Elapotinus is a monotypic genus created for the rear-fanged snake species, Elapotinus picteti. The species is endemic to Madagascar.[1] It is also known commonly as Jan's snake in honor of Italian herpetologist Giorgio Jan.[2] There are no subspecies that are recognized as being valid.[3]
Maxillary very short, with five teeth gradually increasing in size and followed, after an interspace, by a large grooved fang situated below the eye. Mandibular teeth decreasing in size posteriorly. Head small, not distinct from neck. Eye minute, with round pupil. Nostril between two nasals. No loreal. Body cylindrical; tail short. Dorsal scales smooth, without pits, in 17 rows. Ventrals rounded; subcaudals in two rows.[4]
Dorsally Elapotinus picteti is blackish, with a white upper lip and a white occipital collar. It has a white lateral line on either side. Ventrally it is brown, with the outer ends of the ventrals and adjacent first row of dorsal scales white.
It is known to attain a total length of 29 cm (11+3⁄8 in), with a tail 4 cm (1+1⁄2 in) long.
Dorsal scales in 17 rows. Ventrals 175; anal plate divided; subcaudals 36, also divided.
Rostral broader than deep, just visible from above. Internasals as long as broad, shorter than the prefrontals. Frontal 1½ times as long as broad, as long as its distance from the end of the snout, shorter than the parietals. Supraocular nearly as broad as long. Preocular minute. A small postocular. Temporals 1+2. Seven upper labials, third in contact with the prefrontal, third and fourth entering the eye. Four lower labials in contact with the anterior chin shield. Anterior chin shields a little longer than the posterior chin shields.[4]
The specific name or epithet, picteti, is in honor of François Jules Pictet de la Rive, a Swiss zoologist and palaeontologist.[5]
Elapotinus is a monotypic genus created for the rear-fanged snake species, Elapotinus picteti. The species is endemic to Madagascar. It is also known commonly as Jan's snake in honor of Italian herpetologist Giorgio Jan. There are no subspecies that are recognized as being valid.
Perekonda Elapotinus klassifitseeritakse roomajate andmebaasis üksainus maoliik[1]:
Selles artiklis on kasutatud prantsuskeelset artiklit fr:Elapotinus picteti seisuga 13.12.2013.
Elapotinus picteti Elapotinus generoko animalia da. Narrastien barruko Aparallactinae familian sailkatuta dago.
Elapotinus picteti Elapotinus generoko animalia da. Narrastien barruko Aparallactinae familian sailkatuta dago.
Exallodontophis albignaci Exallodontophis generoko animalia da. Narrastien barruko Lamprophiidae familian sailkatuta dago.
Exallodontophis albignaci Exallodontophis generoko animalia da. Narrastien barruko Lamprophiidae familian sailkatuta dago.
Elapotinus picteti, unique représentant du genre Elapotinus, est une espèce de serpents de la famille des Lamprophiidae[1].
Cette espèce est endémique de Madagascar[1].
La plus grande femelle[2] connue au moment de la description de Pararhadinaea albignaci mesurait 416 mm et le plus grand mâle 291 mm.
Le genre Exallodontophis[2] a été placé en synonymie avec Elapotinus et l'espèce Exallodontophis albignaci[3] avec Elapotinus picteti par Kucharzewski, Raselimanana, Wang et Glaw en 2014[4].
Elapotinus picteti, unique représentant du genre Elapotinus, est une espèce de serpents de la famille des Lamprophiidae.
Elapotinus picteti Jan, 1862 è un serpente della famiglia Lamprophiidae, endemico del Madagascar. È l'unica specie del genere Elapotinus.[2]
Descritto nel 1862 dallo zoologo italiano Giorgio Jan, questo taxon non fu successivamente più ritrovato per oltre 150 anni. Solo nel 2014 le caratteristiche dell'olotipo sono state confrontate con quelle della specie Exallodontophis albignaci, descritta nel 1984 dal francese Charles Domergue, giungendo alla conclusione che si trattasse della stessa specie.[3]
La specie è presente in varie località del Madagascar settentrionale e orientale.[1]
Vive nella foresta pluviale, ad altitudini comprese tra 700 e 1.000 m s.l.m..
La IUCN Red List classifica Elapotinus picteti come specie a basso rischio (Least Concern).[1]
La specie è presente all'interno di numerose aree protette tra cui il parco nazionale di Marojejy e il parco nazionale Montagna d'Ambra.
Elapotinus picteti Jan, 1862 è un serpente della famiglia Lamprophiidae, endemico del Madagascar. È l'unica specie del genere Elapotinus.
Elapotinus – rodzaj gadów z rodziny gleboryjcowatych (Atractaspididae).
Do rodzaju należy jeden gatunek: Elapotinus picteti .
Elapotinus – rodzaj gadów z rodziny gleboryjcowatych (Atractaspididae).
Do rodzaju należy jeden gatunek: Elapotinus picteti .