
Brief Summary ( kastilia )

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Hyles lineata Fabricius 1775-
Hyles lineata Fabricius 1775-
Familia sphingidae
Subflia Macroglossinae
Tribu Macroglossini
Descripta para Cordoba,Catamarca,La Rioja,Salta,Tucuman
PLANTA HUESPED: Rosaceae,Portulacaceae,Malvaceae
,Euphorbiaceae,Curcubitaceae etc
Se parece a Hyles euphorbiarum pero tiene unas rayas blancas en las alas que la diferencian
Fotografia tomada en Villa Amancay - Provincia de Cordoba-Febrero 2010,en mi galeria atraida por luz fluorescente en horas del atardecer.Camara Panasonic fz38- modo Macro
carlos marzano
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EOL authors

Conservation Status

tarjonnut University of Alberta Museums
No concerns.
University of Alberta Museums


tarjonnut University of Alberta Museums
Adults on the wing July - early September.
University of Alberta Museums


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North and South America, Africa, Europe and Asia. In North America, it occurs as a migrant north into southern Canada each year. In Alberta, it can be rather common some years in the south, and has been collected north to Edmonton and Jasper National Park.
University of Alberta Museums

General Description

tarjonnut University of Alberta Museums
A large ( 6.2 - 9.0 cm. wingspan) narrow-winged heavy bodied moth with a striped forewing and pink hindwing. The forewing is dark black-brown with the costa a lighter olive brown, a blue-grey terminal band and a longitudinal pale yellow-brown stripe. The veins are outlined in white scales. The hindwing is bright pink, with a black basal area and a black terminal band. Both sexes are similar. The white veins of the forewing separate it from the other species of Hyles. cc-by-nc
University of Alberta Museums


tarjonnut University of Alberta Museums
Open areas such as meadows, gardens, roadsides, edges and clearings.
University of Alberta Museums

Life Cycle

tarjonnut University of Alberta Museums
Adults are on the wing from mid-summer to early fall. Although mainly nocturnal and attracted to light, they can also be found visiting flowers at during the day or at dusk. The White-lined sphinx is mainly a southern species, which moves northward each year, and probably does not overwinter in Alberta. Earlier arrivals from the south appear to produce a generation that make up most of the specimens that are found here. Numbers of adults as well as the distance north that specimens are found may vary greatly from year to year.
University of Alberta Museums

Trophic Strategy

tarjonnut University of Alberta Museums
Polyphagous. A wide variety of herbs, shrubs and even trees in many families have been recorded as hosts. In Alberta it has been recorded as larvae on fireweed. Elsewhere, it has been found on apple, Amaranthus, beets, Brassica rapa, Chenopodium, lettuce, Evening Primrose (Oenothera) and many other plants (see Handfield, 1999 for a list). On the other hand, Native people in the American southwest considered the larvae a delicacy and used them in ceremonial stews.
University of Alberta Museums

Gwalchwyfyn llinellog ( kymri )

tarjonnut wikipedia CY

Gwyfyn sy'n perthyn i urdd y Lepidoptera yw gwalchwyfyn llinellog, sy'n enw gwrywaidd; yr enw lluosog ydy gwalchwyfynod llinellog; yr enw Saesneg yw White-lined Hawk-moth, a'r enw gwyddonol yw Hyles lineata.[2][3]

Gellir dosbarthu'r pryfaid (neu'r Insecta) sy'n perthyn i'r Urdd a elwir yn Lepidoptera yn ddwy ran: y gloynnod byw a'r gwyfynod. Mae'r dosbarthiad hwn yn cynnyws mwy na 180,000 o rywogaethau mewn tua 128 o deuluoedd. Wedi deor o'i ŵy mae'r gwalchwyfyn llinellog yn lindysyn sy'n bwyta llawer o ddail, ac wedyn mae'n troi i fod yn chwiler. Daw allan o'r chwiler ar ôl rhai wythnosau. Mae pedwar cyfnod yng nghylchred bywyd glöynnod byw a gwyfynod: ŵy, lindysyn, chwiler ac oedolyn.

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  1. "CATE Creating a Taxonomic eScience - Sphingidae". Cate-sphingidae.org. Cyrchwyd 2011-10-25.
  2. Gwefan Cyngor Cefn Gwlad Cymru. Cyngor Cefn Gwlad Cymru. Adalwyd ar 29 Chwefror 2012.
  3. Geiriadur enwau a thermau ar Wefan Llên Natur. Adalwyd 13/12/2012.
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Gwalchwyfyn llinellog: Brief Summary ( kymri )

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Gwyfyn sy'n perthyn i urdd y Lepidoptera yw gwalchwyfyn llinellog, sy'n enw gwrywaidd; yr enw lluosog ydy gwalchwyfynod llinellog; yr enw Saesneg yw White-lined Hawk-moth, a'r enw gwyddonol yw Hyles lineata.

Gellir dosbarthu'r pryfaid (neu'r Insecta) sy'n perthyn i'r Urdd a elwir yn Lepidoptera yn ddwy ran: y gloynnod byw a'r gwyfynod. Mae'r dosbarthiad hwn yn cynnyws mwy na 180,000 o rywogaethau mewn tua 128 o deuluoedd. Wedi deor o'i ŵy mae'r gwalchwyfyn llinellog yn lindysyn sy'n bwyta llawer o ddail, ac wedyn mae'n troi i fod yn chwiler. Daw allan o'r chwiler ar ôl rhai wythnosau. Mae pedwar cyfnod yng nghylchred bywyd glöynnod byw a gwyfynod: ŵy, lindysyn, chwiler ac oedolyn.



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Hyles lineata ( saksa )

tarjonnut wikipedia DE
Dieser Artikel erläutert den amerikanisch verbreiteten Linienschwärmer; zur altweltlich verbreiteten Art, die ebenso genannt wird, siehe Linienschwärmer.
Raupe von Hyles lineata
Junge Raupe und Ei von Hyles lineata.

Hyles lineata, auch (neuweltlicher) Linienschwärmer genannt, ist ein Schmetterling (Nachtfalter) aus der Familie der Schwärmer (Sphingidae).


Die Falter erreichen eine Flügelspannweite von 63 bis 90 Millimetern, wobei die Weibchen durchschnittlich etwas größer werden als die Männchen. Die Fühler sind dunkel olivbraun mit weißer Spitze. Kopf und Rücken sind olivbraun mit weißen Seitenstreifen und weiß gerandeten Tegulae. Die Tegulae tragen außerdem einen zentralen weißen Streifen (Unterscheidungsmerkmal gegenüber Hyles livornica!). Der olivbraune Hinterleib weist schwarz-weiße Segmenteinschnitte auf; die ersten beiden Segmente tragen große schwarze und weiße Seitenflecken. Die Vorderflügel sind olivbraun mit hellerem Vorderrand und einem schwach gewellten Längsstreifen, der am Hinterrand nahe der Flügelwurzel als breiter weißer Streifen beginnt, dann gelblich wird und sich allmählich verschmälernd bis in den Apex verläuft. Das schmale Saumfeld ist grau bis bräunlichgrau. Die weißlichen bis gelblichen Adern kontrastieren auffällig mit der Grundfarbe (deutscher Name!). Der punktförmige Diskalfleck ist weißlich umrandet. Die Hinterflügel sind rosarot mit schwarzer Basis und einer gleichbleibend breiten schwarzen Saumbinde, die Fransen sind weiß.

Ähnliche Arten


Hyles lineata besiedelt unterschiedlichste Offenlandhabitate, von Halbwüsten und Prärien über Buschwälder bis zu Ruderalflächen, Weinbergen und Gärten.


Die Falter treten in mehreren Generationen von Februar bis November auf und sind vor allem in der Dämmerung und im Morgengrauen aktiv, etwas weniger während der Nacht und bei Tag. Nachts fliegen sie gerne Lichtquellen an.


Die Raupen fressen an einer Vielzahl von Pflanzen, darunter Weidenröschen (Epilobium), Nachtkerzen (Oenothera), Wunderblumen (Mirabilis), Fuchsien (Fuchsia), Weinreben (Vitis vinifera), Tomate (Solanum lycopersicum), Portulak (Portulaca), Heusenkräuter (Ludwigia), Prachtkerze (Gaura lindheimeri), Boerhavia caribaea und selbst an Apfelbaum (Malus), Ulmen (Ulmus) und anderen.


Hyles lineata ist in Süd-, Mittel- und Nordamerika einschließlich der Karibik verbreitet, wobei er die nördlichsten Gebiete (südliches Kanada) nur als Zuwanderer (Wanderfalter) erreicht.


Früher wurde Hyles lineata für konspezifisch mit dem altweltlichen Hyles livornica gehalten. Deshalb ist dieser unter dem Namen Hyles lineata (oder Celerio lineata) in der älteren Literatur zu finden. Erst im späten 20. Jahrhundert setzte sich die Erkenntnis durch, dass es sich um zwei unterschiedliche Arten handelt. Da beide Arten unter dem deutschen Namen „Linienschwärmer“ geführt werden, wäre es sinnvoll, sie namentlich zu differenzieren, z. B. als „Neuweltlicher Linienschwärmer“ und „Altweltlicher Linienschwärmer“.


– Album mit Bildern, Videos und Audiodateien
  • [1] Butterflies and moths of North America
  • [2] Sphingidae of North America
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Hyles lineata: Brief Summary ( saksa )

tarjonnut wikipedia DE
 src= Dieser Artikel erläutert den amerikanisch verbreiteten Linienschwärmer; zur altweltlich verbreiteten Art, die ebenso genannt wird, siehe Linienschwärmer.  src= Raupe von Hyles lineata  src= Junge Raupe und Ei von Hyles lineata.

Hyles lineata, auch (neuweltlicher) Linienschwärmer genannt, ist ein Schmetterling (Nachtfalter) aus der Familie der Schwärmer (Sphingidae).

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Hyles lineata ( englanti )

tarjonnut wikipedia EN

Hyles lineata, also known as the white-lined sphinx, is a moth of the family Sphingidae. They are sometimes known as the hummingbird moth because of their bird-like size (2-3 inch wingspan) and flight patterns.[2]

As caterpillars, they have a wide range of color phenotypes but show consistent adult coloration.[3] With a wide geographic range throughout Central and North America, H. lineata is known to feed on many different host plants as caterpillars and pollinate a variety of flowers as adults.[4][5]

Larvae are powerful eaters and are known to form massive groupings capable of damaging crops and gardens.[5] As adults, they use both visual and olfactory perception to locate plants from which they collect nectar.[6]



Larvae show wide variation in color. The larvae are black with orange spots arranged in lines down the whole body. Their head's prothoracic shield, and the anal plate, are one color, either green or orange with small black dots.[3] A tail-like spine protruding from the back of the body is a typical for sphingid moth caterpillars, known as “hornworms”.[2] This horn, which may sometimes be yellow and have a black tip, is not a stinger, and the caterpillars are not harmful to humans.[7] The larvae can also sometimes be lime green and black.


The forewing is dark brown with a tan stripe which extends from the base to the apex. There are also white lines that cover the veins. The black hindwing has a broad pink median band. It has a wingspan of 2 to 3 inches. This moth is large and has a stout furry body. The dorsal hind region is crossed by six distinct white stripes and similar striping patterns on the wings. The hindwings are black with a thick, red-pink stripe in the middle.[7]

Geographic range

Hyles lineata is one of the most abundant hawk moths in North America and has a very wide geographic range.[4] This range extends from Central America to southern Canada through Mexico and most of the United States.[5] They can also be found occasionally in the West Indies.[5] Populations have also been seen in Eurasia and Africa.[5]

The abundance of Hyles lineata populations in specific locations varies significantly from year to year, and has been thought to influence selection on flower phenotypes, although studies throughout the years show mixed results.[8]


With such a wide geographic range, H. lineata are known to live in a variety of habitats, including deserts, gardens and suburbs.[5] They have also been seen in abundance in the mountains of Colorado, but their presence varies from year to year in many places.[8]

White-lined Sphinx hovering over flowers in Vail Village. Vail, CO.
Hovering over flowers in Vail Village. Vail, Colorado

Food resources



The adults will feed on different flowers depending on its behavior and on whether they are diurnal or nocturnal. If the adults are nocturnal, they will choose flowers that are white or pale colored, which are easier to identify in contrast to the dark foliage surrounding the flower. If they're diurnal, they will choose flowers that are more brightly colored.[7]


H. lineata are common pollinators and are known to collect nectar from flowers. As caterpillars they feed on a huge diversity of host plants and as adults they prefer nectar over flowers.[5] A study from the 1970s focused on H. lineata nectar feeding patterns in Emerald Lake, Colorado, specifically on Aquilegia coerulea flowers. Of the H. lineata individuals that had visited A. coerulea flowers, two groups of moths were identified, one with patches of pollen near their eyes and ones with no detectable pollen on their bodies. Between the two groups, tongue length was significantly different, with longer-tongued individuals having no pollen and shorter-tongued individuals having pollen. These results suggest that within H. lineata, some individuals are effective pollinators while some are not pollinating at all, with shorter-tongued individuals carrying out the most effective pollination.[8]

Other studies have investigated its role as pollinators in flower morphology. Individuals visiting Aquilegia chrysantha flowers in Pima County, AZ, had proboscis lengths very similar to the length of the nectar spur of the flower, suggesting coevolution.[4]

Hawk moths, including H. lineata, are known as long-tongued nectar foragers, although nearly 20% of all hawk moth species have very short tongues compared to H. lineata. A 1997 study found correlations between tongue length and latitude distribution: mean tongue length declines from around 40 mm to as short as 15 mm as northern latitude increase from 0 to 50 degrees. The author speculates that tongues have lengthened in hawk moths of extratropical regions where it is more difficult and energetically costly to find larval food plants that are often inconspicuous, thus they need to take up more nectar at once to fuel their longer flights. Conversely, in more norther regions, short tongues are sufficient because finding larval food plants is an easier task and they do not need to take up as much nectar to fuel their flights.[9]

One 2009 study showed that whiter flowers are associated with an annual presence of hawk moths, including H. lineata. Their data also showed that the annual presence of H. lineata populations selects for whiter flowers. Other hawk moth species with similar range overlap, specifically Sphinx vashti, show a correlation of annual presence with longer spurs on flowers. Thus hawk moths in general have been demonstrated to impact selection on flower morphology.[10]

Parental care

Adult H. lineata do not show any parental care. Females lay eggs and do not stay to protect them.


In the spring, adult females lay eggs on various types of plants, on which the resulting larvae eventually feeds. Each individual female can produce hundreds of eggs in a breeding season.[7]

Social behavior

Adults typically do not survive cold northern winters, but larvae overwinter and moths begin to appear in mid-May. Depending on abundance, a second flight may occur in late August or early September. Larvae are known to gather and form giant hordes in search of host plants, and they can eat entire plants, cover entire roadways and form huge slick masses as they go.[7]

Life history

The foraging patterns of H. lineata varies according to altitude, temperature and other factors, all of which are highly variable over its vast geographic distribution.[4]

Hyles lineata prefer flying at night but also sometimes fly during the day. They are most commonly seen at dusk and dawn. Larvae overwinter and can emerge between February and November, at which point they begin to feed on a variety of host plants. Caterpillars are known to be ardent eaters. When preparing to transition into the pupal stage, caterpillars dig shallow burrows in the ground where they then stay for 2 to 3 weeks, at which point they emerge as adults. As they get closer to pupating, they will wiggle up closer to the surface which makes it easier to emerge.[2]

Typically there are two generations per year, but warmer climate see more generations. Adults are mostly nocturnal.[7]

They are known to form massive populations which build up and force colonization of more northern regions. This could explain its wide northern range.[5]


As prevalent pollinators, hawk moths rely on both olfactory and visual perception to locate and recognize flowers.[6]


As stated above, H. lineata are commonly referred to as the hummingbird moth because their flight patterns resemble those of the hummingbird. This entails flapping its wings rapidly to allow it to hover over the flowers as it feeds on the nectar. Hawk moths, when feeding, tend to hover in front of flowers and control their hovering by visual cues from the flowers.[6]


Though hawk moths can be both diurnal or nocturnal (or both), they all have three spectral receptors that are sensitive to blue light, green light and ultraviolet. Though it was originally assumed that hawk moths relied primarily on olfactory cues to locate flowers, due to their prevalence at particularly odorous plants, studies have shown that hawk moths actually have great vision and are very sensitive to light.[6]


Though vision is a key component of H. lineata physiology, they do also have strong olfactory capabilities. They have been shown to be very sensitive to odors coming from flowers, and they have a strong ability to learn flower odors quickly.[6]

Interactions with humans

Food source

The caterpillars have been (and in some places still are) gathered and eaten by Native Americans (e.g.,[11]). After collection, they would be skewered and roasted for a feast, and any leftovers were stored whole or ground up after being dried.[7] The nutritional value of the larvae has been analyzed, and found to be significant; they contain almost as much fat as hamburger meat, but have almost one-third less saturated fat, and more energy (in calories), protein, carbohydrate, riboflavin, and niacin than hamburger meat.[12]

Pest of crop plants

Caterpillars often form massive groups in search for food. Outbreaks have been reported in Utah that have damaged grapes, tomatoes and garden crops.[5]

Close-up of eye & head


  1. ^ "CATE Creating a Taxonomic eScience - Sphingidae". Cate-sphingidae.org. Retrieved 2011-10-25.
  2. ^ a b c "Species Spotlight: White-Lined Sphinx Moth (Hyles lineata) - Cabrillo National Monument (U.S. National Park Service)". www.nps.gov. Retrieved 2017-10-28.
  3. ^ a b David L. Wagner (2005). Caterpillars of Eastern North America. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ. ISBN 0-691-12144-3
  4. ^ a b c d Boggs, C. L. (2003). Butterflies. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. pp. 63.
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k "Butterflies and Moths of North America | collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera". Butterfliesandmoths.org. Retrieved 2011-10-25.
  6. ^ a b c d e Kelber, Almut; Balkenius, Anna; Warrant, Eric J. (August 2003). "Colour vision in diurnal and nocturnal hawkmoths". Integrative and Comparative Biology. 43 (4): 571–579. doi:10.1093/icb/43.4.571. ISSN 1540-7063. PMID 21680465.
  7. ^ a b c d e f g "White-lined Sphinx Moth, Hyles lineata". Master Gardener Program. Retrieved 2017-10-28.
  8. ^ a b c Miller, Russell B. (1981-07-01). "Hawkmoths and the geographic patterns of floral variation in Aquilegia caerulea". Evolution. 35 (4): 763–774. doi:10.1111/j.1558-5646.1981.tb04936.x. ISSN 1558-5646. PMID 28563131. S2CID 38127528.
  9. ^ Miller, William (1997). "Diversity and evolution of tongue length in hawkmoths (Sphingidae)" (PDF). Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society. 51: 9–31.
  10. ^ Brunet, Johanne (June 2009). "Pollinators of the Rocky Mountain columbine: temporal variation, functional groups and associations with floral traits". Annals of Botany. 103 (9): 1567–1578. doi:10.1093/aob/mcp096. ISSN 0305-7364. PMC 2701757. PMID 19414518.
  11. ^ Fenenga, G. L, & Fisher, E. M. (1978). The Cahuilla use of piyatem, larvae of the White-Lined Sphinx Moth (Hyles lineata) as food. The Journal of California Anthropology, 5(1).
  12. ^ M. Tarre (2010) Fit to Be Eaten: A Brief Introduction to Entomophagy. Sonorensis 30(1):11-17.

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Hyles lineata: Brief Summary ( englanti )

tarjonnut wikipedia EN

Hyles lineata, also known as the white-lined sphinx, is a moth of the family Sphingidae. They are sometimes known as the hummingbird moth because of their bird-like size (2-3 inch wingspan) and flight patterns.

As caterpillars, they have a wide range of color phenotypes but show consistent adult coloration. With a wide geographic range throughout Central and North America, H. lineata is known to feed on many different host plants as caterpillars and pollinate a variety of flowers as adults.

Larvae are powerful eaters and are known to form massive groupings capable of damaging crops and gardens. As adults, they use both visual and olfactory perception to locate plants from which they collect nectar.

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Sphinx orangé ( ranska )

tarjonnut wikipedia FR

Hyles lineata

Le Sphinx orangé, Hyles lineata, aussi appelé Sphinx ligné, est une espèce de lépidoptères de la famille des Sphingidae, sous-famille des Macroglossinae, tribu des Macroglossini, sous-tribu Choerocampina, et du genre Hyles.


  • Envergure du mâle : de 29 à 40 mm.

Répartition et habitat

Répartition cosmopolite.



L'espèce Hyles lineata a été décrite par l'entomologiste danois Johan Christian Fabricius en 1775, sous le nom initial de Sphinx lineata[2].


  • Sphinx lineata Fabricius, 1775 Protonyme
  • Celerio lineata
  • Deilephila lineata
  • Sphinx daucus Cramer, [1777] [3]
  • Sphinx lineata americana Laporte, 1830
  • Celerio lineata lineatoides Gehlen, 1934
  • Celerio lineata florilega Kernbach, 1962

Notes et références

  1. Funet
  2. Fabricius, 1775; Syst. Ent.: 541
  3. Cramer, [1777]; Uitl. Kapellen 2 (9-16): pl. 125, f. D, (index) 148



  • P.C. Rougeot, P. Viette, Guide des papillons nocturnes d'Europe et d'Afrique du Nord, Delachaux et Niestlé, Lausanne 1978.

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Sphinx orangé: Brief Summary ( ranska )

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Hyles lineata

Le Sphinx orangé, Hyles lineata, aussi appelé Sphinx ligné, est une espèce de lépidoptères de la famille des Sphingidae, sous-famille des Macroglossinae, tribu des Macroglossini, sous-tribu Choerocampina, et du genre Hyles.

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Hyles lineata ( flaami )

tarjonnut wikipedia NL


Hyles lineata is een vlinder uit de familie van de pijlstaarten (Sphingidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort werd in 1775 gepubliceerd door Johann Christian Fabricius.


Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
Wikipedia-auteurs en -editors
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wikipedia NL

Hyles lineata: Brief Summary ( flaami )

tarjonnut wikipedia NL

Hyles lineata is een vlinder uit de familie van de pijlstaarten (Sphingidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort werd in 1775 gepubliceerd door Johann Christian Fabricius.

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Hyles lineata ( norja )

tarjonnut wikipedia NO
Question book-new.svg
Denne artikkelen mangler kildehenvisninger, og opplysningene i den kan dermed være vanskelige å verifisere. Kildeløst materiale kan bli fjernet. Helt uten kilder. (10. okt. 2015)

Hyles lineata er en sommerfugl som tilhører familien svermere (Sphingidae). Den ligner sterkt på den europeiske arten hvitribbet mauresvermer (Hyles livornica), og de to har ofte blitt forvekslet. H. lineata finnes i Nord- og Sør-Amerika, og kan vandre over lange avstander.

Eksterne lenker

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Hyles lineata: Brief Summary ( norja )

tarjonnut wikipedia NO

Hyles lineata er en sommerfugl som tilhører familien svermere (Sphingidae). Den ligner sterkt på den europeiske arten hvitribbet mauresvermer (Hyles livornica), og de to har ofte blitt forvekslet. H. lineata finnes i Nord- og Sør-Amerika, og kan vandre over lange avstander.



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Hyles lineata ( portugali )

tarjonnut wikipedia PT

A Hyles lineata é uma espécie de mariposa[1] nativa da América do Norte.



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Hyles lineata: Brief Summary ( portugali )

tarjonnut wikipedia PT

A Hyles lineata é uma espécie de mariposa nativa da América do Norte.

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Hyles lineata ( vietnam )

tarjonnut wikipedia VI

Hyles lineata là một loài bướm đêm thuộc họ Sphingidae. Nó sinh sống từ Trung Mỹ, qua Hoa Kỳ và một số khu vực của Canada.

Miêu tả

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ “CATE Creating a Taxonomic eScience - Sphingidae”. Cate-sphingidae.org. Truy cập ngày 25 tháng 10 năm 2011.

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Hyles lineata: Brief Summary ( vietnam )

tarjonnut wikipedia VI

Hyles lineata là một loài bướm đêm thuộc họ Sphingidae. Nó sinh sống từ Trung Mỹ, qua Hoa Kỳ và một số khu vực của Canada.

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Бражник линейчатый ( venäjä )

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Не следует путать с Бражник ливорнский.

Кормовые растения гусениц: Epilobium, Mirabillis, Malus, Oenothera, Ulmus, Vitis, Lycopersicon, Porulaca, Fuschia.


  1. Ламперт К. Атлас бабочек и гусениц. — Минск: Харвест, 2003. — 735 с. — 5000 экз. — ISBN 985-13-1664-4
  2. HARBICH, H. (1982). Ergebnisse von Hybridzuchten zwischen Hyles lineata (Fabricius, 1775) und Hyles livornica (Esper, 1779)--2. Teil. Atalanta, Würzburg, 13: 294--301
  3. HARBICH, H. (1980). Ergebnisse von Hybridzucht zwischen Hyles lineata (Fabricius, 1775) und Hyles livornica (Esper, 1779)--1. Teil. (Lep. Sphingidae). Atalanta, Würzburg, 11: 5--11
  4. EITSCHBERGER, U. & STEINIGER, H. (1976). Die Artverschiedenheit von Hyles lineata lineata (Fabricius, 1775) und Hyles livornica livornica (Esper, 1779) (Lep. Sphingidae). Atalanta, Würzburg, 7: 71--73
  5. HAXAIRE, J. (1993). Systematique et repartition des especes du groupe d'Hyles lineata (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera Sphingidae). Lambillionea, 93: 156--165
  6. Boggs, C. L. (2003). Butterflies. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. p. 63
Источник — https://ru.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Бражник_линейчатый&oldid=93149094
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Бражник линейчатый: Brief Summary ( venäjä )

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Не следует путать с Бражник ливорнский.  src= Гусеница

Кормовые растения гусениц: Epilobium, Mirabillis, Malus, Oenothera, Ulmus, Vitis, Lycopersicon, Porulaca, Fuschia.

Авторы и редакторы Википедии