Sivun Lasthenia californica subsp. macrantha (A. Gray) R. Chan kuva
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Lasthenia californica subsp. macrantha (A. Gray) R. Chan

Comprehensive Description ( englanti )

tarjonnut North American Flora
Baeria macrantha A. Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 19: 21. 1883
Burrielia chrysostoma macrantha A. Gray, in Torr. Pacif. R. R. Rep. 4: 106. 1857. Baeria chrysostoma macrantha A. Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 9: 196. 1874. Baeria macrantha pauciaristata A. Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 19: 21. 1883. Lasthenia macrantha Greene, Man. Bay Reg. 205. 1894.
Biennial or perennial with thickened roots, 1-5 dm. high, simple or branched, rather stout, short-hispid, especially on the leaf-margins and involucres; leaves usually linear and 5-10 (or even 20) cm. long, rarely oblong and only 2-6 cm. long, entire, acute or obtusepeduncles 5-20 cm. long; involucre broadly hemispheric, 8-12 mm. high, its munerous bracts broad-ovate and acute; receptacle conic, miuicate; ray-flowers 7-12, the ligules 1-2 cm. long; disk-flowers numerous; achenes clavate, smooth and glabrous or microscopically pubescent; pappus none or of 1-4 bristles. (A form from Dillons Beach has very obtuse spatulate leaves 1 cm. wide and peduncles 5 cm. or less long.)
Type locality: Hills near Point Reyes, California. Distribution: Coast of California north of San Francisco Bay.
bibliografinen lainaus
Per Axel Rydberg. 1914. (CARDUALES); CARDUACEAE; HELENIEAE. North American flora. vol 34(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
käy lähteessä
North American Flora