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Uropyxis nissoliae (Dietel & Holw.) Magnus 1899

Comprehensive Description ( englanti )

tarjonnut North American Flora
Uropyxis nissoliae (Dietel & Holway) Magn. Ber. Deuts. Bot
Ges. 17 : 115. 1899.
Puccinia Nissoliae Dietel & Holway, Bot. Gaz. 24: 27. 1897.
Pycnia epiphyllous, few in small groups, punctiform, golden-yellow becoming brown, subcuticular, conoidal, 90-110// broad and half as high.
Uredinia hypophyllous, scattered or in crowded groups, round, small, 0.1-0.2 mm across, soon naked, pale cin nam on -brown, ruptured epidermis, rather inconspicuous ; paraphyses peripheral, few, erect, clavate, 15-22 by 30-45/*, wall colorless, thin, about 1/*, smooth; urediniospores broadly ellipsoid or globoid, 12-15 by 14-20/" ; wall pale-yellow, thin, lfi, echinulate-verrucose, pores small, 6 or more, very obscure.
Telia hypophyllous, at first arising from the uredinia, scattered, round, small, 0.2-0.5 mm. across, soon naked, chocolate-brown, pulverulent, ruptured epidermis mostly inconspicuous; paraphyses none; teliospores elliptical, 25-27 by 32-40/*, rounded at both ends, scarcely constricted at septum; wall laminate, inner layer chestnut-brown, 2.5-3.5 p thick, pores 2 in each cell, lateral and opposite, outer layer pale amber-colored, gelatinous, 1.5-2// thick in water, closely verrucose • pedicel colorless, half as long as the spore, terete, solid, not swelling in water, 5-6// thick, fragile.
On Fabaceae :
Nissolia confertiflora S. Wats., Jalisco.
Nissolia hirsuta DC. Jalisco, Morelos.
Nissolia laxior Rose, Jalisco.
Nissolia multiflora Rose, Oaxaca. Type locality ■ Guadalajara, Mexico, on Nissolia confer lifiora . Distribution : Southern Mexico.
bibliografinen lainaus
Joseph Charles Arthur. 1907. UREDINALES; COLEOSPORIACEAE, UREDINACEAE, AECIDIACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 7(2). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
käy lähteessä
North American Flora