blunthead tree snake is arboreal.[3] It is most often found in low vegetation such as coffee trees or bromeliads. It prefers cooler and moist areas such as wet forests and rainforests. It is found at altitudes from sea level to 1,700 m (5,600 ft).[1]
I. cenchoa is found in Mexico, most of Central America, and parts of South America south to northernmost Argentina. Specifically, it has been recorded in eastern Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Belize, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago, French Guiana, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, and northern Argentina.[2] It has been also documented by Jay S. Lim of Tanggol Kalikasan, last September 30, 2022 at 6:44 AM in Tayabas City, Philippines.
Because the blunthead tree snake is nocturnal, it can be found in a resting coiled position in very shaded areas during the day. At night it forages for food through dense vegetation on the ground up to its resting places in the trees.[5]
The blunthead tree snake is a polygynandrous reptile. Mating seasons can vary depending on the rainy seasons of its habitat. Some snakes mate year round, but the mating season of others may be synchronized with the wet and rainy seasons of their environment. For example, in areas with long rainy seasons I. cenchoa tends to show a much longer mating season compared to snakes in areas with shorter rainy seasons. The blunthead tree snake is an oviparous or egg-laying animal that has little or no embryonic development within the mother. Some blunthead tree snakes exhibit continuous reproduction depending on the environment that they live in. However, in an area that has seasonal rainfall, egg laying and hatching positively correlates with the rainy seasons. In Guatemala and Mexico for example, female snakes lay their eggs between June and July. These eggs will hatch around July and August, which are the typically rainy seasons in these countries. On the other hand, snakes in Brazil exhibit continuous reproduction. The eggs are laid from November to January and start to hatch around March throughout August. Both male and female blunthead tree snake reach sexual maturity about two years after hatching or at around 620 mm (24 in) SVL (snout-to-vent length). The female snake can lay from one to three eggs, typically called a clutch, per breeding season depending on the size of the snake, its food habits, and environmental factors. The female will leave her eggs after laying them, not presenting parental care traits.[6]
The blunthead tree snake is carnivorous and forages primarily at night. It preys mostly on small lizards (primarily anoles, such as Anolis capito, Anolis latifrons, Anolis limifrons, Anolis mariarum, and Anolis tropidogaster),[7] frogs (such as Craugastor crassidigitus and Craugastor raniformis),[7] and reptile and amphibian (such as Agalychnis callidryas)[7] eggs. Because the female blunthead tree snakes tend to have larger heads, they are capable of preying on larger reptiles and amphibians. I. cenchoa is rear-fanged and mildly venomous, but is not considered dangerous to humans.[3][8]
Imantodes cenchoa (common names: blunthead tree snake, neotropical blunt-headed tree snake and fiddle-string snake) is a species of mildly venomous, rear-fanged snake in the family Colubridae. The species is native to in Mexico, Central America, and South America.