Comprehensive Description
tarjonnut North American Flora
Pholiota furcata Overholts, sp. nov
Pileus 1-3 cm. broad, convex to plane, somewhat gibbous at times, reddish-brown when moist, ochraceous when dry, cinnamon-buff in dried plants, hygrophanous, glabrous, even on the margin and at first incurved; context concolorous, with no odor; lamellae slightly decurrent, close, ochraceous to dull-cinnamon, 2-3 mm. broad, conspicuously forked and connected by veins so as to appear somewhat porous; veil forming a superior, distinct but somewhat evanescent annulus; stipe central, equal, darkwatery-brown, floccose-pruinose above the annulus, white-fibrillose below, solid or spongy, 1.5-2.5 cm. long, 2-3 mm. thick; spores ovoid or ellipsoid, somewhat rough at maturity, 7.5-9.5 X 4.5-6 m; cystidia present and fairly abundant, hyaline, flask-shaped, ending in a long projecting tip.
Type collected on old mossy logs in Van Cortlandt Park, New York, November 3. 1903. F. S. Earle 1881 (herb. N. Y. Bot. Gard.).
- bibliografinen lainaus
- William Alphonso Murrill, Calvin Henry Kauffman, Lee Oras Overholts. 1924. (AGARICALES); AGARICACEAE (pars); AGARICEAE (pars), INOCYBE, PHOLIOTA. North American flora. vol 10(4). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY