Benjamin W. Price, Xingyue Liu, Ferdy C. de Moor, Martin H. Villet
Figures 1–4.Habitus images of Leptosialis species. 1 Leptosialis africana Esben-Petersen, female, holotype 2 same, male 3 Leptosialis necopinata sp. n. male, holotype 4 same, female. Scale bars = 5.0 mm
Figures 15–22.Nanosialidae: 15 Nanosialis ponomarenkoi gen. et sp. n., holotype forewing PIN 3840/2603A (mirror image) 16–17 Nanosialis ?ponomarenkoi PIN 3840/2604A: 16 body with superimposed wings (part) 17 thorax and base of abdomen (counterpart, SEM, BSE) 18 Nanosialis bashkuevi sp. n., holotype hind wing PIN 3840/2633 19 Lydasialis micheneri gen. et sp. n., holotype forewing PIN 3840/2602 20 Lydasialis ?micheneri, hind wing 3840/2601 21 Hymega rasnitsyni gen. et sp. n., holotype forewing PIN 3840/2600 22 Raphisialis martynovi gen. et sp. n., holotype forewing PIN 3840/2009 (mirror image). Scale bars, 500 µm.
Allindellille Fredskov, Denmark
Benjamin W. Price, Xingyue Liu, Ferdy C. de Moor, Martin H. Villet
Figures 5–8.Head and prothorax of Leptosialis. 5 Leptosialis africana, head and pronotum of male adult, dorsal view 6 same of female adult, dorsal view 7 Leptosialis necopinata sp. n., head and pronotum of larva, dorsal view 8 same, head of larva, ventral view. Scale bar = 1.0 mm.
Figures 23–28.Nanosialidae venation: 23 Nanosialis ?ponomarenkoi, forewing, reconstructed 24 Nanosialis bashkuevi sp. n., hind wing 25 Hymega rasnitsyni gen. et sp. n., forewing PIN 3840/2604A, reconstructed 26 Lydasialis micheneri gen. et sp. n., forewing 27 Lydasialis ?micheneri, hind wing PIN 3840/2601 28 Raphisialis martynovi gen. et sp. n., forewing, reconstructed. Scale bars, 500 µm.
Benjamin W. Price, Xingyue Liu, Ferdy C. de Moor, Martin H. Villet
Figure 9.Wing venation of Leptosialis necopinata sp. n. Scale bar = 5.0 mm.
Figures 15–22.Nanosialidae: 15 Nanosialis ponomarenkoi gen. et sp. n., holotype forewing PIN 3840/2603A (mirror image) 16–17 Nanosialis ?ponomarenkoi PIN 3840/2604A: 16 body with superimposed wings (part) 17 thorax and base of abdomen (counterpart, SEM, BSE) 18 Nanosialis bashkuevi sp. n., holotype hind wing PIN 3840/2633 19 Lydasialis micheneri gen. et sp. n., holotype forewing PIN 3840/2602 20 Lydasialis ?micheneri, hind wing 3840/2601 21 Hymega rasnitsyni gen. et sp. n., holotype forewing PIN 3840/2600 22 Raphisialis martynovi gen. et sp. n., holotype forewing PIN 3840/2009 (mirror image). Scale bars, 500 µm.
Benjamin W. Price, Xingyue Liu, Ferdy C. de Moor, Martin H. Villet
Figures 16–21.Leptosialis necopinata sp. n. 16 male terminalia, dorsal view 17 male terminalia, ventral view 18 male terminalia, lateral view; 19 male terminalia, caudal view 20 female terminalia, lateral view 21 female terminalia, ventral view. gx8: eighth gonocoxite; gp8: eighth gonapophyses. Scale bars = 0.5 mm.
Figures 23–28.Nanosialidae venation: 23 Nanosialis ?ponomarenkoi, forewing, reconstructed 24 Nanosialis bashkuevi sp. n., hind wing 25 Hymega rasnitsyni gen. et sp. n., forewing PIN 3840/2604A, reconstructed 26 Lydasialis micheneri gen. et sp. n., forewing 27 Lydasialis ?micheneri, hind wing PIN 3840/2601 28 Raphisialis martynovi gen. et sp. n., forewing, reconstructed. Scale bars, 500 µm.
Store Øksø, Rold Skov
Benjamin W. Price, Xingyue Liu, Ferdy C. de Moor, Martin H. Villet
Figures 22–23.Leptosialis larvae, showing color patterns on head and thorax 22 Leptosialis africana 23 Leptosialis necopinata sp. n. Scale bar = 1.0 mm.
Figures 15–22.Nanosialidae: 15 Nanosialis ponomarenkoi gen. et sp. n., holotype forewing PIN 3840/2603A (mirror image) 16–17 Nanosialis ?ponomarenkoi PIN 3840/2604A: 16 body with superimposed wings (part) 17 thorax and base of abdomen (counterpart, SEM, BSE) 18 Nanosialis bashkuevi sp. n., holotype hind wing PIN 3840/2633 19 Lydasialis micheneri gen. et sp. n., holotype forewing PIN 3840/2602 20 Lydasialis ?micheneri, hind wing 3840/2601 21 Hymega rasnitsyni gen. et sp. n., holotype forewing PIN 3840/2600 22 Raphisialis martynovi gen. et sp. n., holotype forewing PIN 3840/2009 (mirror image). Scale bars, 500 µm.
Figures 23–28.Nanosialidae venation: 23 Nanosialis ?ponomarenkoi, forewing, reconstructed 24 Nanosialis bashkuevi sp. n., hind wing 25 Hymega rasnitsyni gen. et sp. n., forewing PIN 3840/2604A, reconstructed 26 Lydasialis micheneri gen. et sp. n., forewing 27 Lydasialis ?micheneri, hind wing PIN 3840/2601 28 Raphisialis martynovi gen. et sp. n., forewing, reconstructed. Scale bars, 500 µm.
Figures 5–6.Parasialidae: 5 Parasialis dissedens, holotype forewing (mirror image) 6 gen. indet.,hind wing PIN 3353/1073. Scale bars, 2 mm.
Figures 1–4.Forewing venation: 1 Parasialis latipennis (Parasialidae; veins named) 2 Xyelidae (based mainly on Triassic Asioxyela paurura and Madygenius primitivus; cells named) 3 Nanosialisponomarenkoi gen. et sp. n. (Nanosialidae) 4 Grimaldiraphidia cf. parvula (Mesoraphidiidae). Black dots, nygmata. Not to scale.
Asker, Akershus, Norge
Figures 7–14.7–8 Parasialidae: 7 Parasialis rozhkovi, holotype male 8 Parasialis latipennis, holotype forewing (arrowheads, nygmata) 9–10 Nanosialidae: 9 Nanosialis ponomarenkoi gen. et sp. n., holotype forewing PIN 3840/2603A (SEM, SE; mirror image) 10 Nanosialis ?ponomarenkoi, body with superimposed wings PIN 3840/2604A (counterpart; arrowhead, incision of 1st abdominal tergite) 11–12 Xyelidae: 11 Asioxyela paurura (Archexyelinae) forewing PIN 2785/2491 12 female Xyelinae indet., PIN 2452/582 13–14 Mesoraphidiidae: 13 female gen. indet., PIN 2997/2662, halves of ovipositor separated 14 female Nanoraphidiini indet., PIN 2784/1127. Permian of Russia (7–10), Triassic of Madygen, Kyrgyzstan (11), Jurassic of Karatau, Kazakhstan (12–14). Scale bars, 2 mm (7, 8, 11–14), 500 µm (9, 10).